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Indiana voter ID laws upheld


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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 12:55 PM)
Sounds alot like the making hybrid cars noisier problem,eh?There is such a small percentage of people who would be affected by the law, it seems stupid that they are even creating one.


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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 06:20 PM)
If they can't physically go get an id, how can they physically vote?



volunteers or nursing homes provide special accomidations. (and if anyone doesnt have a relative in a nursing home, the idea of them taking out 1-by-1 for ID's aint gonna happen)

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QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 01:22 PM)
volunteers or nursing homes provide special accomidations. (and if anyone doesnt have a relative in a nursing home, the idea of them taking out 1-by-1 for ID's aint gonna happen)

So, they'll arrange for them to vote, but not get an ID? If they can get special arrangements made for voting, I am sure they could get the same set of arrangements for getting ID's.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 01:48 PM)
So, they'll arrange for them to vote, but not get an ID? If they can get special arrangements made for voting, I am sure they could get the same set of arrangements for getting ID's.

I am certain the nice people from the Democratic party will stop by and take them to get their ids, same as they arrange for rides to the polls.

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no way... see with voting, they can round them all up and make a 1/2 hour trip to the polling place.


with ID issuance, can that happen with everyone within a 1 hour period??? The pure logistics of this makes it impossible.


(the reason I say 1 hour, is due to the "personal" issues that many patients deal with on an on-going basis)

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QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 02:06 PM)
no way... see with voting, they can round them all up and make a 1/2 hour trip to the polling place.


with ID issuance, can that happen with everyone within a 1 hour period??? The pure logistics of this makes it impossible.


(the reason I say 1 hour, is due to the "personal" issues that many patients deal with on an on-going basis)


The nursing home/retirement home vans are running all over the place. They drop patients off here and there at Doctor's appointments, shopping, etc. Since this is a huge retirement area, I see quite a bit about it.


I think the more valid point is, many are going to say why bother? We are punishing those people which may or may not be a fair price to pay.


Let's remember the names are already on the voting rolls. So you have to provide a picture ID that patches a name already on the rolls. I guess the fraud this could stop is one person visiting dozens of polling places with names of recently deceased individuals.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 03:38 PM)
The nursing home/retirement home vans are running all over the place. They drop patients off here and there at Doctor's appointments, shopping, etc. Since this is a huge retirement area, I see quite a bit about it.


I think the more valid point is, many are going to say why bother? We are punishing those people which may or may not be a fair price to pay.


Let's remember the names are already on the voting rolls. So you have to provide a picture ID that patches a name already on the rolls. I guess the fraud this could stop is one person visiting dozens of polling places with names of recently deceased individuals.

See, that is just it. Why is it considered PUNISHMENT to have to get an ID?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 03:08 PM)
See, that is just it. Why is it considered PUNISHMENT to have to get an ID?


Because it is an extra step. Something more they have to do. Maybe punishment is too harsh a term, inconvenienced? Anytime we enact requirements like this, basically we ask innocent people to prove they are not criminals. Pet peeve of mine. Stores that check my bags as I am leaving, pay first anything, etc.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 04:17 PM)
Because it is an extra step. Something more they have to do. Maybe punishment is too harsh a term, inconvenienced? Anytime we enact requirements like this, basically we ask innocent people to prove they are not criminals. Pet peeve of mine. Stores that check my bags as I am leaving, pay first anything, etc.



What? No it's not. It's a hey, you registered to vote at this place so I want to make sure you are who you say you are before you vote. Why take the extra step in forcing someone to register before you can vote? That's just as much of a pain and inconvenience but we still have to do it. It's a pain in the ass to go to the DMV, but we still have to do it.


Being lazy is not agood excuse. If you can't afford a free ID, I think you have bigger problems than whether you can vote.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 05:30 PM)
What? No it's not. It's a hey, you registered to vote at this place so I want to make sure you are who you say you are before you vote. Why take the extra step in forcing someone to register before you can vote? That's just as much of a pain and inconvenience but we still have to do it. It's a pain in the ass to go to the DMV, but we still have to do it.


Being lazy is not agood excuse. If you can't afford a free ID, I think you have bigger problems than whether you can vote.


It's not an extra requirement? OK b****, then why are they passing a new law?


Before: No picture ID required

After: Picture ID required.


Seems like it is an additional step.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 05:57 PM)
I meant it's not an inconvenience.

I agree, for people who already have a photo ID, it is not. For those people who do not, it is. Some of those people should be inconvenienced to the point of not being able to vote, but some will be citizens who will look at this and stop voting. In a country where less then 25% of eligible voters will actually vote in an off year elected, we ought to be very careful how many extra steps we add, no matter how small.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 06:07 PM)
I agree, for people who already have a photo ID, it is not. For those people who do not, it is. Some of those people should be inconvenienced to the point of not being able to vote, but some will be citizens who will look at this and stop voting. In a country where less then 25% of eligible voters will actually vote in an off year elected, we ought to be very careful how many extra steps we add, no matter how small.

Frankly, if someone can't come up with enough desire, energy and time to get off thier asses and go vote, I don't WANT them to vote. They are also likely to not have one clue as to any issue, or if they do, they are single issue voters at best who do nothing but piss away thier right to vote in blissfull ignorance. There will always be exceptions (such as SOME seniors who are not very mobile, but still have their wits), but if the average person is 'inconvenienced' at having to have an ID to vote, they can just stay home. It obviously isn't that important to them.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 06:22 PM)
Frankly, if someone can't come up with enough desire, energy and time to get off thier asses and go vote, I don't WANT them to vote. They are also likely to not have one clue as to any issue, or if they do, they are single issue voters at best who do nothing but piss away thier right to vote in blissfull ignorance. There will always be exceptions (such as SOME seniors who are not very mobile, but still have their wits), but if the average person is 'inconvenienced' at having to have an ID to vote, they can just stay home. It obviously isn't that important to them.

Well, whether you like it or not, every person in this country who is a citizen over the age of 18 has the right to vote. The fact that you or I pay more attention to specific issues than they do does not matter to me one bit, and it is not a reason by which we ought to start judging whether or not the person gets that right.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 07:24 PM)
Well, whether you like it or not, every person in this country who is a citizen over the age of 18 has the right to vote. The fact that you or I pay more attention to specific issues than they do does not matter to me one bit, and it is not a reason by which we ought to start judging whether or not the person gets that right.

Ok, at the risk of breaking the rules here, can you read? I never said that they should have thier right to vote taken away from them. I said I don't give a flying f*** if they vote if they can't take the time to get up off thier asses and do something simple like have an ID or at least know SOMETHING about the issues. YES, they still have a right to vote even if they are a brain dead liberal, I just don't care if they can't be bothered to go excercise it.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 06:29 PM)
Ok, at the risk of breaking the rules here, can you read? I never said that they should have thier right to vote taken away from them. I said I don't give a flying f*** if they vote if they can't take the time to get up off thier asses and do something simple like have an ID or at least know SOMETHING about the issues. YES, they still have a right to vote even if they are a brain dead liberal, I just don't care if they can't be bothered to go excercise it.

But if you're arguing that if they don't want to get a state issued photo ID they shouldn't have the right to vote, aren't you arguing that the right should be taken away from those people?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 07:33 PM)
But if you're arguing that if they don't want to get a state issued photo ID they shouldn't have the right to vote, aren't you arguing that the right should be taken away from those people?

Then you and I will forever disagree on this because I in no way see having to identify yourself in order to vote as in any way denying someone the right to vote. You have the right of free speech, but it has been upheald time and again that it is not an unlimited right, there are rules and restrictions. Same with voting. You have to register, and you have to prove who the hell you are, both things that are not very hard to do. if you are too lazy to do that, oh well.

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Don't you need to show some sort of identification to register to vote? I don't see why it's a problem showing some ID to actually vote.



Sorry Dems, no way you are getting some crazy voting system where no one ever shows any id and you can register and vote as many times as you want in a single election.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 06:55 PM)
Sorry Dems, no way you are getting some crazy voting system where no one ever shows any id and you can register and vote as many times as you want in a single election.

However, you are still getting the system you want, where they find excuse after excuse to turn away voters who just happen to be African American, poor, and so on.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 28, 2008 -> 08:16 PM)
However, you are still getting the system you want, where they find excuse after excuse to turn away voters who just happen to be African American, poor, and so on.

Exactly, either way someone is going to find something wrong with this. I think that State Identification should not be required to vote, I would just like to have some document with the name of the voter on it. This also raises a question to me about the homeless. How do they vote? I'm sure the vast majority of homeless don't vote, but if they wanted to, where do they get registered without an address and such? Just kinda popped into my mind there.

Edited by kjshoe04
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