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Should aliens drive?


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The debate is raging about illegal aliens being allowed to get driving liscenses.


Personally, I say no. Perhaps declaring one day when Aliens can come and get there liscense...say August 1st...then rounding them all up on that day and sending them back on that day would be the proper thing to do.


Except for the cubans of course. They can't be sent back because they are political refugees, but they shouldn't be sent back anyways, Cubans are always very funny people

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No, I don't think they should drive. I have no problem with them driving as long as they actually have insurance and such, simply because its not a right granted simply to Americans. Now if for some reason I have to pay taxes because of it, then screw it.


Yep, I hate paying taxes. This damn state spends, spends and spends more and thats why they still are struggling to figure out their damn budget. I can not wait to cast a vote to recall Gray Davis and to elect the Terminator. :D


Davis is calling for plans to increase taxes, increase spending, and increase Vehichle registration, something that is already 3 times higher then it is in any other state. Enough is enough, get someone in charge the understands economics and can get things in shape.


California has a larger deficit than all the rest of the states combined, yet when Davis was elected it had the bigger surplus. Sure blame the economy, but the housing markets here continue to grow and grow and grow, which has really lessened the recession to the point that this should never of happened.


I'm so sick of Davis. He was caught campaigning when he had a bill on his desk (Against the Law) and all he does with that money is smear other politicians who want to run against him. I know thats what politicians do or at least some of them, but this guy has no ability to run a state and shouldn't be running the state.


Why the voters were so stupid to elect a guy that they didn't approve of is beyond me, but he would never of won if the other candidates weren't so afraid of what parts of their past he'd bring up. Afterall, thats why Arnold backed out.

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1.  Perhaps declaring one day when Aliens can come and get there liscense...say August 1st...then rounding them all up on that day and sending them back on that day would be the proper thing to do. 


2. Except for the cubans of course.  They can't be sent back because they are political refugees, but they shouldn't be sent back anyways, Cubans are always very funny people

1. You consider that moral and worthy of what America is supposed to stand for?


2. You consider that very informed on the situation in many countries from where illegals come? You cosider that very informed on the situation of all the Cubans? You consider that not stereotyping?



I suppose what it says on the base of the Statue of Liberty is now bulls***.


However, as a Christian, I am compelled by all that the Scriptures say about aliens, strangers, foreigners, all that the Scritures say, to command us to welcome the alien. It is an obligation laid upon us by God, at least us who say we believe in the God witnessed to by the Scriptures.


And I take the question personally too. My cousin Mickey was an LA deputy sheriff. He was killed in the line of duty, another officer was shot and critically wounded, a woman was taken hostage, and Mickey at the cost of his life rescued that woman. It all took place it front of a crowd of people in suburrban LA and as the killer atempted to make his escape, he was captured, subuded, the s*** beatne out of him, and held for the authorities by a group of very brave, unarmed Mexican illegals. Very brave in that two cops had been shot and yet they at the risk of their own lives, unarmed, captured the cop killer. Check out the link and look at Mickey's picture and tell God what you think - as for me, I say God bless the aliens, legal and illegal. And consider that many illegals hold jobs basic to our economy that no native born American will take. It is not white suburban kids who pick the crops we eat or work in the lowest paying jobs that are essential to the economy and our society.



his murderer was captured my illegal aliens

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1.  Perhaps declaring one day when Aliens can come and get there liscense...say August 1st...then rounding them all up on that day and sending them back on that day would be the proper thing to do. 


2. Except for the cubans of course.  They can't be sent back because they are political refugees, but they shouldn't be sent back anyways, Cubans are always very funny people

1. You consider that moral and worthy of what America is supposed to stand for?


2. You consider that very informed on the situation in many countries from where illegals come? You cosider that very informed on the situation of all the Cubans? You consider that not stereotyping?



I suppose what it says on the base of the Statue of Liberty is now bulls***.


However, as a Christian, I am compelled by all that the Scriptures say about aliens, strangers, foreigners, all that the Scritures say, to command us to welcome the alien. It is an obligation laid upon us by God, at least us who say we believe in the God witnessed to by the Scriptures.


And I take the question personally too. My cousin Mickey was an LA deputy sheriff. He was killed in the line of duty, another officer was shot and critically wounded, a woman was taken hostage, and Mickey at the cost of his life rescued that woman. It all took place it front of a crowd of people in suburrban LA and as the killer atempted to make his escape, he was captured, subuded, the s*** beatne out of him, and held for the authorities by a group of very brave, unarmed Mexican illegals. Very brave in that two cops had been shot and yet they at the risk of their own lives, unarmed, captured the cop killer. Check out the link and look at Mickey's picture and tell God what you think - as for me, I say God bless the aliens, legal and illegal. And consider that many illegals hold jobs basic to our economy that no native born American will take. It is not white suburban kids who pick the crops we eat or work in the lowest paying jobs that are essential to the economy and our society.



his murderer was captured my illegal aliens

1. The round up thing was a joke, don't take it personally...no harm intended.


2. My stereotype of cubans is indeed a stereotype, but I don't think anybody would be offended if I said "cubans are funny people" it is the truth, every Cuban I have ever met was very light hearted and humerous. I guess after escaping opression, they want to enjoy life to its fullest. Even my cuban spanish teacher (he came over as an illegal alien, but after being captured by the INA got to stay because cubans are considered refugees) says that americans are too serious.


3. I know most californian aliens come from Mexico, not cuba. though some people leave their countries so they can sneak through the mexican border, so not all are mexican.


4. As for Aliens \holding jobs important to our economy...that is a problem. They are not citizens, are citizens should have those jobs. Our citizens our unemployed, hurting the economy. When an alien is unemployed it does not affect the economy.


5. I understand the Aliens are trying to make a living. They would make a much better living if they went ahead and became citizens.


6. Your cousin was a very brave man, and is one of the heroes this country celebrates.

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The debate is raging about illegal aliens being allowed to get driving liscenses. 


Personally, I say no.  Perhaps declaring one day when Aliens can come and get there liscense...say August 1st...then rounding them all up on that day and sending them back on that day would be the proper thing to do. 


Except for the cubans of course.  They can't be sent back because they are political refugees, but they shouldn't be sent back anyways, Cubans are always very funny people

Heh, I thought you were talking about real aliens....hey, simple mistake.. :D

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The debate is raging about illegal aliens being allowed to get driving liscenses. 


Personally, I say no.  Perhaps declaring one day when Aliens can come and get there liscense...say August 1st...then rounding them all up on that day and sending them back on that day would be the proper thing to do. 


Except for the cubans of course.  They can't be sent back because they are political refugees, but they shouldn't be sent back anyways, Cubans are always very funny people

Oh, and I say HELL NO!!! How the heck can illegal aliens even be considered to get licenses...If one were to show up at the DMV..he or she should be arrested and shipped rightback out until they can they do it the right way and become a citizen like the thousand who do everyday..

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The debate is raging about illegal aliens being allowed to get driving liscenses. 


Personally, I say no.  Perhaps declaring one day when Aliens can come and get there liscense...say August 1st...then rounding them all up on that day and sending them back on that day would be the proper thing to do. 


Except for the cubans of course.  They can't be sent back because they are political refugees, but they shouldn't be sent back anyways, Cubans are always very funny people

Heh, I thought you were talking about real aliens....hey, simple mistake.. :D

We have all made the mistake 1,000 times before...no need to be hard on yourself :P

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I say the gay San Franciscians bone the aliens up the ass

lol, now that was a stereotype, and it was disturbing, and disgusting.


Also WSC, you have to study your geography, SF is not in Souther Cal where the Aliens are.

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