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Sox vs. Rockies 2/28


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With Richar's visa issues and if Ramirez continues to shine, I wouldnt be suprised to see him as our starting 2b to start the year.. With Quentin/Owens, Hall, and Ozuna garunteed spots on the bench, that final bench spot would be between Anderson, Uribe and Richar. And since Ozuna, Owens/Quentin can all play OF i wouldnt be suprised if Uribe is not traded to add some more INF depth on the bench. Uribe doing what he did for the Sox when he first got here (INF bench guy) is a strong possibilty...

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QUOTE(EvilJester99 @ Feb 28, 2008 -> 04:06 PM)
Ramirez = instant impact ?? I know too early to get overly excited.

4 AB. Seriously, 4 spring ABs against some god awful pitchers. Don't do yourself the disservice of getting overly excited about spring production especially when they're only 2 games in.

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Rockies are split squad and ole' Scotty Pods is playing in the other game vs. Arizona.


Pods is 1 for 1 with a run scored, 2 walks and a stolen base (batting second behind Tavares)


And those who are curious, Chris Young...0-3 with 2 strikeouts (batting leadoff)

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QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Feb 28, 2008 -> 05:22 PM)
Who is Miguel Negron?


Don't know and the answer to your next question is "No."


In this thread you have shown a propensity to throw out someone's name and then ask, "You think he has any chance at making the team this year?"

Edited by heirdog
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Nice to see Alexei Ramirez get off to a fast start. It would be very cool if this guy can play now. I'd feel kinda sorry for Richar because I think he's a pretty good player, but if Ramirez has a great spring, I want him on the club.


Another thing to watch for is Ramirez' ability at SS. I know I'm getting ahead of myself here, but if Ramirez can play a quality shortstop, and the Sox are out of it in July, then Orlando Cabrera would be a nice trading chip if it comes to that. It's not an ideal situation, but it would be nice to have that option.

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QUOTE(heirdog @ Feb 28, 2008 -> 04:29 PM)
Don't know and the answer to your next question is "No."


In this thread you have shown a propensity to throw out someone's name and then ask, "You think he has any chance at making the team this year?"



Yeah like once. Are we off limits from asking questions in the spring training message board?

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