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White Sox Clubhouse and Sex Dolls

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What the code of conduct is, apparently, and what it should should be are two different things.

So if they are not going against the code of conduct, why call them out in this situation? I'm guessing they don't decide what the rules should be.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 6, 2008 -> 05:03 PM)
Your movement for respect to all blowup dolls everywhere is commendable sir.



Are you this sensitive at home? TV must kill you.

Again Rock. This was done with reporters around. Mr. Ball Player, we are going to pay you $6,000,000 per year. In case you forgot, reporters will be in the clubhouse. We need the reporters to wrote nice articles about us, which makes people come to the ballpark and watch on TV. Then we make money and can cover that paycheck. So sparky, do you know how to act around reporters?


To make a comparison to my reaction to TV is as ridiculous as if I said I guess you wouldn't mind your dad putting up this same display at Christmas in your living room. Two different venues. I also said if they did this at a private party, I'd cut them all the slack.


The problem is they produced a sexist, perverted display, in their workplace, with reporters around to see. Unless they are totally clueless, they knew this would offend a segment of the fan base.

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Sox fans? Yeah, there the ones that get drunk and assault players and think simulated sodomy is a perfect PR move.


I always wondered who used those dolls. Mystery solved.

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Reporters should not be allowed in locker rooms. I don't give a rats ass how much money the players make, there needs to be a line drawn when it comes to their own personal time where they are excluded from the media and/or fans, and the locker room (the place where they dress, and shower) is obviously the perfect place for this seclusion/privacy.


Also, a few pages back someone mentioned men and women both have equal rights in locker rooms. Unfortunately, at least in other Women's sports (Basketball, Soccer, etc.) male reporters aren't allowed into the women's locker rooms. Double standard. And before you proclaim me as a pervert, it's just as perverted for women to be given glances of men walking around with no towel after taking a shower, as a man seeing a woman doing the same thing.


The last statement doesn't have anything to do with the doll incident, it's just a ridiculous double standard that takes place on a daily basis, a double standard that everyone tolerates.


Now, these players should've put the dolls away after the joke had been made, given how the media CURRENTLY is allowed to enter the locker rooms (Ridiculous rule, needs to be changed) and report on pretty much whatever they want. However, Carol Slezak shouldn't have written the column on this as she was not even THERE when it happened. In fact, I don't believe ANY women were present when it happened, ergo she's "claiming" (Yes, there's a chance that this is all a publicity maneuver ala Mariotti, to draw more attention to the paper and/or herself) to be offended by something she'd only heard about, not seen with her own eyes.

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I was shocked to see this debated still this morning. We have 3 sides.


1. Sox were wrong, this negatively effects the franchise.

2. Should have been behind closed doors, but no big deal.

3. Boys will be boys.


I, of course, am part of #1, but anyone arguing any of the points above it any further is just beating it to death and repeating themselves in different ways.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ May 7, 2008 -> 05:38 AM)
Sox fans? Yeah, there the ones that get drunk and assault players and think simulated sodomy is a perfect PR move.


I always wondered who used those dolls. Mystery solved.

I didn't know you could life a brush that big, Tex. And wasn't Ligue really a Cubs fan? You seem to be on the 'If you are not against it, you are for it' side of things. That is just wrong. Many people on here admit it was wrong, that doesn't mean we are going to go log into Adam & Eve and buy up Kayla Kornhole and her buddies. It was in poor taste and poor judgement. We got that. The over reaction by some is also in poor taste. Let's move on.

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QUOTE (YASNY @ May 7, 2008 -> 03:53 AM)
What the code of conduct is, apparently, and what it should should be are two different things.

i don't think i've seen anyone talk about kenny's comments before the game yesterday in this thread. they basically echoed what tex has been saying, talking about how inappropriate and disappointing the incident was and how they'd had seminars on proper conduct in the locker room and with PR and everything in spring training, so this was exactly what they didn't wanna see. i think he mentioned something about speaking with the player(s) involved too. so it looks like there is a proper code of conduct, and i think the organizational response has been about right.


i stand under the "players were wrong but no big deal" umbrella, btw. just wanted to make sure kenny's comments got mentioned here.

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QUOTE (False Alarm @ May 7, 2008 -> 08:32 AM)
i don't think i've seen anyone talk about kenny's comments before the game yesterday in this thread. they basically echoed what tex has been saying, talking about how inappropriate and disappointing the incident was and how they'd had seminars on proper conduct in the locker room and with PR and everything in spring training, so this was exactly what they didn't wanna see. i think he mentioned something about speaking with the player(s) involved too. so it looks like there is a proper code of conduct, and i think the organizational response has been about right.


i stand under the "players were wrong but no big deal" umbrella, btw. just wanted to make sure kenny's comments got mentioned here.


That's what Kenny HAD to say, you do realize that right?

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Meeting with the media before the White Sox played Minnesota, general manager Kenny Williams joined Konerko in trying to bring some levity to the controversy.


"I will assure major-league baseball that the doll was not violated in any way, shape or form," Williams said.


Taking a serious turn, Williams said the stunt was "disappointing."


"We have proactively tried to, and just did so this spring training, organizationally, we brought in some people to discuss a better work environment, whether it's gender issues or racial issues," he said.


"And we had some very healthy discussions, so from that respect it is very disappointing. But also I don't view this as a boys being boys-type issue. This is, you know, boys being a little bit careless, a little bit irresponsible on this front."


Williams stopped short of making an all-out apology.


"If my acknowledgment just now does not suffice as an understanding of the sensitivity of the subject, I don't know what is," the Sox' GM said. "I don't know what a formal apology on behalf of the club is going to do, other than me assuring everyone we are on top of it and we addressed the issue."



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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ May 7, 2008 -> 09:04 AM)
My Prediction of the predictable trio of asshats at the times covering this. First you have Slezak, now Eddie Munster pipes up, now if my prediction is to hold we will need a Couch article on Friday.

My name is Jay, and I am predictable.



LOL, and its Hawks fault. And Toby Hall is a jerk for the shaving cream pie. Jay is a master at being a crybaby

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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ May 7, 2008 -> 09:44 AM)
Meeting with the media before the White Sox played Minnesota, general manager Kenny Williams joined Konerko in trying to bring some levity to the controversy.


"I will assure major-league baseball that the doll was not violated in any way, shape or form," Williams said.


Taking a serious turn, Williams said the stunt was "disappointing."


"We have proactively tried to, and just did so this spring training, organizationally, we brought in some people to discuss a better work environment, whether it's gender issues or racial issues," he said.


"And we had some very healthy discussions, so from that respect it is very disappointing. But also I don't view this as a boys being boys-type issue. This is, you know, boys being a little bit careless, a little bit irresponsible on this front."


Williams stopped short of making an all-out apology.


"If my acknowledgment just now does not suffice as an understanding of the sensitivity of the subject, I don't know what is," the Sox' GM said. "I don't know what a formal apology on behalf of the club is going to do, other than me assuring everyone we are on top of it and we addressed the issue."


The most interesting thign about the TV interview is that Kenny said NO ONE contacted him about this story before they printed to see what the Sox were doing about, even though people just assumed they were doing nothing. That is quality reporting, not that I expect that from the tabloid that is the Sun Times.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ May 7, 2008 -> 06:34 AM)
The problem is they produced a sexist, perverted display, in their workplace, with reporters around to see. Unless they are totally clueless, they knew this would offend a segment of the fan base.


The problem with this is I haven't found that segment of the fanbase. I have now talked with as of this morning every female Sox fan I know about this, and not one cared. In fact, all of them just laughed at it and said that's how guys are. I asked the two female sportswriters I know about this as well, (neither is a Sox fan, and one is actually a Cub fan) and even they didn't think it was offensive or a big deal. Hell, if you read the end of Telander's column today, even Kerry Sayers of Comcast thought it was "funny". So again, you have the right to be offended as do the bullcrappers at the Sun Times. But if I wasn't offended at first, I sure as hell won't be after finding out the people I mentioned aren't.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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Morrisey's take


"It was totally meant in a fun way," center fielder Nick Swisher said. "Some of things that were [reported to have] happened didn't really happen—which is even more funny because it just keeps blowing it up, blowing it up."



No women were in the clubhouse Sunday when the dolls were on display, so I'm having a hard time taking this seriously. If two inflatable dolls are in a clubhouse and no one is around to be offended, did it really happen?


There are two assumptions in that last question:


•Men wouldn't be offended by inflatable female dolls.


•Women would be.


I don't know either to be completely true. I do know this controversy is stupid.



Edited by southsideirish71
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Dana Jacobson said on First Take that she thought it was funny so theres another perspective from a female journalist. So no women saw the display and none that werent adamant Sox haters to begin with have spoken out about it yet there are still people defending their honor. Way to pick your battles, fighting for a cause that the "victims" themselves dont care about.

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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ May 7, 2008 -> 11:13 AM)


I like the Clemens "quote" the best.


Anyways, this is why I like Morrisey. He has a very common sense approach to writing, instead of being either a complete anti-everything, or a shill. He is a writer I really look forward to reading.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ May 7, 2008 -> 11:24 AM)
Dana Jacobson said on First Take that she thought it was funny so theres another perspective from a female journalist. So no women saw the display and none that werent adamant Sox haters to begin with have spoken out about it yet there are still people defending their honor. Way to pick your battles, fighting for a cause that the "victims" themselves dont care about.

LOL.She is a bad example,didnt she go on a rant about 3 months ago about jew bashing or something.

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