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Its all over folks......


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Actually, it happened on Monday but didn't feel like talkin about it then..but i broke it off with my girlfriend of 2 1/2 years....Why? Its not cause I didn't love her, of course but with work and she going to school it was hard for us to spend any real time with each other..just on the weekends and I really don't want to be in a committed relationship at this time right now anyway.


Although I've had that sinking feeling you get in the pit of your stomache when nervous or when sometimes you regret something...but I think I made the right decision..

Although I am a glutton for punishment... :bang


Oh well, wuhtcha gonna do...


I'm now gonna cower in the corner of my room and weep like a big baby man.. :rolleyes:


see ya next year :o ;)

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