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2008 General Election Discussion Thread


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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 20, 2008 -> 07:41 PM)
If we were to have another war, we absolutely would need to re-institute the draft. There really is no way around it.

The problem is it a is by choice or necessity. There would be a LOT of pissed of Americans if McCain decided on his own to go to war with Iran or Russia. Much like with what Bush did with Iraq. If it's a "Hitler uprising" type thing, then yes, no doubt. Russia and Georgia isnt nearly as "War worthy" as McCain likes to make it sound.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 20, 2008 -> 06:40 PM)
the RNC has over 100 million cash on hand. the GOP national committee can raise as much as they want and run all the ads they want. McCain personally needs to use the public financing. the Republicans have plenty of cash for the election.

The thing I hate about that is both parties can say whatever they want and the presidential candidate can go "hey, it's not me. it's them". McCain more so than Obama since Obama basically took over control of the DNC while the RNC and McCain play footsie at best.


Be prepaired to sse some NASTY stuff from the RNC.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 12:47 AM)
wow, the TV Media isn't covering his talking points?


No, I won't get into this argument again. He gets more coverage, less favorable coverage. CNN had a segment asking whether Obama was the anti-christ.

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There is no chance there will ever be a draft again. None. Neither party is that stupid, and any comment quoted by anybody by anyone is something I won't even listen to because the thought there will be a draft again is just scare tactics that both parties have used for a while now.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 20, 2008 -> 11:33 PM)
There is no chance there will ever be a draft again. None. Neither party is that stupid, and any comment quoted by anybody by anyone is something I won't even listen to because the thought there will be a draft again is just scare tactics that both parties have used for a while now.


and that is the reality of it.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 20, 2008 -> 06:01 PM)
you cant go there. the MOMENT you attack McCain's foreign policy, they run under the "he was a POW" umbrella and use that to defend him. As if being a POW makes you more experienced.


I have said for a while that my biggest fear about McCain is that he still caries a POW grudge. He was a POW for 5+ years in a war we lost. He's DETERMINED to never ever lose another war. No mater what that cost. War with Russia? bring it on!! War with Iran? SURE! Institute the drafT? ABSOLUTELY!


Please don't ever make another post about McCain taking Obama out of context or flat out lying about what Obama actually said.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 06:18 AM)
Please don't ever make another post about McCain taking Obama out of context or flat out lying about what Obama actually said.

why? Everythign I said is true


Run Under POW Banner... CHECK!

Saber Rattling with Russia... CHECK!

Saber Rattling with Iran... CHECK!

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 06:57 AM)
why? Everythign I said is true


Run Under POW Banner... CHECK!

Saber Rattling with Russia... CHECK!

Saber Rattling with Iran... CHECK!

The post he quoted was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over the top. You basically took a few words, indications or general themes from McCain's campaign, and twisted them so out of shape as to be unrecognizable.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 08:18 AM)
The post he quoted was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over the top. You basically took a few words, indications or general themes from McCain's campaign, and twisted them so out of shape as to be unrecognizable.


Like he took it straight out of the Karl Rove/David Axelrod/James Carville playbook.

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Negative campaigning works guys. It tends to make people cynical, but by itself there really is nothing wrong with it. The negative stuff people have a problem with is the blatant distortions of the truth, flat-out lies, or ad hominem character attacks. Originally, that's the pledge that Obama and McCain took before the campaign started.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 20, 2008 -> 06:32 PM)
Obama seems more invisible now while they set up the ground offices. He is being massively outspent in TV ads by McCain and doesn't have the luxury of having his talking points spoken by the TV media. After the convention the advertisement saturation will begin.


Not true, not even close to true.




Aug. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Barack Obama spent more on advertising last month than Republican rival John McCain spent on his campaign, new Federal Election Commission filings show.


Obama spent $57.2 million in July, including $33 million on advertising. McCain spent $32.4 million, with $18.7 million going for ads.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 08:33 AM)
He's been negative forever. Just listen to any of his stump speeches.

I have to disagree. In fact, I think one of the reasons Obama was successful in the primaries was his positivism. And his speeches now are not quite as purely positive (which he was also criticized for), but they are still mostly about changing things and moving forward. One may not believe he can do those things, but still, I think his speeches are still less negative than most candidates over the last few election cycles.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 08:52 AM)
I have to disagree. In fact, I think one of the reasons Obama was successful in the primaries was his positivism. And his speeches now are not quite as purely positive (which he was also criticized for), but they are still mostly about changing things and moving forward. One may not believe he can do those things, but still, I think his speeches are still less negative than most candidates over the last few election cycles.

What part of "America sucks and I'm here to fix it" isn't "negative" don't you understand?


(Not you personally, NSS, just generalizing).




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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 08:59 AM)
What part of "America sucks and I'm here to fix it" isn't "negative" don't you understand?


(Not you personally, NSS, just generalizing).

Actually, even using that phrase, you see a key difference there - the "I'm here to fix it" part. Obama emphasizes that more than McCain does.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 09:06 AM)
Actually, even using that phrase, you see a key difference there - the "I'm here to fix it" part. Obama emphasizes that more than McCain does.

But, there's where I have trouble... how does HE determine what needs fixing and what doesn't? And one of the McCain ads does do that better then he has been doing up until now.

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Obama And McCain Campaigns Agree On Format For Debates


The Obama and McCain campaigns just jointly announced that they've reached an agreement on the format for three presidential debates and one veep one.


The agreement features an interesting variety of staging choices, from open discussions to town-hall-style questions from the audience. All four debates will begin at 9 P.M. and last 90 minutes. A quick summary of the format:


* On September 26th, the topic will be foreign policy and national security, and the debate will be broken into nine, 9-minute segments. The presidential candidates will each get two minutes to comment after a moderator introduces a topic, followed by an open discussion of it for five minutes.


* On October 2nd, the veep candidates will debate, and the staging and answer format will be resolved after the veep wannabes are chosen.


* On October 7th, the presidential candidates will hold a town hall debate, taking questions from the audience and the Internet. The candidates will have two minutes to answer each question, after which the candidates will have a minute to respond to their opponent's previous answers.


* On October 15th, the topic will be domestic and economic policy, and the format will be the same as the first presidential debate, but the candidates will additionally have the chance to make a 90-second closing argument.


On a a side note, I would suggest separate threads for each debate. Just my personal opinion.

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Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said in an interview Wednesday that he was uncertain how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own.


"I think - I'll have my staff get to you," McCain told us in Las Cruces, N.M. "It's condominiums where - I'll have them get to you."


The correct answer is at least four, located in Arizona, California and Virginia, according to his staff. Newsweek estimated this summer that the couple owns at least seven properties.


Obama has already posted an advertisment, how do I embed?

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 10:18 AM)
But, there's where I have trouble... how does HE determine what needs fixing and what doesn't? And one of the McCain ads does do that better then he has been doing up until now.


So does that mean every Presidential candidate need to always say that everything is sunshine and lollipops? Kap, I understand you dislike both candidates, but your objections at times feel like your grabbing for any straw you can.


First its that he doesn't talk specifics, then its how does he have the gall to determine specific challenges? So if he's specific, he's being negative and if he's being vague, its smoke up our asses?

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 10:18 AM)
So does that mean every Presidential candidate need to always say that everything is sunshine and lollipops? Kap, I understand you dislike both candidates, but your objections at times feel like your grabbing for any straw you can.


First its that he doesn't talk specifics, then its how does he have the gall to determine specific challenges? So if he's specific, he's being negative and if he's being vague, its smoke up our asses?

RSO is still not really talking specifics. He doesn't have to. He may have the best website EVA! for ideas and platforms, but he's certainly not going to talk to it all.


He *IS* negative when he runs around talking about how bad our country is, from Iraq, to the economy, to gas prices, to so and so's too rich and we need to tax them more, to NAFTA sucks and get rid of it, etc. etc. etc. So, yea, I think RSO pretty much blows the lack of sunshine up our asses every chance he gets because he's going to "CHANGE" it all.


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