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Lost 4 pounds this week. Was kind of hoping for me. Had a really good week.


Looks like I have 9 pounds to lose in 8 days to get to my goal of 299 by June 1. I'm going to bust my arse to get as close as I can, but I won't get down if I miss it. It was a lofty goal and to come this close has me very confident I can keep going.

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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ May 23, 2008 -> 05:49 AM)
Lost 4 pounds this week. Was kind of hoping for me. Had a really good week.


Looks like I have 9 pounds to lose in 8 days to get to my goal of 299 by June 1. I'm going to bust my arse to get as close as I can, but I won't get down if I miss it. It was a lofty goal and to come this close has me very confident I can keep going.


Nice work. Keep up the positive attitude.

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The miserable chest cold, eating a little soup, drinking gallons of hot herbal tea, coughing my lungs out, diet seems to be working.


Actually, realizing my stomach is shrinking from not eating, I plan on doing my best to stop overeating and continue this weight loss.

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Had a surprising week all things considered. Ate horribly over the holiday weeked, the worst I have eaten since I started this thing. Have been under the weather since Memorial Day with sinus and chest congestion so I have do zero exercise since last Thursday.


Still, I lost two pounds this week to take me to 306. Obviously, I am not going to meet my initial goal of 299 by June 1, but at this point I can be happy with having lost 56 pounds since Jan 5th. I haven't set a definite new set of goals yet, but two I am looking at would be to get to 262 by Sept 26th (cousin's wedding) and possibly running a 5k race in October or November. Still a long way to go, but I think those are realistic #'s. I can honestly say that I never thought when I started that losing 100 pounds by the end of September would possible, but I think it is. So far I have averaged losing 2.95 pounds per week. To get to the century mark, I need to lose 2.58 pounds per week until Sept 26. It can be done!

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 11:41 PM)
Rex, just want to say thats an impressive accomplishment you've made and your definately headed in the right direction for your next goal. Keep up the amazing work!!!


Thanks Jason. I've lost weight and gained it back several times over the years. It has been a constant battle and quite frankly I had pretty just given up the past few years. It got to the point where good food gave me more comfort than being disciplined. Short term pleasure (food) overrode long term pain (lack of health). I've thought about and talked about trying to lose weight for a long time but never made the commitment. I'm not sure what triggered my current situation, but I do know that The Biggest Loser added fuel to it. I just know that in January, I was approaching 40 and something made me tell myself that enough was enough.


This time I have changed my lifestyle and not just done the lastest diet or workout program. I've learned to eat foods that are better for me that I like. I'm a picky eater and I think that was part of my crutch before. I take the time to take food to work and plan what I eat rather than just having somebody pick up fast food and bring it back to me at work. I still cheat at least a meal or two weekly. Some weeks I am better than others, but that's how real life is. I don't beat myself up over it if I eat something I shouldn't, I just recognize it and immediately plan to get back on track. That way one bad meal doesn't turn into 2,3 or 4 in a row. The changes really haven't been all that drastic. It's just about making better choices and really looking forward to cheat meals, rather than giving in to temptation everytime I smell good food or pass a drive-thru.


For those that are struggling, my suggestion is simple. Commit to yourself the time to plan what you eat throughout the day a bit better. Snack on nuts, fruits, veggies, etc. Eat often rather than starving yourself. Simple changes like that will make a huge difference.

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QUOTE (Middle Buffalo @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 09:09 PM)
I'm too lazy to change my sig, but I'm going the wrong way right now. up 4lbs, and I'm heading to Chicago this week. It could get ugly for the Buffalo. Hello, Rock Bottom.

I didn't weigh myself right away, but I gained at least two pounds on my trip. I know I gained more, but I exercised some discipline when I came home. Not as bad as I thought, considering that in ten days I ate Winston's Irish sausage four times for breakfast (and brought 4lbs of it back with me on the plane), Palermo's twice, Giordano's once, Zacatacos burrito once, on a sidetrip to U of I (my wife hadn't been back for 10 years and we had a free day) I went to La Bamba and polished off a super burrito, part of a chicken torta and a steak taco. I also had many beers at Cork & Kerry, a brat and a few beers at the Cell on the night they beat Colorado, and all you can eat buffet dinners twice. Incidently, buffets, I've found, are the best places to bring young kids to eat. They can eat what they want without waiting for the food - which is the killer with kids at restaurants.


They only thing that saved me from really packing on weight was that the menu above is really all that I ate. No snacks in between meals. I was so full, that I never even made it to White Castle, and that's usually one of the first places I go. I'll just get some at the super market to satisfy that craving.


Now I'm back on track.


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Better this week. Ate well after the 4th weekend and worked out everyday from Sat thru Thursday.


Weighed in at 291 today (5 pounds this week) for a total drop of 71 pounds to date. Only 29 more to go to the century mark!

Edited by Rex Hudler
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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Jul 11, 2008 -> 09:14 AM)
Better this week. Ate wel after the 4th weekend and worked out everyday from Sat thru Thursday.


Weighed in at 291 today (5 pounds this week) for a total drop of 71 pounds to date. Only 29 more to go to the century mark!

That's awesome. I keep dropping and gaining and then ending up the same each week. I really don't have terrible habits, but I tend to get sick of drinking water all day (I work outside), so I kill myself with drinks (basically any and everything).

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QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Jul 12, 2008 -> 07:22 PM)
I'm not losing much weight if anything, but my body is looking better so that's a plus. I'm lifting weights and working in a lumber yard so I'm putting on the muscle. Keep at it everyone.


I agree its not all about the pounds. Its a great feeling when your clothes start to fit differently and when you start to notice muscle definition where you did not have it before.

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