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Giants Waived Shinjo


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and boy does this have KW written all over it. He'd be a cheap pickup for a centerfielder that could start or come off the bench. I wouldn't mind him coming off the bench although I feel Hollandsworth is better.


Still, I just got a hunch thats a guy KW will look into.

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If we signed him you could expect atleast a 500,000 boost in attendance, even if he didn't start. The Asian fans of Chicago would have someone to see now, whether or not he is in fact that good. I think it would be a great move to sign Shinjo.


Now if we could sign Hideki Matsui, that would be frickin incredible. We would have atleast 1,000,000 fans show up this year, if not more and we'd actually have another good bat in the lineup, and the better part is is the fact that he is lefthanded and he plays CF. If he would come here that would be good, but from what I've heard, he wants to play on the east coast.


Think about it...we'd get a powerful lefty in the lineup who would bring in attendance and plays a position that we could use. We WOULD be the best offensive team in the majors, we'd have a pretty balanced lineup, a good pitching staff, and over 2.5 million in attendance. It seems like the perfect move, IMO.


Doesn't JR realize that that move would pay itself off in the end?

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Shinjo has great defense, doesn't strike out a lot and has some power. Not as much speed, but he'd be a decent player, and I'd call him above average. And the fact that he is Oriental is all the more reason to get him....it would be a nice thing for the Oriental people of Chicago to actually have someone to go see. You can tell that works by looking at the Mariners....they have two of the best Japanese players to come to America in Ichiro and Kaz, and they are averaging(the key word is averaging there) over 40,000 fans a game. I would guess nearly a quarter of them are Asian.


I still think if we could get Matsui, either of them, it would be a great move, but I think Hideki Matsui would be the better move, and as I said, it would pay for itself.

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Originally posted by witesoxfan

If we signed him you could expect atleast a 500,000 boost in attendance, even if he didn't start.  The Asian fans of Chicago would have someone to see now, whether or not he is in fact that good.  I think it would be a great move to sign Shinjo.


Now if we could sign Hideki Matsui, that would be frickin incredible.  We would have atleast 1,000,000 fans show up this year, if not more and we'd actually have another good bat in the lineup, and the better part is is the fact that he is lefthanded and he plays CF.  If he would come here that would be good, but from what I've heard, he wants to play on the east coast.


Think about it...we'd get a powerful lefty in the lineup who would bring in attendance and plays a position that we could use.  We WOULD be the best offensive team in the majors, we'd have a pretty balanced lineup, a good pitching staff, and over 2.5 million in attendance.  It seems like the perfect move, IMO.


Doesn't JR realize that that move would pay itself off in the end?


IT would be an amazing move. The problem is the Sox can't really spend the money Matsui is asking, well they can but it seems like its on a pitcher and pitching is super important.


Still, the Asian draw would be huge from a player like Godzilla. If you think Ichiro is popular then you can't wait till you see Godzilla. From what my Asian buddies told me he's bigger then Ichiro. Plus, he'd immediately step in and play center with Rowand moving to left where he could platoon with Liefer until Borchard is ready and then Lee or Thomas will dh with the other one either dealt for pitching or the extra money spent on hitting.


Of course this would be the common sense move that would really increase attendance and create a roar on the South Side.


On a side note, does anyone know what the Asian population of Chicago is compared with the other major cities?

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Originally posted by baggio202

if shinjo is so good why did the giants release him??


he is a 250 hitter with an obp of just over 300 and an ops under 700..he has hit only 19 homers in 811 plate appearences...plus he will be 31 this year...the perfect KW pick up!!!...


I never said Shinjo was great, but it seems like a KW move and he is a very solid backup that plays good defense and can play any position in the outfield. You can't expect to have the likes of Frank Thomas coming off the bench.

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That's rather sad. Chicago is 3rd in the nation with Asians and yet only one team has a real Asian on it, and Hee Seop Choi will just be ready to start this year for the Cubs.


If we got Godzilla....we would have an attendance of 40,000 on average too. JR would be a happy man.

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Originally posted by witesoxfan

That's rather sad.  Chicago is 3rd in the nation with Asians and yet only one team has a real Asian on it, and Hee Seop Choi will just be ready to start this year for the Cubs.


If we got Godzilla....we would have an attendance of 40,000 on average too.  JR would be a happy man.


does that mean hot dogs and brats would give way to sushi???

btw ..no asian is gonna come to comiskey just to see shinjo...unless his family lives here

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Maybe not 500,000....... but asians around the area I think come. Which is quite alot when you think about it.


Matsui = Mega attendence +

Ichiro = Definite attendence +

Shinjo = Notacable attendece +




I remember when Shinjo first started with the mets......... their was a buzz around the New York Area about him in the asian community. Not because he was the greastest player in Japan..... but that he was a above average in Japan and was making the jump.


Nuff said...... Bring him in! Get the Thunder Sticks - a - Clappin!

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Originally posted by baggio202

does that mean hot dogs and brats would give way to sushi???

btw ..no asian is gonna come to comiskey just to see shinjo...unless his family lives here


Only to an extent. :D


How often to Asians get to see one of their own playing in Chicago? 3 times for the Mariners, maybe 2 times if lucky on the North Side, and that's about it(more now with Hee Seop Choi coming into town on the North Side). Whether or not Shinjo is actually a good player....he will still be a draw. I was exaggerating a little bit when I said 500,000, but 500-1,000 a night isn't overdoing it, and translated to 81 games here, that is around the area of 60,000 more fans....a guy like Matsui would make a ton of sense because he would draw in atleast 500,000 more...if we signed him and Shinjo, we'd be well off too.


I hope JR realizes this and has atleast talked to a representative of Godzilla. It would be nice to have that kind of bat in CF for the White Sox.

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end of april last year when ichiro came to town the sox drew 16,253 - 12, 735 - 12,891...i guess you could blame part of the low turn out on the weather one the first two games which was rainy but game 3 it was 55* and sunny...doesnt get much better then that in chicago in april....still less than 13k turned out....and the asian community here in chicago only had 5 chances to see their hero play in chi last year...you think they will turn out to the tune of 500k to see shinjo or matsui when they have 81 chances to see him??


when ichiro came to town in his rookie year yes there was a significant attendance spike...but like all novelities once the newness wears off (and it does quickly) then your stuck with a novelty that cant draw....the asians in america are not big followers of MLB..they are followers of anything japenese...thats why they come out...once they have "done their duty" the majority wont be back..ala ichiro..


so if we want matsui or shinjo we get him because he/they are good players who could help our team...not as a novelity


with that said..matsui yes...shinjo no

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Originally posted by baggio202
Originally posted by witesoxfan

That's rather sad.  Chicago is 3rd in the nation with Asians and yet only one team has a real Asian on it, and Hee Seop Choi will just be ready to start this year for the Cubs.


If we got Godzilla....we would have an attendance of 40,000 on average too.  JR would be a happy man.


no asian is gonna come to comiskey just to see shinjo...unless his family lives here


Thank you Baggs. We're probably averaging somewhere around 20,000 a game now (if were lucky). Casual baseball fans may have heard of Shinjo but I can practically guarantee that they'd think Matsui is a new DVD player.


Even though Chicago may have the 3rd largest Asian population in the US, there is no way that you are going to get 20,000 Asians out a game to average 40,000. Here's a novel idea..... How about JR and KW go out and sign a Maddux, Glavine, or Colon and a top notch OF or IF or trade for either/or or both? You'd get the same attendance reaction that way too. :mad: But, as always, JR's cheap f***ing ass is looking for the stop gap instead of the game breaker and KW is looking to "roll the dice" again. PA-f***ING-THETIC!!!!!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

no kiddin killa.. ya mean thats not a new dvd player put out by sony??? geez......lol.... look at it this way... how many of those asian people come out when itchyroll is in town with the mariners??? not many... at least not enough to make up 40,000...... i seriously dont think that adding one to our team will boost anything.... now wheres that crap shooter hiding at.. i have a set of loaded dice for him to use...........lol

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