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Firefighters Being Fired For Not Speaking Spanish


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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ May 21, 2008 -> 03:34 PM)
The date on the video says May 8, 08


That's what I was trying to figure out. At first I just thought it was one of those internet things that circulates forever. (Did they ever pass that tax on emails?)

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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ May 21, 2008 -> 12:55 PM)
I would love to hear your ideas on how to stop multiculturism and save America.

The idea that all cultures are equal in merit and deserving respect could be seriously proposed and adopted only in western liberal democracies. Such an idea means only one thing, the diminution of the West, America in specific, and its achievements in comparison to other cultures. There are cultures out there that are not equal in stature to ours, that are still rooted in the 17th century, and need to change with the times if they want to be taken seriously. But no, multiculturalism says they don't have to, we must honor and respect all cultures as equals.


Multiculturalism institutionalized as a policy, run by self-perpetuating bureaucracies and sustained by entrepreneurs of a growing multicultural industry, became a cash cow for its proponents and clients. Immigrants were not required to embrace the West's culture and complex history; and the West did not have to strain itself in instructing immigrants on the need or importance of embracing it, warts and all.


But that's a different topic. Since it seems that the problem is with private companies, they can do what they like, within the law, of course. if they want to fire or demote perfectly good workers just because they can't pay enough to attract some english speaking employees, they can do that. But whichever it is, a part of my forst statemtn sort of still applies. How are these peopel in THIS country, getting a job, when they can't speak any english? While that may not be illegal, it is just wrong.


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QUOTE (Texsox @ May 21, 2008 -> 09:41 PM)
Probably the same way I got a job in Mexico without speaking Spanish. I filled a need and had the necessary jobs skills to get the job done.

But did they fire any supervisors who couldn't speak English to accomodate you? And I bet you got paid an American wage, not a depressed Mexican wage, right? I have a 'friend' who works in China under a contract, and he is paid about $200,000 American, which over there translates into over twice that amount of spending power.

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The state mandated in their bids that all supervisers need to speak the language of every crew member. Are you saying that is wrong?


There were enough bilingual people around me that not speaking Spanish was a bother, but not critical. And yes, I was on an American payroll and crossed the bridge every day.

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Just think, if this happened to be firefighters getting fired for not knowing how to speak English, and only speaking Spanish, there would be an uproar among all the Hispanic-American civil rights leaders and the screwy far left.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ May 21, 2008 -> 10:05 PM)
Just think, if this happened to be firefighters getting fired for not knowing how to speak English, and only speaking Spanish, there would be an uproar among all the Hispanic-American civil rights leaders and the screwy far left.

Ive eluded to this in other threads on here in the past but I still hold firm on my opinion that what most people consider to be the most privileged demographic of people, straight white males, is becoming the group of people most discriminated against. Whats worse, that there arent any laws to protect that demographic and nobody even seems to care. This is a very good example of this, and like you said, if anyone but the people that were actually discriminated in this story were the victims of this, say the situation was reversed, there would be protests and rioting. It is simply a double standard.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ May 21, 2008 -> 11:28 PM)
Ive eluded to this in other threads on here in the past but I still hold firm on my opinion that what most people consider to be the most privileged demographic of people, straight white males, is becoming the group of people most discriminated against. Whats worse, that there arent any laws to protect that demographic and nobody even seems to care. This is a very good example of this, and like you said, if anyone but the people that were actually discriminated in this story were the victims of this, say the situation was reversed, there would be protests and rioting. It is simply a double standard.



I feel the same way. Everytime I walk down the street I hear people whisper. "Look at that straight white male, when did they move into the neighborhood?"



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The state sends out for bids for firefighting services. They want the best price possible for these services. They discover a problem when the crew chiefs do not speak the same language as the workers.


Does the state accept higher prices, and pass it on to the taxpayers and demand English only Crews, or allow the companies to hire anyone they want as long as safety is maintained?


The state is not discriminating at all. They are saying hire anyone you like, but if you hire people who only speak one language, you will incur this extra burden of also hiring chiefs who speak their language. Seems like this policy would encourage companies to hire English speakers.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ May 21, 2008 -> 09:57 PM)
The state mandated in their bids that all supervisers need to speak the language of every crew member. Are you saying that is wrong?


There were enough bilingual people around me that not speaking Spanish was a bother, but not critical. And yes, I was on an American payroll and crossed the bridge every day.

No, I am saying it is wrong that people can get a job in this country and not speak any english.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 22, 2008 -> 10:06 AM)
No, I am saying it is wrong that people can get a job in this country and not speak any english.

I guess if you want the Federal Government to help you make hiring decisions, go for it. I just think private companies should be allowed to run their business the way they feel is best. The fewer government interventions the better.

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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ May 22, 2008 -> 10:52 AM)
I feel the same way. Everytime I walk down the street I hear people whisper. "Look at that straight white male, when did they move into the neighborhood?"

Doesn't that make you happy there are sites like this? Not once has anyone on Soxtalk said you're straight, or male.



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QUOTE (jackie hayes @ May 22, 2008 -> 11:48 AM)
Doesn't that make you happy there are sites like this? Not once has anyone on Soxtalk said you're straight, or male.





This is one of the few places I can feel free of persecution. I sometimes think life would be a lot easier if I was a gay black male.

Edited by GoSox05
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QUOTE (Texsox @ May 22, 2008 -> 10:59 AM)
I guess if you want the Federal Government to help you make hiring decisions, go for it. I just think private companies should be allowed to run their business the way they feel is best. The fewer government interventions the better.

I know you have too many posts to remember them all, and with all the replies, the amount gets staggering, but I didn't say that.

Since it seems that the problem is with private companies, they can do what they like, within the law, of course. if they want to fire or demote perfectly good workers just because they can't pay enough to attract some english speaking employees, they can do that. But whichever it is, a part of my first statement sort of still applies. How are these peopel in THIS country, getting a job, when they can't speak any english? While that may not be illegal, it is just wrong.

No call for government intervention there, just my opinion that it is wrong that someone can get a job in this country and not speak any english. Private companies can make thier own decisions, within the framework of current laws, and that's fine. They can also bear whatever negative publicity they get for firing and otherwise good American employee for not speaking spanish. And if I was that employee, I would make sure they got plenty of it.

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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ May 22, 2008 -> 10:52 AM)
I feel the same way. Everytime I walk down the street I hear people whisper. "Look at that straight white male, when did they move into the neighborhood?"

When stuff like this story happens and nothing is done about it because nobody is concerned about the demographic that is wrong. If they fired all of the Mexicans than there would be special interest groups lined up and stand up for them. If something similar to this happened to black people Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be all over it but because of who it happened to nobody cares. So now because our country is too scared to do whats right in situations like this people that have worked their way up the ladder in this field are getting laid off because they dont speak a language that isnt even required of them. So now they have to find a new way to support their families because there arent enough people in this country that will admit this is a problem.


You can make light of the situation with sarcasm and spew whatever MTV has taught you about politics this week. But Im willing to guess that until it hits you closer to home you will continue on thinking this isnt a big deal. For the record, my point about discrimination wasnt meant like your example of 'when did those straight white men move into the neighborhood" It was meant as "Well we can just lay off the english speaking supervisors because there wont be a backlash like if we laid off the spanish speaking ones."


Again though thank you for your valuable contribution.

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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ May 22, 2008 -> 01:03 PM)
This is one of the few places I can feel free of persecutison. I sometimes think life would be a lot easier if I was a gay black male.

I dunno, gay black males are under just as much persecutison. Now if only we can figure out what persecutison is...


Also, I doubt you would admit it, but you kind of proved my point, because you know damn well, that if gay black males were the ones being laid off there would be riots and you and the other activists would probably have to go and get Don Imus fired again just for a show of good faith.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ May 22, 2008 -> 01:51 PM)
I dunno, gay black males are under just as much persecutison. Now if only we can figure out what persecutison is...


Also, I doubt you would admit it, but you kind of proved my point, because you know damn well, that if gay black males were the ones being laid off there would be riots and you and the other activists would probably have to go and get Don Imus fired again just for a show of good faith.



I think cases in which people are fired for being white or straight are pretty rare. I just in no way see "straight white males" being the most persecuted people in this country. That is why I made the joke, because to me it's just silly.

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I'm also sure that there've been plenty of black gay males that have been fired for just being bad at their jobs, and there was no outcry from anybody because there was just no reason. Now if they were fired because they were black and gay...

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ May 22, 2008 -> 02:46 PM)
When stuff like this story happens and nothing is done about it because nobody is concerned about the demographic that is wrong. If they fired all of the Mexicans than there would be special interest groups lined up and stand up for them. If something similar to this happened to black people Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be all over it but because of who it happened to nobody cares. So now because our country is too scared to do whats right in situations like this people that have worked their way up the ladder in this field are getting laid off because they dont speak a language that isnt even required of them. So now they have to find a new way to support their families because there arent enough people in this country that will admit this is a problem.


You can make light of the situation with sarcasm and spew whatever MTV has taught you about politics this week. But Im willing to guess that until it hits you closer to home you will continue on thinking this isnt a big deal. For the record, my point about discrimination wasnt meant like your example of 'when did those straight white men move into the neighborhood" It was meant as "Well we can just lay off the english speaking supervisors because there wont be a backlash like if we laid off the spanish speaking ones."


Again though thank you for your valuable contribution.

How about when stuff like this story happens and nothing is done about it because when the facts come out it turns out to be nothing like what people were claiming?


I love it when Fox tries to made a big deal about some nonstory, and when the facts come out everyone who liked the original bogus spin come back with, Oh but you know what would happen if the story were completely different...


Your claim is absurd, anyway. If you really believe that there don't exist jobs that require a person to speak English, then you're not living in any part of America that I've seen. And you don't see picket lines and screaming protesters outside every such workplace. You're just ticked that any job anywhere requires Spanish proficiency, and you expect everyone to agree. Personally, I could give a damn. As long as the job gets done, it doesn't make a damn bit of difference to me how people speak while they do it.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 22, 2008 -> 01:07 PM)
I know you have too many posts to remember them all, and with all the replies, the amount gets staggering, but I didn't say that.


It would take a federal law to keep non English speakers out of the workforce. You are advocating more restrictions on who you could, and could not hire. Down here there are so many bilingual people, we are never short someone to interpret. Retail stores would be killing themselves if they did not have Spanish speaking clerks. Our best buyers are Mexican Nationals. There are so many jobs out there where it just does not matter if you can even speak.


Again, if a company wants to bid on that contract then one of the requirements is that the crew chief be able to communicate with everyone in his crew. That does not say, fire supervisors who do not speak Spanish. The state is leaving it up to the private companies who bid on these contracts on how to meet that requirement. It would seem that a company could elect to not hire firefighters who only speak Spanish if they do not have Spanish speaking supervisors. But the report said there is an urgent need for firefighters because fires were burning.

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And let's look at what the state did:


There identified a safety problem when the crew chief could not communicate with the firefighters.


The state changed their bid requirements to require that the Crew Chiefs speak the same language(s) as the firefighters.


What happened after that was left up to the private companies that bid on those contracts.

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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ May 22, 2008 -> 01:34 PM)
I think cases in which people are fired for being white or straight are pretty rare. I just in no way see "straight white males" being the most persecuted people in this country. That is why I made the joke, because to me it's just silly.

Well maybe I worded my point wrong then. Its not that theyre persecuted more than other groups, its that when they are its always overlooked because of stereotypes. My point remains though in terms of if this happened to another group people would be outraged. This isnt like saying a cab wont pick that group up because theyre "straight white males," its that theyve become easier targets because people overlook it. Also, straight white males between the ages of 18-60 are the only people that arent protected from discrimination by law.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 21, 2008 -> 10:27 PM)
But that's a different topic. Since it seems that the problem is with private companies, they can do what they like, within the law, of course. if they want to fire or demote perfectly good workers just because they can't pay enough to attract some english speaking employees, they can do that. But whichever it is, a part of my forst statemtn sort of still applies. How are these peopel in THIS country, getting a job, when they can't speak any english? While that may not be illegal, it is just wrong.


Because there has never been an official language in the United States, just a dominant one.

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