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QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 15, 2008 -> 06:33 PM)
What you'd have to worry about is the rank-and-file GOP, they love to fight and McCain doesn't really have control over them.

Yea. I never said it would be easy. But it is at LEAST worth a try. The first one to fire the first cannon gets the negative response IMO.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 15, 2008 -> 07:02 PM)
That's really my point. "Clean Campaign 08" is really aimed more at negative personal attacks. For example: a Dem ad pointing to McCain's age or a Rep. ad saying Obama is unpatriotic or Muslim.


If it's policy based, like abortion or Iraq, hey man, as long as it comes form the campaigns and not 527s, it's fair game to me.

Yeah I think people confuse attacking policy and political beliefs with negative campaigning. All that stuff is fair game. Or, if you got caught manipulating your stance on an issue to get votes.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 15, 2008 -> 04:30 PM)
On March 26th, I proposed "Clean Campaign '08" on my BarackObama blog and my personal website. Well, McCain was just on Hardball and Matthews asked if he'd do what I proposed in my writing (I am not saying he ever saw my blog, but the ideas he asked him were exactly the same). McCain agreed. ROCK ON! Come on Obama. Join the Clean Campaign '08 bandwagon!

Here is the video:

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This Just In:

John Murtha (a Clinton supporter) just said John McCain is too old to be president.



"We all get older and this one guy running's about as old as me," Murtha said. "Let me tell you something: It's no old man's job," he said. "He said I was too old for the job one time because he disagreed with my policy. Well, I said 'Well, I'm the same age as you.' And he said 'Well, I'm different.'"
Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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Looks like the "Straight Talk Express" may have, well... not been so straight:

Then- Sen. John McCain called Saturday for a presidential campaign that is more like a respectful argument among friends than a bitter clash of enemies.


Now- "Barack Obama's foreign policy plans have even won him praise from Hamas leaders.... We need change in America, but not the kind of change that wins kind words from Hamas, surrenders in Iraq and will hold unconditional talks with Iranian President Ahmadinejad."

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I really don't like that polarizing rhetoric. In so many words, he just said "If our enemies like it, it can't possibly be good." And it implies that doing or saying anything other than something that would infuriate them whether it's the correct course of action or not, is just something a liberal pussy would do, and that there's only 2 ways of doing things (the "right" way, and the wrong way). I'm sure that's not what he really means, but in trying to drum up support for the war on terror that's what he said, and it's not really helpful.


I wish people in this country would stop accusing other people of being terrorists and be more open-minded. Do they think the enemy doesn't notice us when we divide like that?

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Here are the latest polls (via SurveyUSA):


McCain v Obama - Obama +2

McCain v Clinton - Clinton +15


New Mexico:

McCain v Obama - McCain +6

McCain v Clinton - McCain +3



McCain v Obama - McCain +8

McCain v Clinton - Clinton +1


New York:

McCain v Obama - Obama +9

McCain v Clinton - Clinton +16



McCain v Obama - McCain +2

McCain v Clinton - Clinton +11



McCain v Obama - Obama +9

McCain v Clinton - Clinton +1



McCain v Obama - McCain +8

McCain v Clinton - McCain +16



McCain v Obama - Obama +6

McCain v Clinton - Clinton +1



McCain v Obama - Obama +5

McCain v Clinton - TIE



McCain v Obama - McCain +17

McCain v Clinton - McCain +21



McCain v Obama - McCain +32

McCain v Clinton - McCain +26



McCain v Obama - Obama +7

McCain v Clinton - Clinton +13



McCain v Obama - Obama +7

McCain v Clinton - McCain +6



McCain v Obama - McCain +34

McCain v Clinton - McCain +2

GOOD LORD! Is that a race thing? WOW!

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WOW! just saw a anit-McCain ad on CNN. It's something to do with pork money going to polluting companies. It wasnt done by the democrats or Obama. Not sure who did it. I'll get a link as soon as I see one.


Here it is:

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I wasn't sure where to put this. Its not pro-Obama, nor is it anti-Obama, but it is about Obama.


Apparently (I wasn't aware), Chris Wallace of Fox News has been keeping an Obama Watch, waiting for Barack to fulfill a promise of an interview. Well, apparently, the waiting will soon be over. Obama to appear in an "exclusive" one-on-one interview with Mr. Wallace this coming Sunday.


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I was just listening to an interview with the chair of the GOP in NC as she defended the Wright ads in NC against... all I can say is wow, she was completely clueless and did not make a single coherent argument. The only thing i can recall her saying that even kind of almost halfway made sense was "we need to examine their radical left-wing connections." Which would mean that because they endorsed Obama who is connected to Wright, they support Wright's views. Okay. Everything else during the interview was garbage and Roland Martin walked circles around her without even trying.

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Obama and McCain My have Public Debates...

In a sign of what could be an extremely unusual fall campaign, the two sides said Saturday that they would be open to holding joint forums or unmoderated debates across the country in front of voters through the summer. Mr. Obama, campaigning in Oregon, said that the proposal, floated by Mr. McCain’s advisers, was “a great idea.”


PS: Now that Obama is almost certainly the nominee, might this be a good time to sticky this?

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I'm calling it on May 16th. My prediction is that Obama wins this thing rather easily. As we're seeing in the congressional races so far this year, in strong Republican strongholds I might add, people are tired of the negative campaigns and fear mongering. Obama's message of change will win out. This is an obvious "change" election cycle. I know we're all sick of that word but it's showing to be true.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 16, 2008 -> 07:32 AM)
I'm calling it on May 16th. My prediction is that Obama wins this thing rather easily. As we're seeing in the congressional races so far this year, in strong Republican strongholds I might add, people are tired of the negative campaigns and fear mongering. Obama's message of change will win out. This is an obvious "change" election cycle. I know we're all sick of that word but it's showing to be true.

I think the key will be turnout - and that is something that no poll can really indicate.


From the GOP side, the question is, can a McCain candidacy bring out the hard core conservatives to vote? If not, then just hand it to Obama.


From the Dem side, can they continue to get the massive new voter totals in the general? If not, they will have a tough time winning the right states to make the electoral math work.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 16, 2008 -> 08:35 AM)
I think the key will be turnout - and that is something that no poll can really indicate.


From the GOP side, the question is, can a McCain candidacy bring out the hard core conservatives to vote? If not, then just hand it to Obama.


From the Dem side, can they continue to get the massive new voter totals in the general? If not, they will have a tough time winning the right states to make the electoral math work.

I think you also need to factor fund raising capabilities. Obama, IMO, will blow McCain away on this front. The GOP will need to rely on 527s to buy ad time across the battle ground states and we know what GOP 527s are like....super negative. People are fed up with that crap.

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