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8. Chicago White Sox: Gordon Beckham, SS, University of Georgia

Every once in a while, there's a rumor so strong, one repeated from numerous sources, that you almost can't believe it to be true. At every turn, word was that the White Sox really liked Wallace. While most consider him to be an outstanding hitter, something about it just didn't seem to be right. That's not to say that if things fall differently, they wouldn't look in his direction, but in the scenario laid out here, with Gordon Beckham available, they'll go with who most would consider to be the better overall player.


Along with Posey, no hitter has helped his cause more with his performance than the Georgia shortstop. He's been among the NCAA leaders in just about every offensive category, showing a lot more power. He could get to the bigs quickly and how often does a possible impact bat in the middle infield come along?

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Doug Laumann was in Nashville last weekend watching on a scouting visit....i presume he was Georgia vs. Vandy


i read elsewhere though too that the white sox really liked wallace as well


i saw gordon play probably 10 times...but mostly when he was a freshman...he could still hit back then but he was pretty short and scrawny....looks like he has bulked up (as evidenced by his 22 HR)....not sure i see him being a great player in the majors, and he seems like he would be the "safe" pick,


this is a good draft to be picking 8th in....while its not a terrible deep draft, there is very little separation between the top guys...what i mean is that a guy like Justin Smoak could go anywhere from 2 to 10 IMO, so we have a shot at getting the guy we really like in this draft

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 14, 2008 -> 01:42 PM)
I would be incredibly happy with drafting Beckham.


Beckham would be great.


There are a lot of good hitters available at the number 8 pick. Beckham or Posey (not that Posey is available at 8 )would be great due to the position they play as need positions for our team. I would like to see them overslot in the 3rd round and try to tease a top talent that may be leaning towards college into our system. With our team missng out on the 2nd round pick we need to be aggressive. These kids can either fill a need in our system, or wind up being bargaining chits later on. Either way, this is the new currency of the MLB. We need to turn last years negative into a positive and select well.

Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 14, 2008 -> 02:42 PM)
I would be incredibly happy with drafting Beckham.

This is the guy I want. He can steal bases, hit bombs, walk and hit for a high average. Lots like Tulo if you ask me. If he is there, you nab him and groom him to be the everyday SS in 09. Not the greatest SS fielding wise, but he'll do.



QUOTE (daa84 @ May 14, 2008 -> 02:21 PM)
Doug Laumann was in Nashville last weekend watching on a scouting visit....i presume he was Georgia vs. Vandy


i read elsewhere though too that the white sox really liked wallace as well

Wallace has a great bat, but I hope its just smoke. If both Beckham and Wallace were available and the Sox picked Wallace, I would be very upset. An elite hitting short stop is ridiculously harder to find than a solid hitting first baseman.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 14, 2008 -> 01:52 PM)
I really believe you can find/mold first baseman much easier, plus you can typically acquire those prospects that can hit like crazy but just don't have a position a lot easier than you can acquire a toolsy type of SS.


To prove your point, Konerko, Thome and Swisher

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I like Gordan, and I wouldn't mind him at all. And while Wallace is a very good hitter, if we draft him at 8, I'll be very upset. In no way would he be worth 8th overall. The only 3 1B in this draft worth 8th overall is Smoak, Alonso, and Hosmer. And as of now, it looks like Hosmer is going to fall due to the fact he wants a signing bonus in the 7 million range, and one of Alonso and Smoak is likely to go in the top 6.


My dream scenario would be Smoak at 8. Well, my no. 1 scenario would be Crow, but Crow is pretty much an impossibility.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ May 14, 2008 -> 06:20 PM)
I like Gordon, and I wouldn't mind him at all. And while Wallace is a very good hitter,


I hear that Hinrich is a hell of a center fielder and Deng can play a mean 3rd base. ;)


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I think Wallace is in fact a "Smoak" screen. I think we will take Smoak if he is there and perhaps Wallace if he is not.


That would make the Quentin trade that much better. Chris Carter would have been blocked for years as Smoak and Wallace are already closer to the majors than him.


If given the choice between the SS and the 1B, while I think the toolsy Tulowitzki-esque SS is the better choice due to the fact that they are more rare, I think the Sox will take the Texeira-esque 1B. KW and the Sox probably feel like they already "drafted" their SS of the future in the Ramirez signing this winter. They essentially paid a $4 million signing bonus for him and he is just about MLB ready (if not already since he's on the big club) and still fairly young.

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You bring up the point about SS, and we did draft Miranda last year in the first 10 rounds I believe, and we signed a bunch of Latin American who can play SS as well, to go along with Ramirez.


While it would be nice to have a toolsy shortstop like Beckham, a bigger need would probably be a bigger bat in the middle of the lineup to replace one of Thome, Konerko, or Dye.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ May 14, 2008 -> 04:37 PM)
You bring up the point about SS, and we did draft Miranda last year in the first 10 rounds I believe, and we signed a bunch of Latin American who can play SS as well, to go along with Ramirez.


While it would be nice to have a toolsy shortstop like Beckham, a bigger need would probably be a bigger bat in the middle of the lineup to replace one of Thome, Konerko, or Dye.

While yes, Thome Konerko and Dye are starting to get up there...there is room for a toolsy guy on this team, because of some of KW's dealings. Specifically, Swisher and CQ. Combine Swisher, CQ, Fields, and maybe decent performances out of Anderson or Richar and you still have plenty of pop, OBP, and OPS in the middle of that lineup. IF Swisher ever wakes up that is.

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What about Aaron Hicks. He is a high schooler that looks to be 5 star quality. Rated as one of the best athletes in the draft.


As a pitcher he throws mid to upper 90s. Clocked at 97 in his last start.

From a hitter, switch hitter, and seem from the high school ranks at least that he is all world so far. Lots of everything, and lots of speed. Mark Gonzales mentions him as a possible target.

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I haven't placed much time in researching potential draft picks (not nearly the extent of last year), but there's one pitcher that has received attention I hope to avoid -- Aaron Crow. Watch his video and tell me he's not a TJ recepient before he reaches the majors. I'm amazed he's able to reach 95+ with his arm angle.


Aaron Crow: http://www.minorleaguebaseball.com/milb/ev...dex.jsp?mc=crow


SSI, here's Hicks: http://web.minorleaguebaseball.com/milb/ev...ex.jsp?mc=hicks


Gerrit Cole is the type of pitcher I can imagine falling a bit (before the Yankees or Red Sox take him) because of signability issues and delivery problems, but then developing into an ace four years from now. I know we'd never take a chance on him, though, and with the 8th selection I don't blame them. Need more certainty from that position then someone who needs tweaking

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I have nothing to base this opinion other than reading scouting reports and watching clips, but I hope the Sox take a college position player. Somebody that could be in the 2010 Opening Day lineup.


I've heard a lot about Justin Smoak, but it would be cool if they took Gordon Beckham. A homegrown shortstop would be a refreshing change for the Sox. Plus he'd probably be a prototypical 2-hitter.

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QUOTE (flavum @ May 15, 2008 -> 12:51 PM)
I have nothing to base this opinion other than reading scouting reports and watching clips, but I hope the Sox take a college position player. Somebody that could be in the 2010 Opening Day lineup.


I've heard a lot about Justin Smoak, but it would be cool if they took Gordon Beckham. A homegrown shortstop would be a refreshing change for the Sox. Plus he'd probably be a prototypical 2-hitter.

Eh, maybe it's me being greedy but I'd hope for more out of our first selection, #8 overall, than a protypical #2 hitter. Put it this way -- if everything goes right does his skill set strike you as someone you'd expect to be a perennial all-star? I imagine him as a slightly above average shortstop. Never at the top of the league at his position; but towards the middle of the pack. Not bad for the 20th overall selection, but I'd rather aim higher. Justin Smoak is someone, if everything goes right, you could help build a franchise around. No question which player should be selected if both were available.


My expectations for this draft are ridiculously high. Look at recent drafts and players taken around our position. Many good names. There should be no excuses for playing cheap, anyways, as there has been rumors floating around the slot recommendation system would fall once and for all.

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Kenny needs to hit a homerun with this pick. To me it's one of the more important picks we've had for a while. I'd be very happy with Beckham or Yonder Alonso. I can't see Smoak falling that far IMO. I wouldn't be down on a Brett Wallace pick either...but that's the ASU homer in me. Last time I was this high on a pick from ASU I remember getting a little poo-poo'd on here saying he wasn't strong enough, not worthy of a comp-high second pick, etc...and last I looked he was in the top 10 in the AL for avg. Dustin was a great hitter at ASU...but I think Wallace is a little better and with power. Last year's CWS was a little disappointing for him on the big stage.


As for the catcher position...it really stinks not having a second round pick...but if for some reason Kiel Roling falls in the Sox lap in the 3rd...they better jump all over him.

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QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ May 15, 2008 -> 01:09 PM)
Eh, maybe it's me being greedy but I'd hope for more out of our first selection, #8 overall, than a protypical #2 hitter. Put it this way -- if everything goes right does his skill set strike you as someone you'd expect to be a perennial all-star? I imagine him as a slightly above average shortstop. Never at the top of the league at his position; but towards the middle of the pack. Not bad for the 20th overall selection, but I'd rather aim higher. Justin Smoak is someone, if everything goes right, you could help build a franchise around. No question which player should be selected if both were available.


My expectations for this draft are ridiculously high. Look at recent drafts and players taken around our position. Many good names. There should be no excuses for playing cheap, anyways, as there has been rumors floating around the slot recommendation system would fall once and for all.


Good points. Again, my main thing--take a college position player. Whether it's Beckham, Smoak, or Alonso, I just want someone that can be on the fast track.


Any projections on Jason Castro, the Stanford catcher (not the American Idol dude)?


That would be a typical Kenny Williams pick, but is he worthy of a #8 pick?

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Tim Melville is someone who's certainly slipped a little in the rankings this season.


I'm probably just leaning towards Smoak, but would be happy with Beckham.


Buster Posey or Kyle Skipworth perhaps?

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someone mentioned something about Hicks, but to be honest, at 8 overall, I'd rather get more of a true baseball player than an athlete. Hicks is good and all, but is still very raw.


Right now, my big board is something like.


1a. Aaron Crow/Brian Matusz, SP

-Okay, odds are that both will be gone in the top 3-5, but if something were to happen where one of them is somehow there at 8, you gotta take them. Highly wishful thinking, but oh well. You can throw Alvarez, Posey and Tim Beckham into this category as well, as something extraordinary would have to happen for them to be available here.


1b. Justin Smoak, 1B - South Carolina

-Now this is a bit more realistic. As of now, it is between Smoak and Alonso for the top college 1B spot. I am not that big of a fan of Alonso though, and like Smoak better. I actually hope Alonso goes ahead of Smoak to increase the odds of Smoak being available at no. 8.


2. Gordon Beckham, MI - Georgia

-If Smoak is gone, but Alonso is still there, I personally would go a different route. Gordon Beckham provides us with a toolsy shortstop with linedrive power, and potentially a 5 tool threat. There are questions as to whether he would play SS or 2B, but I think he can handle SS just fine.


3. Kyle Skipworth, C - California HS

-I'd still avoid Alonso here and go with Skipworth. Skipworth has a nice swing from the leftside and power to all fields. He is similar to Joe Mauer as a hitter but probably has more power potential. He might or might not be able to stick at catcher, but due to the fact he has a canon arm, it is reasonable to think he can.


4. Yonder Alonso, 1B - Miami

-Now would be the time I'd personally go with Alonso. I like him, but I don't see a ton of upside with him. However, he'd be one of the safer picks, and should be a good player for a long time. He has arguably the best eye in the draft.


5. Eric Hosmer, 1B - Florida HS

-He'd be higher on my list if not for the fact he wants a monster signing bonus in the 7 million range. That is going to push him down similar to Porcello, IMO. However, there isn't much to not like about Hosmer.


A reach that I wouldn't entirely mind would be Jemile Weeks, 2B/OF, Miami. I really like him as a potential leadoff hitter.

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