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The Last Roster Spot


Who should get the last bullpen spot?  

86 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should get the last bullpen spot?

    • Nick Masset
    • Ehren Wassermann

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You dont keep Masset just because he's best suited for long relief. He has to give you something more than that. If that's all that matters, bring back Ohka. Or sign someone.


But since they're both 25,26... go with the one that has proven some level of reliability since being at the MLB level. Wasserman has been arguably the most uplifting bullpen guy from last year and has to be on the team.




EDIT: to be horribly honest, long relief, if not handled by MacDougal....is going to largely be one of these three guys who falters... Dotel, Linebrink, Thornton. Scary but plausible.

Edited by Princess Dye
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QUOTE(knightni @ Mar 28, 2008 -> 10:29 AM)
Dump MacDougal, keep both.

id way way rather keep mac than masset...i guess you are forgetting how good macdougal can be (check his 2005 and 2006 especially). masset hasnt proven a damn thing and probably will never even come nearly as close to being as good as macdougal can be

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I dont understand the dump MacDougal train.


The chance that he had injury-related problems last year, and now he's healed..... that is worth keeping him and seeing. If it was a one year aberration, then you have a really good pen.




If he's really finished, and we find that out, then he was no worse than the current option Masset presents. If they're both this bad, Ohka should be up in a few months anyway.

Edited by Princess Dye
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QUOTE(Princess Dye @ Mar 28, 2008 -> 10:23 AM)
The chance that he had injury-related problems last year, and now he's healed..... that is worth keeping him and seeing.


yeah he's really done well so far this spring, being healed and all...

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QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 28, 2008 -> 10:53 AM)
I voted Wasserman, but that spot should really go to D.J. Carrasco... from watching this spring, he's better then both of them.

Looking at Carrasco's history, I'm not sure I'd put a lot of stake in his spring performance. He had a 6.68 ERA and a 1.78 WHIP in Tucson last year, and had a 14.81 ERA and 3.10 WHIP the year before, in Japan. His best major league season, 2005 with the Royals, he had a 4.79 ERA and walked more guys than he struck out.


Carrasco's spring earned him a spot in Charlotte, and that's about his speed.


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QUOTE(Princess Dye @ Mar 28, 2008 -> 09:40 AM)
didnt realize... masset has never really done all that well at AAA, let alone the MLB level.

I think its hilarious that someone who uses statistics to prove her point also ignores them when suggesting MacDougal as a long reliever.

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this is a no brainer, wasserman. if your starting rotation is having problems with one or more pitchers going more than 5 innings without getting totally abused, needing a longman to come in for relief on those days, or a "spot starter incase someone gets injured or simply can't do their job", then your team is already done for the year, especially when you're relying on masset to be that person to spot start or go long innings


so play your strengths, put wasserman in the ROOGY specialist role and hope for the best, because masset isn't going to be able to give this team anything this year, to keep them in contention if another pitcher goes down, it's that simple really. we don't have the depth in pitching to survive a pitcher going down due to injury/sucking, so might as well put the guys on the team that are going to give us our best chance of winning under the assumption that every one of the 5 starting pitchers will stay in the rotation all year

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QUOTE(joesaiditstrue @ Mar 28, 2008 -> 05:22 PM)
this is a no brainer, wasserman. if your starting rotation is having problems with one or more pitchers going more than 5 innings without getting totally abused, needing a longman to come in for relief on those days, or a "spot starter incase someone gets injured or simply can't do their job", then your team is already done for the year, especially when you're relying on masset to be that person to spot start or go long innings

Not true at all. Rain delays, a starter having a bad day, getting hit by a line drive. There are TONS of reasons that you may need a long man. Sometimes you want to burn a game so you can be at full strength next game. When you have relievers with a history of injuries, and your pen is full of specialists, you need someone to flat out eat innings. Is Masset the guy? No, but we need someone to do it.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 28, 2008 -> 05:33 PM)
Not true at all. Rain delays, a starter having a bad day, getting hit by a line drive. There are TONS of reasons that you may need a long man. Sometimes you want to burn a game so you can be at full strength next game. When you have relievers with a history of injuries, and your pen is full of specialists, you need someone to flat out eat innings. Is Masset the guy? No, but we need someone to do it.

I can't believe I actually agree with Rock Raines.

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