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So Brian Anderson's hitting...


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I was always for Brian and still am, but I'm one that feels solid Def up the middle is extremely important. I'm glad he is getting his bat on track and I hope it means he will truly get a shot because I think he could be a stabilizing force for years to come.


To prove my stance(as if I have to) here's a post from 8/28/06


I'm willing to accept that Ozzie probably has more baseball knowledge than me. I'm not willing to accept that sub par defense wins games. I wanted Brian starting in CF even during his struggles at the beginning of the year. He is leaps and bounds better that Mack. Hell, he is leaps and bounds better than Rowand. I didn't like his sub .200 avg, but if he saved runs on defense I was willing to let it play out. So, maybe I was wrong. Maybe the way Ozzie played it was right. Platooning Mack, losing defense to get Brian on the right track, and putting him in a position to succeed so he can get his confidence up, worked. BA is hitting almost .300 since the ASB and still playing GG defense. Post all star he is .325 against lefties and .281 against righties. I didn't agree with Ozzies move because I don't believe in sacrificing defense for offense, but then again I'm hacking away on my keyboard and he's the manager of the Sox, so we'll go with his way.


So now that the manager has proven me wrong, now that his way worked for Brian, albeit at the expense of some W's, why not bask in your spoils. We have our starting CF back. Why would we go into battle without a center fielder? What championship team would do that without their hand being forced by injury? No offense to Mack at all, I like him as a player and a person. In fact, I admire him for playing out of position when asked. A lot of players would shy away from that cause they know playing out of their comfort zone could make them look foolish. Mack stepped up when asked and continues to step up, but he's not a center fielder. He never was. He's just a guy doing his best to help the team.


Would a football team start a running back at wide receiver? I'm sure they could get the job done, but not like a wideout can. Would a home builder build a house without a finisher? I'm sure a framer can fill in, but I guarantee, you'll see the difference. When Mack plays center, we are passing to running backs, we are putting up trim that isn't mitered just right. That may work in high school football and that may work if you're finishing your own basement, but that won't work when you're trying to win a championship in the most competitive league there is. In this league, positions, matter. In this league, a sixteenth of an inch, matters. We have one of the best defenders at one of the most important defensive positions in baseball. He saves hits, he saves runs. When he is playing, there is no uncertainty in the outfield. If the ball is catchable, he'll catch it. If it isn't catchable, he still may catch it. The ratio of what the Sox lose offensively from Mack to Anderson is minuscule compared to what they lose defensively from Anderson to Mack.


There is no reason I can possibly think of as to why we downgraded that much defensively in 5 of the last 10 games. Games where every hit matters. Games where 'Piranhas' are trying to nibble you to death and if you give them a bite that should have never been, it just may be the one that kills you. Defense wins games. Defense wins championships. Ozzie said it when he was hired. Ozzie said it when we reached the playoffs. Ozzie said it when we won the World Series. Ozzie, say it again. Please!!


Great post, and I'm hoping BA keeps it up and makes (and stays with) this team. Ever since I saw him for the first time in CF, I've been a big BA fan.

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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 06:42 AM)
I stood by him but got sick of having the same argument over and over.

Me too. Anywhere on the internet where there's Sox discussion, there is/was/always will be a Brian Anderson argument.

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I'm a big fan of BA, and I hope the guy lives up to his potential this year.


Two (maybe three) years ago I met BA and McCarthy at Kendall's in Lincoln park. My buddies and I recognized them and sent them over a couple beers. The two waved us over (it was like 6 PM so the bar was pretty empty), and invited us to sit down. For the next hour and a half or so we just shot the s***. We really didn't talk much baseball, but it was a good time. They both seemed to have a good head on their shoulders (met Duhon another night and he was the complete opposite). Ever since then I have been a big BA fan.


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QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 02:38 AM)
You seem to dislike players that pull the ball (which makes your Ryan Sweeney obsession that much more clear), and you hate Anderson's swing mechanics. Yet...

That couldn't be farther from the truth. I have no problem with pulling the ball. I am a natural pull hitter myself. However, I hate it when players consistently try to pull everything. I believe 100% in hitting the ball where it's pitched. If it's outside, go oppo or at least center. If it is down the middle, drive the ball to center or in the gap. And if it is inside, get those hands in and pull it. Pulling everything is where weak double play balls come in, key examples: A.J. Pierzynski, Paul Konerko and Jermaine Dye from last year.


QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 02:38 AM)
No hitch in his swing, which means the bats getting through the zone quicker and he's swinging a lot better and general.


And it's really hard to pull a homer to right center when you're batting right handed.


BTW, that's friggin serious power if he hit a 400 blast to right center. I want Anderson in CF in the opener.

First, I never said anything about Anderson being a pull hitter, I said he has a weak stick and he does. I could care less about an guessed distance.


I got nothing against fathom, but he said seemed to fix his swing. I didn't see it, but all I'll say is bad habbits have a way of returning.


I will bet money that Anderson sucks this year.

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I remember when Aaron Rowand used to struggle mightily against pitching low and away. He was just terrible there.


And look at where he is as a hitter now.


Bad habits can retun bearsox, but if you work on your swing enough to fix things, I'm more inclined to think they're more likely to go away.


Maybe BA has finally realized that, and done something about it.


Any average major league hitter can become better if they work hard enough on their weaknesses.


Look at Juan Uribe. He has all the talent in the world, but because he's too lazy and disinterested to change his swing, he suffers badly.

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QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 06:59 PM)
That couldn't be farther from the truth. I have no problem with pulling the ball. I am a natural pull hitter myself. However, I hate it when players consistently try to pull everything. I believe 100% in hitting the ball where it's pitched. If it's outside, go oppo or at least center. If it is down the middle, drive the ball to center or in the gap. And if it is inside, get those hands in and pull it. Pulling everything is where weak double play balls come in, key examples: A.J. Pierzynski, Paul Konerko and Jermaine Dye from last year.


And if you can get your hands out over the plate, you can take a pitch that's down the middle or even on the outer half of the plate and yank it over the fence. If it's a pitch in your zone, drill the f*** out of it.


Quite frankly, if cheating can put a ball in the stands rather than the gap, by all means, cheat away.


I will bet money that Anderson sucks this year.


So what's the definition of suck? .700 OPS? .650 OPS? .725 OPS? That's a pretty broad term. You also have to factor in defense too, and what he loses offensively he makes up for defensively; according to the article iamshack loves posting, Anderson was one of the best defensive CFers the game has seen in a long time (or something to that extent). I don't know if I'd go that far with my own eyes, but if he's that good defensively, he could put up a .700 OPS and I wouldn't have a problem with it at all.

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QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 07:59 PM)
I got nothing against fathom, but he said seemed to fix his swing. I didn't see it, but all I'll say is bad habbits have a way of returning.

Hitting is repetition and muscle memory... Anderson basically had to tear down what he knew and start from scratch at some point during the '06 season and to do that he needed consistent ABs (just as he does now). It was something he could get away with in the minors against less talented pitching but it was exposed in spades against MLB pitching. This is why he seemed to simplify his plate approach after the ASB and hit a lot more liners instead of trying to swing a power bat.


I would go out on a limb and say that if it looks like he has in fact fixed his mechanical issues and keeps doing what he's doing, he's probably not going to regress.

Edited by lostfan
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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 07:04 PM)
I remember when Aaron Rowand used to struggle mightily against pitching low and away. He was just terrible there.


And look at where he is as a hitter now.


Bad habits can retun bearsox, but if you work on your swing enough to fix things, I'm more inclined to think they're more likely to go away.


Maybe BA has finally realized that, and done something about it.


Any average major league hitter can become better if they work hard enough on their weaknesses.


Look at Juan Uribe. He has all the talent in the world, but because he's too lazy and disinterested to change his swing, he suffers badly.



Aaron Rowand isn't that much better of a hitter. First, he looks like he is beating snakes up there with that god awful stance (but if your comfortable like that I guess I shouldn't criticize it then). Second off, he has had only 2 actually good seasons. And after both of those seasons he received a nice payday. I'm willing to bet he will return to his normal numbers of about a low .700 OPS, 270 average, and just not being that great of a hitter. Sure those are fine numbers, but for not the amount of $$$ he is making.

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QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 07:17 PM)
And if you can get your hands out over the plate, you can take a pitch that's down the middle or even on the outer half of the plate and yank it over the fence. If it's a pitch in your zone, drill the f*** out of it.


Quite frankly, if cheating can put a ball in the stands rather than the gap, by all means, cheat away.

Okay, first off, did I ever say it was cheating? I never said pulling all outside pitches was bad. If you are looking for it and can get your arms extended, by all means smash it to whichever field you f***ing feel like. But hitting is mainly reactionary. Guessing which pitch it's gonna be and where it will be at is tougher said then done. And if you try and pull an outside pitch purely on reaction, you most likely just grounded out weakly. When hitting on reaction, you can't be focused on pushing or pulling the ball, you gotta take what the pitcher gives you, unless the situation calls for it like a hit and run or moving the runner from 2st to 3rd. If you get the pitch you want, drive it. But trying to pull everything is stupid, as is trying to push everything.


QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 07:17 PM)
So what's the definition of suck? .700 OPS? .650 OPS? .725 OPS? That's a pretty broad term. You also have to factor in defense too, and what he loses offensively he makes up for defensively; according to the article iamshack loves posting, Anderson was one of the best defensive CFers the game has seen in a long time (or something to that extent). I don't know if I'd go that far with my own eyes, but if he's that good defensively, he could put up a .700 OPS and I wouldn't have a problem with it at all.


I'm predicting Anderson to be his usual bad self. Does everything have to be based on stats? God, I hate stats. And if Anderson is his usual self no amount of defense can make up for his (again, projected by me) weak stick. If Anderson somehow proves that he is better then my Dog with the bat, then yeah, perhaps he can be worth the spot on the team. But I'll believe it when he actually consistently puts up half-way decent numbers vs. actual pitching in something bigger then a spring training game.


You know, to be honest, I don't really give a s***. I think the Sox are going to have a HORRIBLE year this year. I just find it comical that even if the worst of players has a good couple of weeks the automatically become Torri Hunter. I especially find it funny now that everyone has been life long Anderson fans as well.

Edited by BearSox
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QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 09:17 PM)
I'm predicting Anderson to be his usual bad self. Does everything have to be based on stats? God, I hate stats. And if Anderson is his usual self no amount of defense can make up for his (again, projected by me) weak stick. If Anderson somehow proves that he is better then my Dog with the bat, then yeah, perhaps he can be worth the spot on the team. But I'll believe it when he actually consistently puts up half-way decent numbers vs. actual pitching in something bigger then a spring training game.


You know, to be honest, I don't really give a s***. I think the Sox are going to have a HORRIBLE year this year. I just find it comical that even if the worst of players has a good couple of weeks the automatically become Torri Hunter. I especially find it funny now that everyone has been life long Anderson fans as well.


So how do you propose we, as fans with no scouting experience, evaluate players, then? Tarot cards? Magic beans? Jesus? And how many games have you seen Brian play in this spring?


Seriously, lay off the self-righteousness already. No one here is saying Brian Anderson is the next coming of Willie Mays. We're just excited that he's showing a good attitude, has improved his swing, is playing great defense, and generally just seems like he's learned a lot. You're entitled to your opinion, but no need to have a hissy fit because someone disagrees with you, and has some relevant evidence to back it up.

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QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 09:59 PM)
Aaron Rowand isn't that much better of a hitter. First, he looks like he is beating snakes up there with that god awful stance (but if your comfortable like that I guess I shouldn't criticize it then). Second off, he has had only 2 actually good seasons. And after both of those seasons he received a nice payday. I'm willing to bet he will return to his normal numbers of about a low .700 OPS, 270 average, and just not being that great of a hitter. Sure those are fine numbers, but for not the amount of $$$ he is making.



QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 10:17 PM)
I'm predicting Anderson to be his usual bad self. Does everything have to be based on stats? God, I hate stats. And if Anderson is his usual self no amount of defense can make up for his (again, projected by me) weak stick. If Anderson somehow proves that he is better then my Dog with the bat, then yeah, perhaps he can be worth the spot on the team. But I'll believe it when he actually consistently puts up half-way decent numbers vs. actual pitching in something bigger then a spring training game.


You know, to be honest, I don't really give a s***. I think the Sox are going to have a HORRIBLE year this year. I just find it comical that even if the worst of players has a good couple of weeks the automatically become Torri Hunter. I especially find it funny now that everyone has been life long Anderson fans as well.

Im confused, care to explain this? You can use stats to shoot down one player, then when asked about another you say that you dont like stats? Seems odd that you just contradicted your argument, as you basically said that Rowand's stats arent worth the money and then said stats suck.

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QUOTE(bigruss22 @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 09:33 PM)
Im confused, care to explain this? You can use stats to shoot down one player, then when asked about another you say that you dont like stats? Seems odd that you just contradicted your argument, as you basically said that Rowand's stats arent worth the money and then said stats suck.

So, just because I hate stats I can't use them? I dislike spinach but I still eat it sometimes. I never said they were bad, but sometimes people put too much stock into them, I feel.


If you want, completely disregard the stats I posted for Rowand, cause it doesn't matter. He is an average hitter at best who has played well over his head two seasons. Any person who has watched him play can tell you that without looking at any stats.

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QUOTE(almagest @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 09:26 PM)
So how do you propose we, as fans with no scouting experience, evaluate players, then? Tarot cards? Magic beans? Jesus? And how many games have you seen Brian play in this spring?


Seriously, lay off the self-righteousness already. No one here is saying Brian Anderson is the next coming of Willie Mays. We're just excited that he's showing a good attitude, has improved his swing, is playing great defense, and generally just seems like he's learned a lot. You're entitled to your opinion, but no need to have a hissy fit because someone disagrees with you, and has some relevant evidence to back it up.

Did I ever say we shouldn't use stats? Give me a break. You say I am entitled to my opinion, and my opinion is that stats are overrated. I never said they can't be used as a barometer to judge how good or bad a player is. I just think there should be more then .ops to determine if someone is good or not. For example (this isn't the best example, but I think it helps my point about stats), if some piece of crap like Darin Erstad got 10 bloop doubles in 10 AB's, he would have fantastic stats. However, if Stan Musial hit 10 straight line shots to the centerfielder in 10 AB's, but all of them were caught, he would have s*** stats. Now, statistically speaking, Stan the Man would suck but Erstad is godly. Now tell me, would that make Erstad a better player then Stan the Man? Heavens no.


And while I have only seen about 3 or 4 sox games this spring totalling up to about maybe 8 Anderson AB's... how many time have you seen him to declare that he has actually improved his swing and actually improved rather then hit a hot streak?


My opinion is Brian Anderson sucks and 2 good weeks hardly proves anything besides a hot streak. If you don't like that and think it's a hissy fit... I'll take a line from Rhet Butler: "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

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QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 09:48 PM)
Did I ever say we shouldn't use stats? Give me a break. You say I am entitled to my opinion, and my opinion is that stats are overrated. I never said they can't be used as a barometer to judge how good or bad a player is. I just think there should be more then .ops to determine if someone is good or not. For example (this isn't the best example, but I think it helps my point about stats), if some piece of crap like Darin Erstad got 10 bloop doubles in 10 AB's, he would have fantastic stats. However, if Stan Musial hit 10 straight line shots to the centerfielder in 10 AB's, but all of them were caught, he would have s*** stats. Now, statistically speaking, Stan the Man would suck but Erstad is godly. Now tell me, would that make Erstad a better player then Stan the Man? Heavens no.


And that's why you don't use 10 at-bats to determine anything. The sample size is way too small.


QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 09:48 PM)
And while I have only seen about 3 or 4 sox games this spring totalling up to about maybe 8 Anderson AB's... how many time have you seen him to declare that he has actually improved his swing and actually improved rather then hit a hot streak?

MLB.tv allows me to watch each game, and hear each radio broadcast. Now, I haven't been able to catch *every* inning, but I've seen or heard quite a few of his at-bats, and heard Hawk, DJ, Farmer, Singleton, Stone, other teams' announcers, and the MLB.com announcers mention how he's hitting well and looks much improved. Oh, and I also have his past spring performances, improvement in the second half of '06, and 1136 MiLB at-bats to go on. I feel that's sufficient.


QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 09:48 PM)
My opinion is Brian Anderson sucks and 2 good weeks hardly proves anything besides a hot streak. If you don't like that and think it's a hissy fit... I'll take a line from Rhet Butler: "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

Okay, that's all well and good, but the purpose of a discussion is to see a variety of viewpoints, and present logical evidence as to why you feel a certain way, not "HE SUX CUZ I SEZ SO." That's just a bias, and as I've said before, makes you no different than the "Brian Anderson is the bestest player EVAR" camp.


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QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 09:48 PM)
Did I ever say we shouldn't use stats? Give me a break. You say I am entitled to my opinion, and my opinion is that stats are overrated. I never said they can't be used as a barometer to judge how good or bad a player is. I just think there should be more then .ops to determine if someone is good or not. For example (this isn't the best example, but I think it helps my point about stats), if some piece of crap like Darin Erstad got 10 bloop doubles in 10 AB's, he would have fantastic stats. However, if Stan Musial hit 10 straight line shots to the centerfielder in 10 AB's, but all of them were caught, he would have s*** stats. Now, statistically speaking, Stan the Man would suck but Erstad is godly. Now tell me, would that make Erstad a better player then Stan the Man? Heavens no.


And while I have only seen about 3 or 4 sox games this spring totalling up to about maybe 8 Anderson AB's... how many time have you seen him to declare that he has actually improved his swing and actually improved rather then hit a hot streak?


My opinion is Brian Anderson sucks and 2 good weeks hardly proves anything besides a hot streak. If you don't like that and think it's a hissy fit... I'll take a line from Rhet Butler: "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

Care to address July-August of 2006?

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Whatever, this is going in circles and there is clearly only one way to see who will be right or wrong and that is to wait until after the season and see how it went.


I'm tired, and am going to get ready for bed. I wish you a good night.

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QUOTE(KevinM @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 10:05 PM)
Care to address July-August of 2006?

What does less then 200 AB's 2 years ago have to do with this? What, instead of hitting .190 he hit .250? Big whoop. Hell, looking at the stats, yest stats, some people could say his 2nd half was actually worse.

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QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 13, 2008 -> 10:17 PM)
Okay, first off, did I ever say it was cheating? I never said pulling all outside pitches was bad. If you are looking for it and can get your arms extended, by all means smash it to whichever field you f***ing feel like. But hitting is mainly reactionary. Guessing which pitch it's gonna be and where it will be at is tougher said then done. And if you try and pull an outside pitch purely on reaction, you most likely just grounded out weakly. When hitting on reaction, you can't be focused on pushing or pulling the ball, you gotta take what the pitcher gives you, unless the situation calls for it like a hit and run or moving the runner from 2st to 3rd. If you get the pitch you want, drive it. But trying to pull everything is stupid, as is trying to push everything.

I'm predicting Anderson to be his usual bad self. Does everything have to be based on stats? God, I hate stats. And if Anderson is his usual self no amount of defense can make up for his (again, projected by me) weak stick. If Anderson somehow proves that he is better then my Dog with the bat, then yeah, perhaps he can be worth the spot on the team. But I'll believe it when he actually consistently puts up half-way decent numbers vs. actual pitching in something bigger then a spring training game.


You know, to be honest, I don't really give a s***. I think the Sox are going to have a HORRIBLE year this year. I just find it comical that even if the worst of players has a good couple of weeks the automatically become Torri Hunter. I especially find it funny now that everyone has been life long Anderson fans as well.

Might want to brush up on the baseball lingo. Just saying.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 14, 2008 -> 09:11 AM)
This is really easy, Bearsox doesnt like BA and doesnt think he's good.


OK end argument, how about some posts of substance now.

that's a half truth. I got nothing against Anderson. For all I know he's a great guy. But as a baseball player, I think he sucks ass.


okay, now I'm done:)

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QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Mar 14, 2008 -> 07:07 PM)
I bet Brian Anderson has a better year than Ryan Sweeney this year, based off of win shares.

Well, Sweeney is likely gonna start off at AAA and stay there until he learns how to hit as well. I love Sweeney, but right now he f***ing sucks.

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