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Mac / Linux / Vista Challenge


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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 2, 2008 -> 09:38 AM)
Which NSM do you use?


(just so happens this is my wheelhouse)


The NSM I use is based on Sguil. I wrote a series of custom code wrapped around the database in Sguil to give me alerts similar to what a SIEM offers. I also have a series of custom DI signatures I wrote that also alert back via Syslog that get inputted into the same Oracle database. I am looking forward to the next version of Snort 3.0 which will have a lot more ways to interface with the packet data at a low level. I like Sguil because of the query capability, and the session information it can pull. Its custom code wrapped around open source projects but for right now its quick and works well for my needs. Maybe in a year or so I will be looking to move this into a SIEM type product.




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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Apr 1, 2008 -> 10:30 AM)
Your computer work needs apparently never required the use of extended mode multiple-monitors, because that's certainly not something Windows caught up to Apple on in a couple months. Multiple monitors were first supported as a standard feature on the Mac II way back in 1987.


I've used multiple-monitors on a windows machine for over 10 years. :huh


never really been an issue for me.


Oh and Macs are PC's. PC = personal computer. believe it or not, a Mac PC is very similar to a HP or Sony PC. The big difference is OS. I just think it's funny how a Mac isn't a personal computer, ITS A MAC!! LOL OMG OMG


And Macs so have the weakest OS security. The 'Macs can't be hacked' thing is a complete myth. Also, the Opera web browser is easy to manipulate.

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Apr 1, 2008 -> 11:31 AM)
The Security features in Vista and Windows 2008 are great. Its about time they had some of these, however in fixing some of the security issues they sure broke a lot of functionality/stability issues.


Very true.


Windows Visa:


Are you sure you want to do this?


Really are you sure?


really sure?



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QUOTE(Y2HH @ Apr 1, 2008 -> 09:00 AM)
Excellent point.


Add to that the fact that the majority of *nix, especially the childlike Linux community wouldn't want to hack their beloved operating system of awesomeness. I attribute this to their general hatred, (in some ways extreme hatred to an alarming degree), toward Mac and Windows based machines/users.


Of course you have your Mac idiots and PC idiots, too...but I think the majority of the casual users can really care less, they just want their PC or Mac to work without having to play with drivers or configuration files for hours on end to get it "mostly working".


Not quite... Ubuntu 7.10 is actually quite a bit easier to get hardware working with than Windows. Most everything besides really obscure or brand-new hardware is plug-and-play. Fedora is a pretty easy-to-use distro, and SUSE as well.


I hope you also realize that OSX is built on Unix, which is architecturally very similar to Linux, and with a small amount of work you can compile source code meant for Linux on OSX.


I also wonder if you're basing your opinion of Linux users on things you've read on messageboards, which is a bad idea. People on messageboards are usually the bottom of the barrel.


Hey, wait a minute... :unsure:

Edited by almagest
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