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Another 5 pounds this week makes me very happy. I ate like a pig this weekend, but got right back to eating right on Sunday and worked hard this week. I've turned the exercise up a notch to include more strength training as well as walking/a little running. I am really starting to feel major differences and at some point soon am going to HAVE to buy some new clothes. I don't want to spend $$ on clothes when I am still losing, but I'm down to only 2-3 pairs of pants/jeans that I can still wear at all. Good problems.


Now at 285, which brings my total loss now to 77 lbs. I know this thread has died off in recent months, but I encourage everyone else that if they are serious about losing weight to find a way to focus and get it done. You'll feel a ton better and be glad you did. Thanks to all here who have supported me. Still have a ways to go, but breaking the 75 lb mark is a great feeling.

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  • 2 weeks later...
QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Aug 10, 2008 -> 07:37 PM)
Good work. Don't stop now. 190 is just around the corner.


Thanks. I'd love to lose just a pound a week to get to 190 for my 100 mile bike ride in Minnesota over Labor Day weekend. I did a 70 mile bike ride in the end of June and I think I weighed 198 then. So if I get to be a few pounds lighter, and more importantly build more endurance for the ride, I should be good to go. Since my softball games are all done it should be easier to step up my training.

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Down three pounds in the last two weeks to 280. Eighteen pounds to the 100 pound plateau. Seems more and more real every day.


Went shopping last night. Tried on suits and with a slight alteration, I am fitting into a 50R. I had them look up, out of curiosity, the size of a sport coat I bought a couple of years ago and it was a 60! I went home and tried it on last night and it is like a freakin dress! Problem is now I have zero pants that fit. The closest pair is a pair of jeans that 2-3 months ago was too small. Now they are awfully baggy. My khakis are way too baggy. All other khakis and jeans are long gone past trying. Still trying to hold off buying new clothes as long as possible. Took an old suit in today to be altered.

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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Aug 15, 2008 -> 08:41 PM)
Down three pounds in the last two weeks to 280. Eighteen pounds to the 100 pound plateau. Seems more and more real every day.


Went shopping last night. Tried on suits and with a slight alteration, I am fitting into a 50R. I had them look up, out of curiosity, the size of a sport coat I bought a couple of years ago and it was a 60! I went home and tried it on last night and it is like a freakin dress! Problem is now I have zero pants that fit. The closest pair is a pair of jeans that 2-3 months ago was too small. Now they are awfully baggy. My khakis are way too baggy. All other khakis and jeans are long gone past trying. Still trying to hold off buying new clothes as long as possible. Took an old suit in today to be altered.

Nice work Rex!!! The hard part is over, you made it almost 100 pounds, now you're in a rythym and gonna keep losing the pounds. Keep it up.

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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Aug 15, 2008 -> 08:41 PM)
Down three pounds in the last two weeks to 280. Eighteen pounds to the 100 pound plateau. Seems more and more real every day.


Went shopping last night. Tried on suits and with a slight alteration, I am fitting into a 50R. I had them look up, out of curiosity, the size of a sport coat I bought a couple of years ago and it was a 60! I went home and tried it on last night and it is like a freakin dress! Problem is now I have zero pants that fit. The closest pair is a pair of jeans that 2-3 months ago was too small. Now they are awfully baggy. My khakis are way too baggy. All other khakis and jeans are long gone past trying. Still trying to hold off buying new clothes as long as possible. Took an old suit in today to be altered.

Rex, I just caught your sig in another post, and I came here because I wanted to personally applaud your efforts. It's really cool to see this!


Way to go... hang in there - you're almost at your goal!




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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Aug 15, 2008 -> 08:41 PM)
Down three pounds in the last two weeks to 280. Eighteen pounds to the 100 pound plateau. Seems more and more real every day.


Went shopping last night. Tried on suits and with a slight alteration, I am fitting into a 50R. I had them look up, out of curiosity, the size of a sport coat I bought a couple of years ago and it was a 60! I went home and tried it on last night and it is like a freakin dress! Problem is now I have zero pants that fit. The closest pair is a pair of jeans that 2-3 months ago was too small. Now they are awfully baggy. My khakis are way too baggy. All other khakis and jeans are long gone past trying. Still trying to hold off buying new clothes as long as possible. Took an old suit in today to be altered.


Rex...you're awesome!


I would hold off on the suits for now and start looking at a stop gap measure until you get to your goal weight. If you haven't been there in some time, I suggest a goodwill store. There are plenty of nice clothes that people gave away for one reason or another and they are way cheaper than comparable items go for at a retail shop. There is one just west of the loop as well as one not too far from Loyola Hospital in Maywood (I think).

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One pound down this week to take me to 279. I didn't work out much at all this week as it has been crazy busy at work. I feel a big number coming on next week though. I have gotten much stricter with my diet as I have had less opportunity to exercise. Workouts have begun again, so I am curious to see what I can do this week. Just have to stay disciplined with the diet.



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  • 2 weeks later...

When I started doing this, one of the commitments I made to myself was to post my results here each week, good or bad. Unfortunately, this week wasn't good. I worked out hard and really thought I was going to drop a few pounds, but instead broke dead even from the previous week. I know I didn't gain any weight, but it's frustrating that I have only lost 1 pound in the last two weeks when I was so close to my goal. It doesn't look like the century mark by the end of the month will now be possible, but I plan to put in as good of a week as I can (work will be busy as hell this week) and get as close as I can.


That's all til next Friday.



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OK, after a 4-month relapse into bad habits helped me put back 8 of the 16 pounds I'd lost, I'm back for another try.


I'm trying not to beat myself up too bad, and to rationalize the gain as being only a couple of pound a month, but the bottom line is it was the wrong direction again and it sure wasn't helping me get closer to my target.


RexH rightly warned me about the unavoidable yoyo issue with extreme diets, and I know that full well from experience. I've been OK with that for a couple of years because if I was only a little heavier than i wanted to be i could do the New Year resolution thing, drop the spare tire in a couple of months and then ease up and gradually put a few pounds back on to repeat the cycle over the next year.


That wasn't ideal maybe but it worked for a while, and my losses and gains were never so rapid I thought there was any real health issue. The problem is that each time aroudn for the last couple of years, I've gained everything back plus a few new pounds for good measure. That's obviously a trend i don't want to see continue.


That said, the diet du jour my wife started us on last Monday is not too extreme in limiting intake -- eat until you almost feel full but not quite, which I guess is the golden rule for a lot of lifestyle-change diets. It's also not extreme in terms of limiting dietary diversity, although it is rather odd in how it sequences what you eat and when. The idea is to not let your body get used to metabolizing the same thing all the time, because eventually that can compromise your losses I reckon.


The best aspect of the current diet is that it does have cheat days built in and it doesn't guilt you out over them. The worst aspect, for me, is that beer and booze are completely out unless you are on a cheat day. Probably a bad commentary on me, but I like to be able to have a drink in the evening too much to be able to do this for any length of time. At the same time, I absolutely know the biggest source of the "empty calories" that put my weight back on this summer was beer and sugary rum drinks (occupational hazard of life in the subtropics). I loathe light beer, so that's not an option.


Ideally, I can find the time to get back to better exercise (I was doing really well at the beginning of the year, and then got too busy with work to keep up that schedule), "cost out" the luxury calories of the drinks, and put in the time on the stationary to burn those off. Sticking with it, of course, is always the issue. So. . . the plan is to stay with the new death march diet until I'm somewhere close to where I want to be goal-weight wise, then REALLY try to stay healthy but not extreme, and increase the exercise amount as a persona; "sin tax" to counter the additional calories when I add back the beer and boat drinks.


I started in earnest last Monday, and the first diet cycle ends this Friday. 11 days of following restrictions to the letter, and then some a couple days of reasonable cheating for sanity's sake. I'll post my results Friday, but I'm hoping I can start back in with a splash and lose the better part of what I'd added back over the summer.


Sure wiishing I still had my 20-year-old metabolism.


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Yippee! 11 days on the Death March Diet and I've been able to drop that weight I had gained back over the last couple of months. I lost 8.6 pounds and am very pleased. Better still, today is the first of three "cheat" days and I can actually drink some beers and boat drinks. I might also have some pizza or pasta or something equally decadent.

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You continue to kick butt on this thing, Rex. Great job.


I have enjoyed a couple of nice meals on the cheat weekend, even hauling the family 45 minutes north last night to get broiled rock shrimp at the best shrimp place on earth. Having a few boat drinks as well, and working on perfecting my Barbados rum punch is the process (fresh grated nutmeg and guava juice are the secrets. btw).


Now I will be ready to get back to the regimen tomorrow, knowing that I can drop a couple more pounds and it doesn't cost me the decadent things i like sometimes – it just narrows down the windo of opportunity. :D


Mrs. Flaxx is also doing good with this one, so I'm proud of her as well. :wub:

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One more lb this week. I fell short of my goal of 100 pounds by this week but still feel good about my progress. I get a bit frustrated at the pace sometimes, but that's okay. I am doing this to be a lifetime change, not a temporary goal, so I refuse to change my diet (meaning go extreme) just to get to a number.


Next up: 250 by Thanksgiving. That's 18 pounds in just under 9 weeks. Very doable.

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Haven't been doing this thread much, but I'm down to 284. That's about 10lbs, I think, from when I started this...but it's 23+ lbs since I got married, which is when I've been trying to lose weight. I've noticed that I've lost at least 4 inches off my waist and can easily fit into my 40" waists again.


My goal is 225 over the next year and a half. My end of year goal is 275.



Congrats to all you losers!

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This week I am not such a loser!


It has been a helluva week and not in a good sense. I went back home to IN for a wedding last weekend and partied it up pretty good. Didn't eat well and drank a lot and aside from a trip to the gym Friday morning, didn't excercise at all. Got back in town Sunday night and walked right into our quarter-end close on Monday, working from 6am to 10pm. To make matters worse we had corporate trainers in all week and breakfast and lunch was provided almost every day. The bottom line is I ate like s*** all week and only walked 2 miles on Wednesday.


Translation = I gained 10 freakin pounds in one week!


Now I have set myself back a few weeks, which sucks, but I'm not going to get too down since this is a long process. But I don't have to like it either!

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Continuing to go in the right direction, slowly but surely. Down 30+ pounds for the year, and within 9 pounds of mytarget weight.


I think I may have herniated myself somewhere in the last coupld of months, because I have abdominal discomfort that I've not eenable to relieve through diet or medicine. I'd speed up the process and attack my flabbiness if I could add back more exercise, but with teh way my abs feel already from this mistery ailment i know I'd probably really injure myself.

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Last week goes in the books as an anomaly. Lost 8 pounds this week, almost making up for the 10 I gained last week. On Saturday I participated in the Komen Race for the Cure for breat cancer research. I really surprised myself by running more than I thought I could. I started off running and ran a little over 3/4 of a mile right off the bat. Before today, I had not run more than a half mile continuously. In all, I ran between 1 1/4 and 1 1/2 miles out of the 3.1. I did the 5k in 38:08, surpassing my goal of between 40-42 minutes. I typically walk a 15 minute/mile pace so I thought 40-42 would be reasonable, but not easy and I beat that.


After the 5k, they had a 1 mile walk/run for those not participating in the 5k. I jumped into that one and did in in 10:50, running a decent bit again.


Afterwards I felt good. I had never done a road race like this before. There were 13,000 participants so it was a zoo. They estimated approx 20,000 were downtown including all of the volunteers, friends, family, etc.


Hope to break the century mark within 2 weeks.

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