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I need advice about a girl


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Well, some of you may have seen, I told my story about that hot flirty cheerleader in the pet peeves thread.


So the other day I took yalls advice to talk to her. So I went up to her and said hello and then I asked for her number. She said maybe later but right now she wasnt sure her boyfriend would like that. And I havent seen her since.


So first, what the f*** kinda person goes off and flirts like a motherf***er only to tell you later that she has a rather intolerant boyfriend? Do you girls do that? Do yall flirt with other boys while having a boyfriend? Id be cool with it if she had given me her number and said we were just friends. But no! She neglected it altogether!


And for the other boys, do you allow your girlfriend to have other guys numbers? I always have. I kinda like to know who the guy is but as long as she still shows me affection and doesnt start ignoring me Im fine. So what about you guys?


And heather, you said 99 of 100 hotties are clueless sluts. What do you think of this one?

Thanks guys...

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Originally posted by theoldroman

Well, some of you may have seen, I told my story about that hot flirty cheerleader in the pet peeves thread. 


So the other day I took yalls advice to talk to her. So I went up to her and said hello and then I asked for her number. She said maybe later but right now she wasnt sure her boyfriend would like that. And I havent seen her since. 


So first, what the f*** kinda person goes off and flirts like a motherf***er only to tell you later that she has a rather intolerant boyfriend? Do you girls do that? Do yall flirt with other boys while having a boyfriend? Id be cool with it if she had given me her number and said we were just friends. But no! She neglected it altogether! 


And for the other boys, do you allow your girlfriend to have other guys numbers? I always have. I kind alike to know who the guy is but as long as she still shows me affection and doesnt start ignoring me Im fine. So what about you guys?


And heather, you said 99 of 100 hotties are clueless sluts. What do you think of this one?

Thanks guys...


Plain and simple, the girl sounds like a clueless b**** and that you can do a helluva lot better. I'm gonna go with the fact that her boyfriend is probably some neanderthalic f***twit assbagging dingo cockchewing motherf***ing IROC driving asspope with an IQ equivilant with that of a jar of mayonaisse.


I know girls like you have described. They're such a pain in the ass. Best to just forget her and move on, man. She'll figure out sooner or later that she's an idiot and she'll see how she farked up.

There are a lot of girls out there, just don't worry about a relationship, be yourself and have some motherf***ing fun and it'll all happen.


My guess is that she had a fight with her boyfriend and needed that little self esteem boost. Seems to me like you can do a helluva lot better because there are a lot of much cooler girls out there worth your time moreso than this little floosie ice princess.

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Maybe you misread the signals Roman. But, remember this..... once a woman realizes the power she has in her vagina, she will use it for all it is worth. For example, most girls will flirt with guys if they know they can get something they want. You should see how much money Mike South and Guido go through at a bar or a Sox game trying to get a chick's number. These little prick teasers flirt and laugh at South and Guido's lame ass jokes and show geuine interest. But once South and Guido buy these ho's a beer..... the broads move onto the next batch of suckers :D But who knows..... maybe she was single when she flirted with you and, since you waited a bit, threw it back in your face for waiting. But you'll spend your whole life trying to figure the "fairer" sex out, and, just when you think you got it all together, they'll throw you for a loop again. It's a never-ending cycle. My advice..... acknowledge her when you see her with a smile and a "hello"..... talk to her if she strikes up a convo with you, and try to date her hotter best friend :D

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Wow, I wasnt quite expecting such a drastic response.


But ya know, this goes under my whole idea of convincing myself that a girl whos giving me trouble is just clueless and a b**** so that allows me to take it a lot better. Thanks for the help apu.


And also, I seem to have a lot more fun when the girls are real tolerant and s***. Like at the homecoming when I danced with some chick and her boyfriend was watching and smiling just a few feet away. Ya wouldnt be doing that with this "floosie ice princess" (what a concept, Ill have to add that to my list of insulting vocab, lol).

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Originally posted by sideshowapu
Originally posted by theoldroman

Well, some of you may have seen, I told my story about that hot flirty cheerleader in the pet peeves thread. 


So the other day I took yalls advice to talk to her. So I went up to her and said hello and then I asked for her number. She said maybe later but right now she wasnt sure her boyfriend would like that. And I havent seen her since. 


So first, what the f*** kinda person goes off and flirts like a motherf***er only to tell you later that she has a rather intolerant boyfriend? Do you girls do that? Do yall flirt with other boys while having a boyfriend? Id be cool with it if she had given me her number and said we were just friends. But no! She neglected it altogether! 


And for the other boys, do you allow your girlfriend to have other guys numbers? I always have. I kind alike to know who the guy is but as long as she still shows me affection and doesnt start ignoring me Im fine. So what about you guys?


And heather, you said 99 of 100 hotties are clueless sluts. What do you think of this one?

Thanks guys...


Plain and simple, the girl sounds like a clueless b**** and that you can do a helluva lot better. I'm gonna go with the fact that her boyfriend is probably some neanderthalic f***twit assbagging dingo cockchewing motherf***ing IROC driving asspope with an IQ equivilant with that of a jar of mayonaisse.


I know girls like you have described. They're such a pain in the ass. Best to just forget her and move on, man. She'll figure out sooner or later that she's an idiot and she'll see how she farked up.

There are a lot of girls out there, just don't worry about a relationship, be yourself and have some motherf***ing fun and it'll all happen.


My guess is that she had a fight with her boyfriend and needed that little self esteem boost. Seems to me like you can do a helluva lot better because there are a lot of much cooler girls out there worth your time moreso than this little floosie ice princess.


Wow! I actually agree with you Apu..... and you forgot that he is probably a locker-room-towel-snapping-flaming-hetero-football player who thinks stuffing an AV kid into a locker will further enhance his masculinity. :mad:

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Well she started flirting with me actually. But there were bad signs all over. About a week after we first met, she said she had forgot my name and when I told her, she said she thought that was it but she didnt want to sound stupid, which, btw, I almost immediately wrote off as a lie...


But now whos advice should I take, apus or cubkillas?


Maybe Ill be nice to her for a few more days and return the flirts and see if that maybe about the # was real or if she was just avoiding the question and if she was Ill just go with apu...


And, may I say, I LOVE THIS BOARD! Right now on mlb apu and possible myself would both be getting boot but here we have nothing to worry about. Cool...

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Originally posted by CubKilla

Maybe you misread the signals Roman. But, remember this..... once a woman realizes the power she has in her vagina, she will use it for all it is worth. For example, most girls will flirt with guys if they know they can get something they want. You should see how much money Mike South and Guido go through at a bar or a Sox game trying to get a chick's number. These little prick teasers flirt and laugh at South and Guido's lame ass jokes and show geuine interest. But once South and Guido buy these ho's a beer..... the broads move onto the next batch of suckers


Hey! I didnt get Crabbs by not getting any! :D Hey killa, fill everyone in on how muvh you and Guido spend at the strip joints. LMFAO!

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don't ever try and figure girls out because you flat out cannot. they just love f***ing with you. if you are all nice to her and s*** she'll prolly ignore you and if you pretend she doesn't exist she'll want you. i am pretty sure even they don't know what they want.

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Originally posted by Spiff

don't ever try and figure girls out because you flat out cannot. they just love f***ing with you. if you are all nice to her and s*** she'll prolly ignore you and if you pretend she doesn't exist she'll want you. i am pretty sure even they don't know what they want.


Post of the week!:headbang

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Yeah, girls are incredibly hard to read.

That's why the best policy is just 'f*** it' and just live life and have fun and live your life to the best of whatever the f*** you wanna do.


It wasn't until I was like "f*** trying to find a girlfriend" that I met an incredibly cool girl and things started happening.


Just don't look for it and it'll come.



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Guest hotsoxchick1

not all of us are like that ....... some of us who are a bit older and established in life can flirt just because we can and the results dont matter because we are only after one thing..... (which at my age is mostly hot sex and nothing else because we already have everything else we need lol)......so my suggestion to you would be to go with her mom, or an older sister, cousin or aunt......you not only get experienced sex but most times you wont have to pay for a thing because they will......lol lol lol lol lol .............that should put her in her place huh............

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Guest hotsoxchick1

lol well then see if she has a hot aunt or something.....lol... and btw im not going anywhere ill kick your ass before i pack up and leave.......lmao.......

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Originally posted by Mike South24
Originally posted by CubKilla

Maybe you misread the signals Roman. But, remember this..... once a woman realizes the power she has in her vagina, she will use it for all it is worth. For example, most girls will flirt with guys if they know they can get something they want. You should see how much money Mike South and Guido go through at a bar or a Sox game trying to get a chick's number. These little prick teasers flirt and laugh at South and Guido's lame ass jokes and show geuine interest. But once South and Guido buy these ho's a beer..... the broads move onto the next batch of suckers


The least you could have done was put that post in "sarcasm green" :mad:

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