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QUOTE (rangercal @ May 28, 2009 -> 01:14 AM)
And Rock. You are nuts. MJ's "All MJ" teams would have gotten swept by this inside/outside Orlando squad. Especially if you mean pre Pippen days.

Pff, yeah right. Are you saying this is a crazy good inside/outside squad and that they are better than several of the teams the Bulls beat in the late 80's/early 90's? Because you are f***ing high if you think that. IN 88-89 I bet that non-inside scoring team featuring a 22.7 ppg Patrick Ewing was pretty easy to get by. You know who was also pretty crappy in the paint? Brad Daugherty, who the Bulls faced in the first round.


You might want to take a deeper look at the teams that those Bulls teams played and beat with virtually one good player. Many of those teams could have had rings in the NBA now. Saying that this Orlando team would have swept the Bulls is comical.

Edited by RockRaines
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By 4, I meant the 4th reason why Lebron may come to Chicago is because of Nike.


I still consider Chicago a long shot because the Bulls just dont seem to ever get the top free agent.


I know they got Wallace, but thats a lot different than Lebron, T-Mac, Kobe, etc.


I also think that New Jersey will be a much bigger player than you imagine.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 28, 2009 -> 02:30 PM)
By 4, I meant the 4th reason why Lebron may come to Chicago is because of Nike.


I still consider Chicago a long shot because the Bulls just dont seem to ever get the top free agent.


I know they got Wallace, but thats a lot different than Lebron, T-Mac, Kobe, etc.


I also think that New Jersey will be a much bigger player than you imagine.

I understand what you said. What would Nike's motives be for Lebron? I am assuming big market would be at the top of the list, which would obviously give NY the edge, but Chicago is not chopped liver.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 28, 2009 -> 02:20 PM)
Pff, yeah right. Are you saying this is a crazy good inside/outside squad and that they are better than several of the teams the Bulls beat in the late 80's/early 90's? Because you are f***ing high if you think that. IN 88-89 I bet that non-inside scoring team featuring a 22.7 ppg Patrick Ewing was pretty easy to get by. You know who was also pretty crappy in the paint? Brad Daugherty, who the Bulls faced in the first round.


You might want to take a deeper look at the teams that those Bulls teams played and beat with virtually one good player. Many of those teams could have had rings in the NBA now. Saying that this Orlando team would have swept the Bulls is comical.

First of all, I agree with you if you are talking late eighties and early nineties. The teams before the eastern conference finals squads would have got swept.

I don't think any of those Cavs/Knicks teams had a similar inside/outside threat as Dwight-Lewis-Hedo. I recognize Mark Price,Larry Nance and Mark Jackson as good players. I just like how Orlando has been spreading the floor. Reminds me a little of the mid 90's Rockets.

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QUOTE (rangercal @ May 28, 2009 -> 11:43 AM)
I understand what you said. What would Nike's motives be for Lebron? I am assuming big market would be at the top of the list, which would obviously give NY the edge, but Chicago is not chopped liver.

Chicago also has that legacy thing from another wearer of #23. I have no idea how that plays in with either Lebron's head or Nike's, I can guess Nike would LOVE it, but that has to fit somewhere and I don't really know how.

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QUOTE (rangercal @ May 28, 2009 -> 01:05 PM)
You know something we all don't know, or is this just assumption?


Logic tells me that with open salary space the Bulls have:


1. #3 Market

2. Derrick Rose

3. Good role players




It will be between CLE, NY and Chicago. Book it.


Bulls are going hard after Wade, Bosh, and Amare. Bulls brass feels LeBron is a longshot. They will try to get him if they think he actually wants to come here and not just drive up the price, but they don't want to waste their time courting him when they could be using that valuable time courting Wade, Bosh, and Amare.

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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ May 28, 2009 -> 03:28 PM)
Bulls are going hard after Wade, Bosh, and Amare. Bulls brass feels LeBron is a longshot. They will try to get him if they think he actually wants to come here and not just drive up the price, but they don't want to waste their time courting him when they could be using that valuable time courting Wade, Bosh, and Amare.


How do you drive up the price with a salary cap?

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QUOTE (rangercal @ May 28, 2009 -> 02:36 PM)
How do you drive up the price with a salary cap?


You could go over the limit with a sign and trade. If LeBron says he absolutely will not play for Cleveland anymore and that they might as well get something for him, he just created more money for himself.

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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ May 28, 2009 -> 03:56 PM)
You could go over the limit with a sign and trade. If LeBron says he absolutely will not play for Cleveland anymore and that they might as well get something for him, he just created more money for himself.


you say he won't come to Chicago, at the same time you throw in a very unlikely scenario.

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Lebron will stay in Cleveland. People can blab about large market all you want, but Lebron is the face of the NBA already and moving to a large market won't really have that huge of an impact, imo. At least not for Lebron, for the NBA sure.


Plus, Cleveland is going to get a Chinese minority owner and they will market him a s***load over in China which WILL be a big boom for Lebron.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 28, 2009 -> 03:04 PM)
Lebron will stay in Cleveland. People can blab about large market all you want, but Lebron is the face of the NBA already and moving to a large market won't really have that huge of an impact, imo. At least not for Lebron, for the NBA sure.


Plus, Cleveland is going to get a Chinese minority owner and they will market him a s***load over in China which WILL be a big boom for Lebron.

He is also living near his home, he already has his compound nearby and he's going to be the best player to ever wear that uni.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 28, 2009 -> 03:07 PM)
He is also living near his home, he already has his compound nearby and he's going to be the best player to ever wear that uni.

Um, I think you're forgetting Mark Price...

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 28, 2009 -> 01:43 PM)
I really believe that Lebron feels he has outgrown Cleveland.


Obviously no one is sure, but I think Lebron will really weigh all of his options.

And I think a big part of his decision is going to come down to how he feels the team will perform in the future. And I wonder how this shellacking at the hands of the Magic plays in to that.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ May 28, 2009 -> 12:37 AM)
That's obvious. But let's keep in mind that the Bulls were something like 30-0 in series in which they had the HC advantage during the Jordan era (I.E. they never lost to a team they shouldn't have lost to). And this isn't aimed at you, but I don't want to hear any of this crap of how all of a sudden Lebron doesn't have a supporting cast. You can play that card with D-Wade. The Cavs won 66 games. They went 39-2 at home. They won their first 8 playoff games by an average of 15 PPG or whatever it was. That wasn't all Lebron. Everything had been peaches and cream for them all season long. And when KG went down, it was all but assumed they had the east wrapped up. Now that they've been challenged, they've just about crumbled. And that falls on Lebron just as it does Mike Brown, their coaching staff and the other players. It's easy to look like a great leader when you're winning. True leadership comes when you can survive adversity, turmoil, ect. Doesn't look like Lebron is quite there yet.

I know you weren't directing your comments at me, but for the record, I'm as staunch a Jordan defender as you are and find the comparisons just as laughable. I was just saying - LeBron's team really isn't much without him, something I didn't realize until this series.

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QUOTE (rangercal @ May 28, 2009 -> 02:43 PM)
I understand what you said. What would Nike's motives be for Lebron? I am assuming big market would be at the top of the list, which would obviously give NY the edge, but Chicago is not chopped liver.

NY is obviously bigger than Chicago but you could make an argument about Chicago being a just as big, or maybe even bigger basketball market. Chicago is to basketball what Texas is to football. Hell, I tell friends from NYC that I've always wanted to go to a Knicks game at the Garden and several times, different people have told me they've always wanted to go to a Bulls game at the UC. Chicago is as major a basketball market as anywhere.

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QUOTE (SoxFan101 @ May 28, 2009 -> 04:15 PM)
I think Lebron's fate will go with his team's success, if the Cavs dont win a championship this year or next I think he will bolt. My bet would be on the Knicks/Nets though with Chicago 3rd.


I agree. Chicago will be a distant 3rd. LeBron has always loved the limelight New York would provide him. I think it's his favorite city in the world actually. The reason the Nets are in there is because his best friend is Jay-Z and if they actually do finalize a deal to move to Brooklyn, it would be a tough choice for LeBron.

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