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Time to extend CQ?


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Eight years sounds pretty premature to me. We have him for four? Good enough for now--let's see how his health holds up. Definitely should re-up him before the very end, though, and not instigate another Buehrle-type drama.

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ May 16, 2008 -> 01:55 PM)
His service number will be 2.060 by the end of this season. If he really is THIS good, next year will be his final "cheap" season.


But yeah, I agree with the majority on this one. The earliest you start worrying about extending him is May or June of next year and that's only if he stays completely healthy and productive up until then.


LOL at your avator Kalapse. Got the CQ love goggles on, have ya? ;)

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ May 16, 2008 -> 01:55 PM)
His service number will be 2.060 by the end of this season. If he really is THIS good, next year will be his final "cheap" season.


But yeah, I agree with the majority on this one. The earliest you start worrying about extending him is May or June of next year and that's only if he stays completely healthy and productive up until then.

Dont you have to have something like 2.14 years of service time to qualify? I believe we have 2 more cheap years of him.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 16, 2008 -> 07:18 PM)
Dont you have to have something like 2.14 years of service time to qualify? I believe we have 2 more cheap years of him.

Once you finish a year with a service number at or greater than 3 you become arbitration eligible for the following season (unless of course you're a super 2 player then you may become arb eligible after 2.) 2010 will be his first year of arbitration eligibility.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 16, 2008 -> 06:18 PM)
Dont you have to have something like 2.14 years of service time to qualify? I believe we have 2 more cheap years of him.

According to Kap's contract sheet, he's pre-Arb this year and next year and then has 3 arbitration years...so if we want to buy him out cheaply by guaranteeing him a contract early, it's pretty much this year or nothing I'd say, because next year, he's a few months away from solid money even if he gets hurt. (I.e. he gets hurt next June, the team isn't cutting him, they'll offer him Arb and he'll still make a couple million)

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 16, 2008 -> 07:23 PM)
According to Kap's contract sheet, he's pre-Arb this year and next year and then has 3 arbitration years...so if we want to buy him out cheaply by guaranteeing him a contract early, it's pretty much this year or nothing I'd say, because next year, he's a few months away from solid money even if he gets hurt. (I.e. he gets hurt next June, the team isn't cutting him, they'll offer him Arb and he'll still make a couple million)

so we have him for 5 years in theory before he makes really big money. If he plays well this entire season injury free, the offseason is maybe when you want to have that thought, but not before.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 16, 2008 -> 06:13 PM)
so we have him for 5 years in theory before he makes really big money. If he plays well this entire season injury free, the offseason is maybe when you want to have that thought, but not before.

Depends on how you define "big money". Lately, your first arbitration year for a guy like Howard, they're talking in the $10 million territory. Which is why I'm pushing this now.


Is it a gamble signing him early? Yes. But if the team wants to save money long term, then that's the best way to do it.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 16, 2008 -> 09:25 PM)
Depends on how you define "big money". Lately, your first arbitration year for a guy like Howard, they're talking in the $10 million territory. Which is why I'm pushing this now.


Is it a gamble signing him early? Yes. But if the team wants to save money long term, then that's the best way to do it.

Now is just not smart, he hasnt shown he can play a full season injury free in the bigs yet. This offseason, maybe, now, awful.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 16, 2008 -> 01:58 PM)
I know these deals are all the rage right now, but what happens when someone throws $50 million at the next Chris Shelton? There is no doubting Quentin is good when healthy, but do we know he can stay healthy for 5/6/7 years? He has had a couple of MAJOR surgeries. That makes me nervous.



And how do they arrive at such a number, or any number based on 6 weeks of the season?

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