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White Sox Clubhouse and Sex Dolls

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 6, 2008 -> 09:41 AM)
Mannnn, you did not just compare a baseball locker room to Iraq.


There's so many reasons that's ridiculous.

Give me a break Steve...he was just saying there are different situations for different environments.

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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ May 6, 2008 -> 07:42 AM)
If a guy was offended by that I would suggest they check in their man card.


I don't what your definition of a man is, but I can think of several very solid men whose manhood would not be questioned by anybody with half a brain who would be offended such a vulgar display. You've got kids that look up to these guys and a franchise that pushes a family atmosphere at the Cell. Not only is this wrong, but it's very wrong.

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While I don't think it's a big deal at all, I hope these guys aren't so dense that they didn't expect this to become a big story. Between Ozzie's rant and this, they've done a great job of trying to make people forget about the losing streak.

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QUOTE (fathom @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:43 AM)
I hope Slezak has never been to a minor league clubhouse. Instead of sex dolls, they have college girls in their clubhouse.

WHAT?! OMG, do the female reporters in the minor leagues ever feel harassed by this? It must be difficult to do their job when ballplayers are distracted by slutty college girls!

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE (fathom @ May 6, 2008 -> 09:47 AM)
While I don't think it's a big deal at all, I hope these guys aren't so dense that they didn't expect this to become a big story. Between Ozzie's rant and this, they've done a great job of trying to make people forget about the losing streak.

Maybe Ozzie was the one who did it...to deflect attention

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QUOTE (YASNY @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:46 AM)
You've got kids that look up to these guys and a franchise that pushes a family atmosphere at the Cell. Not only is this wrong, but it's very wrong.

This WAS in the locker room, right? Not on the concourse? And do the reporters have to report everything they see? Will we next be getting a story about that tramp stamp onthe lower back of Paulie that he didn't cover up when a reporter came in? Or will we hear about that embarrassing mole on Crede's ass? If the reporters themselves weren'tmaking such a big deal about this, would we be posting several pages of rage, real or otherwise?

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Its. A. Locker. Room.


If this was on display in public somewhere, in the park, in the dugout, etc., then I would agree with the people here who find it offensive. But its not. Its in the locker room. You know, the place where there are naked, swearing, spitting, tobacco-chewing, drinking, insulting and generally vulgar men, which is as it should be.


I'll say it again. You want the media to get their interviews? Do it outside the locker room.


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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:50 AM)
This WAS in the locker room, right? Not on the concourse? And do the reporters have to report everything they see? Will we next be getting a story about that tramp stamp onthe lower back of Paulie that he didn't cover up when a reporter came in? Or will we hear about that embarrassing mole on Crede's ass? If the reporters themselves weren'tmaking such a big deal about this, would we be posting several pages of rage, real or otherwise?


Well, it's not in the locker room anymore. It's splayed across the front page of the Sun Times and being talked about on national TV and radio.

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QUOTE (YASNY @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:52 AM)
Well, it's not in the locker room anymore. It's splayed across the front page of the Sun Times and being talked about on national TV and radio.

Hell with the dolls, I want toknow about Joe Crede's mole!

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QUOTE (YASNY @ May 6, 2008 -> 09:46 AM)
I don't what your definition of a man is, but I can think of several very solid men whose manhood would not be questioned by anybody with half a brain who would be offended such a vulgar display. You've got kids that look up to these guys and a franchise that pushes a family atmosphere at the Cell. Not only is this wrong, but it's very wrong.


The family atmosphere is the product on the field. I am sure that the parents of the kids who look up to these guys would be equally offended by their language, and their partying on the road, and with some infidelity over a stunt with a doll.




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Talk about a fake controversy. My God: it's in a locker room. It was a joke.


I'm all for women's rights but for some people to say this was threatening to female reporters... spare me.

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QUOTE (YASNY @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:46 AM)
I don't what your definition of a man is, but I can think of several very solid men whose manhood would not be questioned by anybody with half a brain who would be offended such a vulgar display. You've got kids that look up to these guys and a franchise that pushes a family atmosphere at the Cell. Not only is this wrong, but it's very wrong.

Well, you show me proof of one little kid changing his view of any White Sox player after "Doll-Gate" and maybe the half of my brain which doesn't care can finally evolve to your level of sophistication.


Also, this in no way affects the family atmosphere at the Cell. One doll alone cannot do it. Unless these displays of affection somehow find their way out of the clubhouse and into the stands

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 6, 2008 -> 09:38 AM)
Or start getting hits.

No.Its not about getting hits or not.Swish is getting annoying,its like he is some sort of cartoon character out there.

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QUOTE (juddling @ May 6, 2008 -> 10:57 AM)
Maybe it was all for a ceremony to Jobu to wake up the bats. I'm all for that




Too bad someone would be offended by that too...

Or maybe i shouldn't put green?

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QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ May 6, 2008 -> 09:56 AM)
Also, this in no way affects the family atmosphere at the Cell. One doll alone cannot do it. Unless these displays of affection somehow find their way out of the clubhouse and into the stands

You mean by fans possibly sneaking blow up dolls into the stadium to blow up and display... something that's already been suggested in this very thread.


It's going to happen.

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Put yourself in this place ... You go pick up your morning paper or hear this on the radio driving your 7 year old kid to school and you hear ... Daddy, what's a blow up doll? What did they do with the bat? ... Sorry, but like Slezak said, the boys will be boys thing doesn't excuse this. It's classless, tasteless, vulgar. It's an embarrassment to the organization and I won't be the only Sox fan that finds this personally embarrasing.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:39 AM)
No s*** Sherlock.


Thanks Watson. My point is that people seem to be turning this into a morality issue, claiming that it never should have occurred in the first place. I say do what you want behind closed doors, but when you open the doors to the outisde, especially reporters, you are asking for trouble.

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QUOTE (YASNY @ May 6, 2008 -> 10:02 AM)
Put yourself in this place ... You go pick up your morning paper or hear this on the radio driving your 7 year old kid to school and you hear ... Daddy, what's a blow up doll? What did they do with the bat? ... Sorry, but like Slezak said, the boys will be boys thing doesn't excuse this. It's classless, tasteless, vulgar. It's an embarrassment to the organization and I won't be the only Sox fan that finds this personally embarrasing.

ding ding ding...

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QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:56 AM)
Well, you show me proof of one little kid changing his view of any White Sox player after "Doll-Gate" and maybe the half of my brain which doesn't care can finally evolve to your level of sophistication.


Also, this in no way affects the family atmosphere at the Cell. One doll alone cannot do it. Unless these displays of affection somehow find their way out of the clubhouse and into the stands


Yeah, like a kid changing his view about a player or the team is going to make the MSM. Just consider the odds that somewhere some father has to try to explain this to his kid. I'd say there's a pretty damn good chance this will happen. And no, it won't make the front page of the Sun-Times.

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What happens in the clubhouse should stay in the clubhouse other than quotes media members get from players. Anything else, if they report it, they should lose their access IMO. There is no need for this stuff to be all over the papers. Like the post above stated, they try to present a family atmosphere at the ballpark and kids do look up to these guys, but that doesn't mean that crazy stuff just shouldn't happen. It should be off the record.

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The sales department area, is now called a locker room and there will be porn, blow up dolls, nudity, and swearing. Anyone in accounting, marketing, shipping, etc that needs to enter this area to do their jobs is hereby warned. If there are any uptight pc b****es who can't take a dirty joke in good fun, they should look for other employment, Dammit, we have to increase third quarter earnings! This is a multi million dollar business.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 6, 2008 -> 09:05 AM)
What happens in the clubhouse should stay in the clubhouse other than quotes media members get from players. Anything else, if they report it, they should lose their access IMO. There is no need for this stuff to be all over the papers. Like the post above stated, they try to present a family atmosphere at the ballpark and kids do look up to these guys, but that doesn't mean that crazy stuff just shouldn't happen. It should be off the record.


Mickey Mantle's drinking and womanizing was off the record. Kennedy's daliances with Marilyn Monroe was off the record. Things aren't the same as they used to be. Just ask Bill Clinton about Monica. That wasn't off the record. Different times.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 6, 2008 -> 09:01 AM)
You mean by fans possibly sneaking blow up dolls into the stadium to blow up and display... something that's already been suggested in this very thread.


It's going to happen.

If that happens on a mass-scale obviously its a problem. It'd be impossible to stop it, as anyone can sneak one and inflate it in a bathroom. You'd just have to assume it wouldn't be on ongoing problem involving thousands of people.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 6, 2008 -> 09:31 AM)
Call it what you want. If the Yankees did this Steinbrenner would be outraged.


But that's just a classy organization. We're the dirty Sox with our foul mouthed manager making a joke out of the franchise. The inmates are running the asylum.


Steinbrenner wasnt so outraged when A-rod was walking out the backdoor of a toronto hotel last year with a big-chested woman who wasnt his wife. Thats the face of the organization, it was out where everyone could see it, and it was 50 times more offensive than this rubbish with a stupid blowup doll. The Red Sox fans used blonde facemasks to get to him. Do you think every yankee fan parent explained "Well, A-Rod was out with a woman who wasnt his wife, and probably fooled around with her while his wife was at home..."


Just because my kid doesnt know what it is doesnt mean I have to tell him/her what it is. I remember plenty of times that my dad would say "I will explain it when you are a little older", and that was the end of the story.

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