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Woot woot...today's weigh in at 170. Only 5 pounds away till I start lifting. Its been a pretty slow path to losing 10 pounds, but its not just the weight that I've lost more so that my knee continues to feel stronger and stronger and phyiscally my endurance is getting back to what i remembered it being when I was 5 years younger.

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I haven't updated in a while so I am going to do it now in case I forget. I've been unable to workout due to medical conditions. Its nothing serious, just a cyst that has been bothering me. Finally this week it all but went away. I am down to 201 as of today. Its not much weight lost but its a 2nd start.

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Down three pounds this week to 319. Have a tall order to hit my initial goal of 299 by June 1. I'm going to give it a good shot this week and see if I can build a bit more momentum. If not, I'll have to adjust the goal. Losing 63 punds in 5 months was an aggressive goal. I'm okay if I don't get there as long as I am getting there, so to spoeak.


Soon I will have to figure out what my next target needs to be.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ May 3, 2008 -> 06:41 PM)


You have lost an amazing amount of weight by the way. That's gotta have you feeling a lot better.


Thanks man. I am feeling much better, but I know I have a long, long way to go. I am in this for the long run. It looks as if I will miss my initial goal, but that will not get me discouraged. I'll simply adapt and create a new one.


Thanks again and keep up the good work yourself.

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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Apr 25, 2008 -> 06:28 AM)
Gained a pound this week so back to 322. I'm not too disappointed since I didn't eat well this weekend, drank a lot of beer Saturday night and only walked twice. I was expecting worse. Time to get back to moving downward this coming week.


I think you are still beating the white sox in walks, though. ;)


I just weighed in after a few weeks of not paying attention (but still working toward the goal). Down 2 more pounds and approaching the 200 pound barrier. Very excited about the warm weather and more exercise opportunities.

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It's getting warmer which means since I sweat a lot as it is and will want to be more active, if all goes according to plan the weight will start to fall. I'm going to start biking 10 miles a day at least, up from my 6-7 right now. Plus I'll be playing softball games twice a week, and practicing which burns more calories than the games twice a week. I'll be getting active and as long as I keep eating healthy the weight should start to fall. My goal is 190 by the 4th of July, I'm at 199 right now.

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Great news to report today. After a strong week sticking to the right foods and working out, I dropped 8 pounds! This puts me at 311 and I am now down 51 pounds since January. My initial goal of 299 by June 1st is looking possible again.


This will be a tough week because I have a wedding to go to Saturday night. I know I will be drinking and I am sure not eating the best either. That's okay, cheating helps, I just have to make sure not to overdo it.


For those of you still working on it, keep it up. It's obviously possible if you commit yourself to it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Gained a pound this week, which I kinda figured might happen. A wedding certainly did not help, but I also didn't eat as well as I should have this week either. Still have three weeks to meet my initial goal and it will certainly be a challenge. I seem to be having a problem lately of being consistent week to week. I'll have a great week and then take a step back. Need to figure out how to break that pattern. I just know that the constant vigilence is not easy. It's easy to slip up. That's the reason that I have been so consistent about reporting here every week. I am also keeping week to week results in a database, but coming here and reporting in a public forum, even though I haven't met any of you here, helps keeps me accoutable. Thanks to all for the encouragement.



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