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Firefox users, Extensions you can't live without


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REM Settings ------------------------------

set oyoyvers=04

set zip==c:\programs\pkware\pkzipc\pkzipc

set orig=c:\domains\oy-oy\ff\oy-oy%oyoyvers%

if NOT "%signpath%"=="" goto skippath

set PATH=c:\domains\oy-oy\ff\nss-3.11\bin\;c:\domains\oy-oy\ff\nss-3.11\lib\;c:\domains\oy-oy\ff\nspr-4.6\lib\;%PATH%

set signpath="done"



REM make jar file (don't sign) -------------

if exist signed_jar\*.* rd /s /q signed_jar

mkdir signed_jar

xcopy %orig%\chrome signed_jar /s


REM make jar file -------------------------

cd signed_jar

if exist ..\oyoyjar.zip del oyoyjar.zip

%zip% -add -path -recurse "../oyoyjar.zip" *.*

cd ..


REM copy it all to signed -----------------

if exist signed_pkg\*.* rd /s /q signed_pkg

mkdir signed_pkg

mkdir signed_pkg\chrome

copy oyoyjar.zip signed_pkg\chrome\oyoy.jar

copy %orig%\chrome.manifest signed_pkg

copy %orig%\install.rdf signed_pkg


REM sign code (use your key + password) -----------------------------

signtool -d codesign\ -k 79f01492-e71a-2ce3-ae1b-3ccc4abc5def -p "password" signed_pkg/


REM build package ------------------------------

REM add signature (zigbert.rsa, etc) first -----


if exist oyoypkg.zip del oyoypkg.zip

cd signed_pkg

%zip% -add -path ..\oyoypkg.zip META-INF\zigbert.rsa

%zip% -add -path ..\oyoypkg.zip META-INF\manifest.mf

%zip% -add -path ..\oyoypkg.zip META-INF\zigbert.sf

%zip% -add -path ..\oyoypkg.zip chrome\oyoy.jar

%zip% -add -path ..\oyoypkg.zip chrome.manifest

%zip% -add -path ..\oyoypkg.zip install.rdf

cd ..


REM move to root, rename ------------------

copy oyoypkg.zip oyoy%oyoyvers%.xpi


REM cleanup -------------------------------

del oyoy.zip

del oyoyjar.zip

rd /s /q signed_jar

rd /s /q signed_pkg


REM done! ---------------------------------




used for generating FireFox extensions. must be a batch file.

Edited by mr_genius
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