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Crosstown Showdown in Another State - March 15


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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Mar 15, 2008 -> 07:23 PM)
I want to say that I want Jason Borgious starting at 2B. I really like that kid. Masset looked real good today too. He still needs to improve his command but he has pretty darn good stuff and has a nice arsenal of pitches. Logan looked filthy.


And I continue to think Joe Crede >>>> Josh Fields. I would much rather resign Crede to a 3 year deal and move Fields and some others for some stud prospects (not that I necessarily think it is possible, but it happens to be what I'd rather do).


I also have no idea whether Crede would accept a 3yr 21 M deal or something along those lines.

Jason, Rock --


Were we watching the same game? Masset looked like dog poo-poo. He has a consistent 91-92 mph with limited movement and half his arsenal can't even locate the strike zone. Sure, he can enduce the occasional groundout; but for his stuff supposedly being a "tick below Jenks" he doesn't strike many out.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 16, 2008 -> 10:28 AM)
Jason, Rock --


Were we watching the same game? Masset looked like dog poo-poo. He has a consistent 91-92 mph with no movement and half his arsenal can't even locate the strike zone. Sure, he can enduce the occasional groundout; but for his stuff supposedly being a "tick below Jenks" he doesn't strike many out.

He is no Bobby Jenks, thats for sure. I saw him throwing 2 fastballs, one in the 91-94 MPH range (I counted at least 4 or 5 94 MPH fastballs) which had very good movement (they were heavy fastballs) and than a 2nd set of fastballs, which I couldn't tell whether it was a 2-seamer or a cut, but it was in the 87 MPH range and worked very effectively. He also has a very solid curve (looks more like a knuckle curve than a straight curve to me, but I haven't heard anyone say he throws a knuckle cruve) that he mixes in (although he didn't have great command of it yesterday). I also noticed how he got an buttload of easy ground ball outs and his command seemed a lot better than it usually is (that doesn't mean it is good though).


I'm not calling him a stud, but he has the ability to be a solid starting pitcher in time and should be a pretty effective long man. He also has a very effortless delivery. The guy that looked like dog poo was Rich Hill.

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