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conservative laissez faire capitalism at it's best


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Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by sideshowapu

this link shows exactly what i'm talking about it.  click, read, discuss.


What does taking a piss on a ball attached to a urinal have to do with being conservative? Maybe I don't get it because I am moderate. :huh


Well, conservatives don't like limitations on capitalistic ideas. So, I figured that they wouldn't wanna limit something as grand as "PeeBall"

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Originally posted by sideshowapu
Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by sideshowapu

this link shows exactly what i'm talking about it.  click, read, discuss.


What does taking a piss on a ball attached to a urinal have to do with being conservative? Maybe I don't get it because I am moderate. :huh


Well, conservatives don't like limitations on capitalistic ideas. So, I figured that they wouldn't wanna limit something as grand as "PeeBall"


Uh huh..... and if "PeeBall" became so popular that the money paid for the accessories was enough to feed the whole world's hungry would the idea cease to be a Conservative/Capitalistic idea and one of Leftist Liberal thrift? The great thing about America is that if you have an idea (as stupid as it may be), the means to produce the product, and a consumer base to buy the product, you could become a billionaire in the terribly Capitalistic USA. That's really a terrible thing.

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Capitalism is not terrible in that aspect that there is an ability for social movement upwards in the social structure. The problem inherant to capitalism is that corporations like Wal-Mart are able to come in and because they have lower marginal costs so they can produce more, they are able to reduce price enough to make huge profits while at the same time destroying all their competition.

When massive amounts of capital get mobilized in a few hands, we have oligarchy and sooner or later, the possibility of cartels.


When we have 8% of the world population in the US and own 40% of the world wealth, I do believe that is a maldistrobution of wealth while other countries are in such debt to the WTO and IMF because of the high interest rates demanded that they can't do anything.


Capitalism is a good system in theory, but too often it is able to feed the greed and put the money in the hands of a few due to the exploitation of others.


NAFTA, GATT, etc. promoting free trade agreements are only beneficial to the US and our spheres of influence. Capitalism has been hijacked by ruthless, greedy f***s that exploit any person or anything in the environment for the means of more profits. Isn't there a conscience in every person where we value the lives of other human beings over monetary greed? Maybe that's just me.

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Ah I can see it now. 100 years from now, kids will no longer talk about going to the sandlot after school. They will no longer sit at lunch talking about the big homerun in last nites game or will we come to mlb boards on the net and talk ball. They will talk about going to the "open urinals", and how quickly so and so disintegrated that ball last nite and then after it all they will come and post about "urinal physics" on the mlpb boards...


I live for the future...

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