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I'm done with this team if that's the price it takes to get Amare and they balk. We give up basically one piece of worth in a streaking Tyrus Thomas for the best post scorer in the game who is 26...


Seriously. If it comes out that that report is true, and the Bulls pass to hold onto this dogs*** core, I am officially done until both Pax and Vinny are fired. I never thought I'd say that.

Edited by Steve9347
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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Feb 9, 2009 -> 05:51 PM)
If that's the case, the Detroit offer is the best, but they'd be idiotic to think they could keep up with the big boys.

My guess is Terry Porter gets fired after the season anyways, and they go for either JVG or Thibodeau.


Rasheed Wallace would give them a huge expiring contract though, and Detroit will probably add Amir Johnson and a 1st from what I've heard.


If I'm Kerr, I'm holding out for Wallace and Stuckey though.

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QUOTE (DBAHO @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 10:06 AM)
My guess is Terry Porter gets fired after the season anyways, and they go for either JVG or Thibodeau.


Rasheed Wallace would give them a huge expiring contract though, and Detroit will probably add Amir Johnson and a 1st from what I've heard.


If I'm Kerr, I'm holding out for Wallace and Stuckey though.

Pistons aren't trading Stuckey.

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Per The Score


The Bulls have two games on the court this week before dispersing for the All Star break. But the biggest game may be played off the court as General Manager, John Paxson attempts to rearrange his roster.


By now you have probably heard all about the rumors that the Bulls and the Phoenix Suns have discussed a possible trade of Amare Stoudemire for a combination of players that would include Tyrus Thomas, Drew Gooden, Joakim Noah and a draft pick. Paxson would dearly want to place Larry Hughes in some sort of deal but the Suns would probably balk at that since Hughes has another year left on an inflated contract.


The thought is that Paxson would finally get a big man that can consistently score inside and have a compliment to Derrick Rose for years to come. But, and it’s a big but, is the fact that Stoudemire can opt out of his current deal after next season and his then asking price would be at least $20 million for six years. That’s a lot of cash to commit and it would also hamstring the Bulls into making any further deals. So Paxson has to ask himself if this is truly the player that puts the Bulls over the top? Of course all he has to do is ask his coach (Vinnie Del Negro) who was around Stoudemire for the previous five years. Stoudemire is said to be moody and rarely plays defense.


Del Negro should know if indeed those are truisms.


So once again Paxson has some big decisions to make. He was in this same position when Kevin Garnett and Pau Gasol were put on the market.


In those instances Paxson failed to pull the trigger but sources indicate that this time around he is itching to do so. And good for him that he hasn’t been fooled by the recent improved play of Thomas and Noah. Finally Paxson’s mind has been made up to shake up his roster.


It’s going to happen whether it’s a Stoudemire trade or something else.

Edited by Steve9347
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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 07:42 AM)
I'm done with this team if that's the price it takes to get Amare and they balk. We give up basically one piece of worth in a streaking Tyrus Thomas for the best post scorer in the game who is 26...


Seriously. If it comes out that that report is true, and the Bulls pass to hold onto this dogs*** core, I am officially done until both Pax and Vinny are fired. I never thought I'd say that.

Well, regardless of what happens, I can guarantee you that enough people will assume that the cheapest price they read anywhere was the actual offer that the Bulls could have taken, and that the Bulls chose not to take it, so it's obviously the GM's fault.

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The Bulls have had talks with Phoenix, which is looking for young players and salary reduction. The Bulls offer centers on Tyrus Thomas and Thabo Sefolosha, the expiring contracts of Drew Gooden and Cedric Simmons, along with undetermined draft picks.


Two league sources suggested Phoenix does not have much interest in Miami's Michael Beasley or Shawn Marion. The Suns got rid of Marion a year ago in the Shaquille O'Neal trade and apparently see Thomas as a better fit than Beasley.


So the Bulls appear to be a strong contender in the Stoudemire sweepstakes. The biggest questions are whether teams will improve their offers before the Feb. 19 trade deadline and how much it would cost the Bulls to keep Stoudemire long term. He has the option of becoming an unrestricted free agent in 2010.





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Phoenix seems to be getting a bit carried away with their defense-first approach, especially since they still wouldn't be very good defensively with the ancient Shaq and Nash as the key pieces of their team and no one else on the roster that I would call even an above average defender.


If they were still playing 7 seconds or less I could see why Thomas would be a great fit, he gives you an athlete that can run the floor and it's easier to hide the fact that he's a suspect offensive player in transition. However, if you're switching to a more halfcourt-oriented offense it seems to me that you'd want a guy like Beasley that has the potential to be an elite offensive option and can already stick open jumpers and occasionally create his own shot. I would think that's especially of concern with Stoudemire leaving, that puts a lot more pressure on several guys that are decent but not stellar scorers at this point in their career.


It seems to me like Phoenix is going to get pretty bad in the near future once Shaq and Nash totally fall off and/or end up elsewhere after 2010.

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David Aldridge at NBA.com on what may be driving trade talks; the economy.

This year, the trade deadline is being influenced like never before because owners who've lost millions in the plunging U.S./global economy are determined not only not to be luxury tax payers, but to cut costs as much as possible as quickly as possible, with no intention of allowing their team's salaries to ever rise near the tax threshold in the foreseeable future.


In the last week, I've heard of a half-dozen owners whose personal fortunes have been slashed significantly by the recession.


In one case, one employee of a team told me his boss has lost nine figures--more than $100 million--in personal wealth. In another, someone who's never been wrong in 10 years swears that another owner has lost $1 billion since the recession began. (Obviously, as I don't have each team's spreadsheet in front of me, or a month of free time to become an expert on tax shelter/tax write-offs policy, determining exact losses is an impossibility.) But owners aren't immune to the forces that have paralyzed the rest of the American economy.



Heisley was raked over the coals last year when the Grizzlies insisted on expiring contracts, young players and draft picks for Gasol. The Lakers ultimately came up with now 24-year-old center Marc Gasol, guard Javaris Crittenton, a second-round pick in last year's draft and a 2010 first-rounder and Kwame Brown's expiring $9 million deal. (Memphis turned Crittenton into a future first from Washington in December.)


A year later, what is Suns president Steve Kerr looking for in exchange for Stoudemire?


Expiring contracts, young players and first-round picks.


"He's saying he has to get those things for a deal to be worth it," another team executive says. "I like the kid...but he does have serious flaws on the court for one...secondly, whoever trades for him has to accept that he could be walking in a little over a year from now (Stoudemire can opt out of his last year in 2010, when he's due to make $17 million)."

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QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 11, 2009 -> 12:21 AM)
What a comeback by the Bulls.

great game....this team has really played well lately...noah and thomas have finally bought into running the floor and making things happen around the basket...both have looked very good lately

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QUOTE (daa84 @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 11:23 PM)
great game....this team has really played well lately...noah and thomas have finally bought into running the floor and making things happen around the basket...both have looked very good lately

Tyrus has been a double double machine lately. Noah is a good rebounder. Limits the other team to one shot.

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