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Music Question


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Have you heard the new NOFX CD (The War on Errorism)?


I saw it today at the music store by my house and am contemplating buying it, but any feedback would be welcome.


Since I figure the song quoted in your sig is from the new one, I was just wondering if you had any pearls of wisdom to bestow?

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I thought it was a good CD, but I'd suggest people aquire the soneg first and then decide if you want to give them money. Bad Religion is sweet, if your looking for politics, go for Propagandi or something like that. Anybody that wants messages in their song, so that they can further the punk movement, really pisses me off. Punk music is not a revolution, it's a 2 1/2 minute or less song by some guys, who like playing music for money.(Save for some few rare exceptions)

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