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I'm not going to say that Courtney killed him, but there is some evidence that I compiled here for all of you from a web site assisted by the private investigator in the case trying to see if indeed Kurt was murdered. There is a lot of things that don't fit the suicide story and why the case needs to be reopened. Here they are:


1) Kurt had 3 times the lethal 225 mgs dose of heroin (1.52 mgs per liter) in his blood system and intravenous puncture marks in both arms. Medical experts will tell you that such an amount, when injected directly into the bloodstream will leave you incapacitated and cause you to lapse into a coma within seconds, if not kill you instantly before the needle can even be removed from your arm. It's common for deaths of heroin overdoses to be found with the needle still sticking out of the arm. That's how quickly one lethal dose can kill a person, let alone three.

Now Kurt was found with his shirt sleeves rolled down and buttoned, and his heroin works neatly put away in a cigar box lying approximately three feet to his right.


The Seattle Police will have you believe Kurt injected himself with this insane triple lethal dose of heroin, pulled the needle out of his arm, carefully put away that needle and the heroin paraphernalia neatly back into a cigar box a few feet away, rolled down and button his sleeves, then picked up a Remington 20-gauge shotgun , placed it in his mouth and discharged it. Based on other case studies, this is simply impossible.


The drug Diazepam (Valium), was also found in Cobain's blood system. A drug that is known to aggravate heroin, and makes an overdose that much worse. The question remains as to why Cobain would shoot himself after taking a triple lethal dose, which clearly would have been more than enough to cause death instantly. A triple overdose, followed by shooting yourself not only doesn't make sense, but is impossible according to the medical experts.


Canadian Chemist Roger Lewis read the Cobain autopsy report. Knowing that drug related "suicides" are often a staged cover up for a murder, he studied 98 similar deaths and their pathology, criminology and forensic tests. His research is titled "Dead Men Don't Pull Triggers", and it was published in Opinion Magazine. An online version is also available and is a must-read for anyone who wants to intelligently argue that Cobain was murdered. To be fair, there is a rebuttal to Lewis' findings, which has also been posted on the web, as well as Lewis' rebuttal to the first one.



2) According to the police report, there were no "legible" fingerprints on the shotgun (which some sources say indicate the gun had been wiped or cleaned), none on the pen found with the "suicide" note, or the box of shotgun shells found beside Kurt. How can you write a note, load up a shotgun with 3 shells, and shoot yourself without leaving any fingerprints on anything? Also, his head was nowhere near "blown off", as mistakenly reported by the press. It was fully intact and not as gruesome as people close to the situation had made it out to be to the media and friends. The Remington Model 11 shotgun is a very light shotgun that dealers recommend for home protection, because the shot won't penetrate walls and endanger those on the other side.

Sgt. Cameron admitted 2 years later that there were no markings on Kurt's hands indicating he had fired the weapon. "Yeah, there weren't any marks on his hands...Some rookie must've put that line in the police report." he said when speaking about the mistake in the police report.



3) Courtney Love was in Los Angeles during the week preceding and up to Kurt's death and when asked by many to fly up to Seattle to help locate her husband, whom she had told others "had a shotgun" and was "suicidal," she replied, "I can't. I have business to take care of." When Tom Grant mentioned to Rosemary Carroll that Courtney had said she couldn't go to Seattle herself because she "had business in L.A", Carroll replied "She didn't have any business in L.A.!" While Kurt was in Seattle in supposed "suicide" mode, Love was arrested due to a 911 phone call reporting an overdose in her hotel room. Paramedics arrived and took her to the hospital before releasing her 2 hours later into police custody. She was charged with possession of a syringe and drug paraphernalia. Phone records show that the 911 call that got her arrested, originated from her own hotel room. This is believed to be a possible alibi for Love.


4) Courtney produced a never-before seen second note to Seattle police, which she claims Kurt wrote in Rome during "his first suicide attempt". A police officer says it was not a suicide not, but rather a rambling and unflattering diatribe against her. Courtney admits the existance of this note in a December 1994 Rolling Stone interview, and to Tom Grant. Grant has her on tape saying that she burned it . Courtney says the second note also mentioned a divorce.


5) Kurt was not a user of Rohypnol , he also didn't drink alcohol. On March 4th 1994 in Rome, when he was on the verge of leaving Courtney and the tour he was on, he was suddenly hospitalized with these substances in his body. Many believe this was the first, failed, murder attempt as both Michael DeWitt and Courtney Love were also in that hotel room in Rome. By some miracle, Kurt survived the combination of Rohypnol and Alcohol, and told everyone, including the doctors that it was not a suicide attempt. Dr. Galletta, who treated him, agreed it was just an accident. Kurt also mentioned that he could not remember what had happened to cause the coma. This is a common side effect of Rohypnol , better known as the "date rape drug" or "roofies". At the time, Rohypnol was a colorless, odorless drug which dissolves quickly into drinks, including water, and induces amnesia (loss of memory) when abused. The prescription for this drug belonged to Courtney. She was seen popping some during an interview with Select magazine in Rome on March 3rd and it's documented in the interview. Also, Tom Grant found empty packets of the prescription with her name on it when he searched the Cobain home on April 7th.


6) Eldon Hoke (aka "El Duce"), singer of a band called the Mentors, claimed he was offered $50,000 by Courtney Love three months earlier to kill her husband. On March 6, 1996, Hoke was administered a polygraph test by Dr. Edward Gelb, who is one of the country's leading polygraph experts. He was also teaching the advanced polygraph course for the FBI. Hoke passed a lie detector test with 99.7% certainty that he was telling the truth. Eldon Hoke briefly appeared in the Nick Broomfield "Kurt & Courtney" documentary.

On April 19th 1997, eight days after having his story filmed by Broomfield, Hoke was found dead in Riverside, California by the California Highway Police. A source described the events as "highly suspicious. He showed up at his house in Riverside with this guy who he introduced as his new friend none of his roommates had ever met before and said they were going out to the liquor store and would be back soon. He never returned. The 'friend' was never seen again and Hoke was found squashed on a railroad track, apparently hit by a train. Anybody who knew Hoke, according to his friends, knew that the best way to befriend him was to offer to buy him a drink. So the scenario is quite obvious."


7) There is evidence that circumstances were manipulated to prevent Kurt from using his own car and gaining access to his own money in the days leading up to his death. Courtney canceled his credit card right after he used it to purchase a flight back home to Seattle on April 1st, and according to the police report, all 4 tires of his car were flat.


8) The coroner, Dr. Nikolas Hartshorne, was interviewed by a newspaper reporter for the Vancouver Province in April 1996, and he insists Cobain died from a self-inflicted shotgun wound. He was also interviewed in 2000 for the VH1 Confidential story. Hartshorne is adamant that Kurt's death was an open and shut case of suicide. "Kurt died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. I have no doubt in my mind, not one shred of doubt, that this is in fact a suicide." he says.

Hartshorne's credibility has been questioned due to a conflict of interest. He knew Cobain and Love personally. Previous investigative reports indicated this conflict of interest, but the newspaper interview clearly confirms the problem. This was the first time it was ever declared, for example, that not only had Hartshorne booked Seattle "punk" bands frequently, he actually booked Cobain's band, Nirvana and was a "party friend" of Courtney Love.


9) Kurt's friends said he preparing to leave Seattle to join friends on the East coast. Kurt apparently had made plans to see one of his favorite bands who were touring the East coast at the time. He also made plans with his grandfather to go fishing. Michael Stipe, of R.E.M., says Kurt was going to visit him to work on music. They had struck up a friendship and planned to record something together. Why would someone that is about to commit suicide make these types of plans? When Tom Grant asked Kurt's best friend Dylan Carlson if he thought Cobain was suicidal, he was adamant, saying, "No. Not at all," and added that despite the major changes imminent in his life, Cobain was "pretty upbeat." Mark Lanegan (of the band Screaming Trees), another of Cobain's close friends, expressed the same sentiment to Grant, and later told reporters for Rolling Stone, "I never knew Kurt to be suicidal." In a Rolling Stone interview a few months earlier, Kurt was quoted as saying "I've never been more happier in my life". Not one of the therapists who spoke with Cobain just a few days before his death at the Exodus Treatment Center (one of the most renowned drug rehabilitation facilities in the country) considered him suicidal.

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