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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 10:42 AM)
RSO is still not really talking specifics. He doesn't have to. He may have the best website EVA! for ideas and platforms, but he's certainly not going to talk to it all.


He *IS* negative when he runs around talking about how bad our country is, from Iraq, to the economy, to gas prices, to so and so's too rich and we need to tax them more, to NAFTA sucks and get rid of it, etc. etc. etc. So, yea, I think RSO pretty much blows the lack of sunshine up our asses every chance he gets because he's going to "CHANGE" it all.


So you answered my question, you're only going to vote for a Presidential candidate who says everything is sunshine and lollipops and ham and plaques, because clearly nothing needs change.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 09:53 AM)
So you answered my question, you're only going to vote for a Presidential candidate who says everything is sunshine and lollipops and ham and plaques, because clearly nothing needs change.

Of course (SOME) things need change, but I sure as hell wouldn't base my whole candidacy on things that are "broken" and need "change". That infers that we're something that we're not, and that is, for all it's faults, this country is the best the world has to offer. We only "change" things to better those opportunities, not (for example) take money from those who have achieved greatness, or put government programs in the place of a market society like our "sunshine up our asses RSO" wants to do. ;)

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 12:07 PM)
Of course (SOME) things need change, but I sure as hell wouldn't base my whole candidacy on things that are "broken" and need "change". That infers that we're something that we're not, and that is, for all it's faults, this country is the best the world has to offer. We only "change" things to better those opportunities, not (for example) take money from those who have achieved greatness, or put government programs in the place of a market society like our "sunshine up our asses RSO" wants to do. ;)

If you're not going to fix things that are broken, and talk about that during your campaign - and there will ALWAYS be something broken as time goes on - then what the hell are you doing running for office? We wouldn't even need to have elections then.


Now, if we were saying that promising a new government solution to every problem is not the answer then I agree, but you're going a couple steps beyond that.

Edited by lostfan
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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 10:42 AM)
RSO is still not really talking specifics. He doesn't have to. He may have the best website EVA! for ideas and platforms, but he's certainly not going to talk to it all.


He *IS* negative when he runs around talking about how bad our country is, from Iraq, to the economy, to gas prices, to so and so's too rich and we need to tax them more, to NAFTA sucks and get rid of it, etc. etc. etc. So, yea, I think RSO pretty much blows the lack of sunshine up our asses every chance he gets because he's going to "CHANGE" it all.

OK, hold the phone. First, you said for a long time, Obama doesn't have any ideas or platforms, just rhetoric. Now you say he has that on his website, but doesn't give it enough in his speeches.


You have also previously said that Obama cries "change" all the time but never provides specifics. And yet, when he points out what is broken and needs changing, that is alos somehow wrong.


Look, I can completely understand (and partially agree with) the idea that Obama will NOT be able to make all the changes he promises. No one ever can. But as far as his speeches go, it seems as if you criticize him for being positive, then for being negative, for being non-specific, then for being specific.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 10:32 AM)
OK, hold the phone. First, you said for a long time, Obama doesn't have any ideas or platforms, just rhetoric. Now you say he has that on his website, but doesn't give it enough in his speeches.


You have also previously said that Obama cries "change" all the time but never provides specifics. And yet, when he points out what is broken and needs changing, that is alos somehow wrong.


Look, I can completely understand (and partially agree with) the idea that Obama will NOT be able to make all the changes he promises. No one ever can. But as far as his speeches go, it seems as if you criticize him for being positive, then for being negative, for being non-specific, then for being specific.

You are all the ones who tell me that RSO's website is the best ever. I haven't been there in months. I'm going by what you're telling me. So, I guess I'm beleiveing you. Personally, I think it's worth less then the frame it's written on. :lol: Again, in my opinion, I think almost everything RSO says or does is rhetoric. He never says how he's going to make everything better, he just tells us that's everything's broke and he's the one who's going to fix it.


I don't think I've ever said that RSO is "positive" but I have certainly said that he's full of poop when he's up there talking. I think it's rare as well that RSO says what he's going to do... except create 5 million new jobs with the awesome energy program he's going to implement and also tax the bajeebers out of the oil companies to fund. Of course he doesn't tell you that he's going to cost 3 million oil related jobs (I'm just throwing out the number to make a point so let's not get twisted about that), but why would he ever disclose that?


I think I'm pretty consistent - but maybe I'm not coming across that way, oops.




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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 09:24 AM)
It's seven.

I was watching a news talk show a while back (CNN or MSNBC, i forget) and they were talking about hammering home issues. The republicans are MASTERS at getting a theme, getting on every show possible, run ads like crazy, talk up the issue. They HAMMER you with it. Then someone chimed in that the democrats have never been good at they. They kind "half ass" it. And I agree with that. Well, maybe not anymore.


Full-court press on the houses

Barack Obama's campaign, moving rapidly to exploit what they see as a major opportunity, is deploying high-profile surrogates in 16 states across the country today to highlight John McCain's uncertainty yesterday about how many houses he owns, the Democrat's campaign tells Politico.


Governors, members of Congress and state legislators will hold conference calls and press conferences in front of homes to draw attention to the issue. Party leaders such as Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, on the stump in Ohio and Iowa respectively, wil move to incorporate the matter into their remarks on the campaign trail today in an effort to draw local media attention to the story.


Further, some state parties will hold contests in which Democrats seek out real voters who don't know how many houses they own.


And in other states, ordinary citizens who have been victim of the mortgage crunch will hold press availabilities to contrast their plight with McCain's wealth.


The aggressive move on Obama's part is in keeping with a shift in campaign tactics since his vacation. Obama and his campaign aides have both ramped up their rhetoric in recent days. This latest effort reflects a willingness to hit McCain much harder and to veer from conventional issue-based attacks to the sort of character assaults that have marked the GOP's campaign against Obama as well as their effort against John Kerry in 2004.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 11:41 AM)
neither was Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. See how well that works? time to put the shoe on the other foot.

McCain's "rich" and Obama wants him to pay more taxes. Or something. :lol:


Saying RSO isn't ready for the job by raising his RSO status was clever, and had a little meaning to it. Investment of real estate certainly isn't something that's "shady", unless you get to mortgage things for under market rates because you're a Democrat senator.



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yeah McCain really shot himself in the foot with the 7 houses thing.


If I were in Obama's campaign I would hit home 3 things...


1) McCain's comment that he doesn't know much about the economy and needs to read Greenspan's book.

2) McCain defining rich as someone who makes more than $5 million.

3) McCain not knowing how many houses he has.


It's an out of touch issue. No different than some candidate not knowing what the cost of a gallon of milk or gas costs.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 01:41 PM)
neither was Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. See how well that works? time to put the shoe on the other foot.

I'd rather he stayed above the riffraff and bulls*** and shied away from this type of stuff.

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QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 12:03 PM)
yeah McCain really shot himself in the foot with the 7 houses thing.


If I were in Obama's campaign I would hit home 3 things...


1) McCain's comment that he doesn't know much about the economy and needs to read Greenspan's book.

2) McCain defining rich as someone who makes more than $5 million.

3) McCain not knowing how many houses he has.


It's an out of touch issue. No different than some candidate not knowing what the cost of a gallon of milk or gas costs.

and Cindy McCain saying "In Arizona The Only Way To Get Around The State Is By Small Private Plane"

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QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 12:03 PM)
yeah McCain really shot himself in the foot with the 7 houses thing.


If I were in Obama's campaign I would hit home 3 things...


1) McCain's comment that he doesn't know much about the economy and needs to read Greenspan's book.

2) McCain defining rich as someone who makes more than $5 million.

3) McCain not knowing how many houses he has.


It's an out of touch issue. No different than some candidate not knowing what the cost of a gallon of milk or gas costs.

You are right about this one.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 12:04 PM)
I'd rather he stayed above the riffraff and bulls*** and shied away from this type of stuff.

cant now. McCain didnt play by the rules he said he would. Gloves are off now. I agree, but like I said earlier, you cant get heard being peppy.

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Told You They Would Do It:


Why Cant McCain remember all his house? He was a POW you dumbass.

The McCain campaign is road-testing a new argument in responding to Obama's criticism of his number-of-houses gaffe, an approach the McCain camp has never tried before: The houses gaffe doesn't matter because ... he was a POW!


"This is a guy who lived in one house for five and a half years -- in prison," spokesman Brian Rogers told the Washington Post.


For those of you who haven't kept track, the McCain campaign just recently cited McCain's POW years in explaining away the Miss Buffalo Chip gaffe, and in dealing with the allegation that he broke the rules and listened in on Barack Obama during the Rick Warren forum.


So, we have Rudy "9/11... 9/11" Giuliani and John "POW" McCain

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 07:08 PM)
You are right about this one.


thanks.. we actually agree for once.


now I'll make a stretch... i'd also, very cautiously make a reference to McCain's age. The guy was born in 1936 and will turn 72 on Friday. And by all accounts, it's been a hard 72 years.


Most people look to retire and collect Social Security at 67, not take on the most pressure filled job 5 years later in life. Can he physically and mentally handle this job until he's 76 or 80?

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 12:41 PM)
neither was Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. See how well that works? time to put the shoe on the other foot.


Yeah change! I am glad a candidate for President can use the "He did it first" defense with a straight face. Same old stuff, different day. Obama is no different than Hillary Clinton now.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 11:22 AM)
Yeah change! I am glad a candidate for President can use the "He did it first" defense with a straight face. Same old stuff, different day. Obama is no different than Hillary Clinton now.

So, clearly then you're going to abstain from voting since John McCain's tactics pissed you off so much, and if Senator Obama's campaign had not responded in kind you would have voted for him?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 07:22 PM)
Yeah change! I am glad a candidate for President can use the "He did it first" defense with a straight face. Same old stuff, different day. Obama is no different than Hillary Clinton now.



"He's a lover, not a fighter. But he's also a fighter so don't get any ideas."

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QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Aug 21, 2008 -> 12:16 PM)
thanks.. we actually agree for once.


now I'll make a stretch... i'd also, very cautiously make a reference to McCain's age. The guy was born in 1936 and will turn 72 on Friday. And by all accounts, it's been a hard 72 years.


Most people look to retire and collect Social Security at 67, not take on the most pressure filled job 5 years later in life. Can he physically and mentally handle this job until he's 76 or 80?

dont touch age with a 10foot poll. Let MoveOn or a union hit that.

It's ok for Lieberman to call Obama a nice YOUNG man, but the moment obama says McCains a geezer, forget it. over. THe GOP will pounce like a pride of lions.

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