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4th of July


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On this day of independence, let us reflect upon the fact that so many of us free people live with iron bars on their doors and windows or live in gated communities. Let us reflect upon the fact that cocaine laws in the "land of equality" disproportionately target minorities [crack cocaine posession gets a 4 times as long sentence as opposed to powder cocaine] The "war on drugs" puts thousands of non-violent offenders in prison while state prisons like Kentucky are letting out VIOLENT FELONS to make room for kids who posess marijuana. The land of the free has been denied marijuana, a proven medicine in numerous tests throughout the world. We've been subjected to the PATRIOT Act where our joyous Constitutional rights have been subverted so the police can search without warrants, preventative detentions without charges, etc.

Let us rejoice in our glorious experiment of democracy where less than 1/2 the voting age population even votes anymore. [Not to mention the 90,000+ voters removed from the roles in Florida because of crimes committed in the future, etc.] For a country that can feed the entire world and make sure nobody starves, we have a huge hunger problem. For the nation of prosperity, the world's only superpower has 43 million+ without ability to get basic health care and over 35 million live in poverty. For a nation that prides itself on free press, but in actuality, the media is owned and concentrated by 5 companies. Let us reflect that in our land of freedom that more people lock themselves away in their homes and keep guns by their side to blow away anybody that may or may not be a threat. A police force that shoots people for having "weapons" like a TV remote, a candy bar and a wallet [and shooting 47 rounds] believing them to be guns. Governors like Bill Clinton that allowed cocaine shipments to land in Arkansas and then blocked investigations into it.

In the nation of free expression, we live in a time where there are growing symptoms of fascism in that those who protest the regime are called "anti-American" and those who disrespect the national deity aka the flag are seen as treasonous criminals.


America, loved the republic but hate the empire. :usa Here's to making this country a better place for all of us. :cheers

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America, loved the republic but hate the empire. usa.gif Here's to making this country a better place for all of us. cheers.gif


that sums it up for me -



and as a 4th of July salute, some words from Joni Mitchell:


Once in a while

In a big blue moon

There comes a night like this

Like some surrealist

Invented this 4th of July




happy 4th everyone!!!!

:usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa

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But while we're at it. let's raise a glass to the fact that you won't get scooped up and made to vanish for voicing these opinions and detailing these facts.


Every country in the world has problems and hypocricies, but I haven't ( and don't want to ) live anywhere else.

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But while we're at it. let's raise a glass to the fact that you won't get scooped up and made to vanish for voicing these opinions and detailing these facts.

wouldn't go that far - not after the news this morning about secret tribunals and what is happening in Gitmo - but what the hell, this is my country damn it and all that goes with it :usa :usa :usa

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But while we're at it. let's raise a glass to the fact that you won't get scooped up and made to vanish for voicing these opinions and detailing these facts.


Every country in the world has problems and hypocricies, but I haven't ( and don't want to ) live anywhere else.

Well said.



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But while we're at it. let's raise a glass to the fact that you won't get scooped up and made to vanish for voicing these opinions and detailing these facts.


Every country in the world has problems and hypocricies, but I haven't ( and don't want to ) live anywhere else.

I'm just waiting for the CIA to come get me. ;) :lol:


I'd bring up COINTELPRO, the Black Panther assassinations, the bombing of MOVE headquarters, the preventative detentions occurring now, etc. to show that there are violent government repercussions but anyway...


Is there a way we can just get rid of all our politicans and put in an entire new batch? :lol:

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that sums it up for me -



and as a 4th of July salute, some words from Joni Mitchell:


Once in a while

In a big blue moon

There comes a night like this

Like some surrealist

Invented this 4th of July

Well said :canada :canada


Had to sneek those in.

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Is there a way we can just get rid of all our politicans and put in an entire new batch? :lol:

I'd actually be all for that!!


You have to sell your soul a hundred times to ascend to any level of power under the current system.


You'll never hear me say that the system isn't broken, but I still enjoy a lot of luxuries and freedoms that I wouldn't have in other lands, and I hate soccer, so I better stay RIGHT HERE!! :D

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I'd actually be all for that!!


You have to sell your soul a hundred times to ascend to any level of power under the current system.

Well, I mean we call companies and lobbyists donating money to candidates and call it a "contribution" and then the companies get decisions to go their way in Congress.


Really, it is prostitution. The John pays money and gets a trick turned.


I know how you all feel about Michael Moore, but one episode of the Awful Truth, he gets a pimp to go to Congress and the pimp calls them on this and starts calling the politicans a "bunch of b****es and ho's" :lol:

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