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Chicago White Sox @ Cleveland Indians


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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ May 27, 2008 -> 01:11 AM)
Nice zone blue. The umps need to be called to task after this year of asshat calls, and dumb crap like the wandering strikezone.


Here's an idea....maybe our manager shouldn't complain publically in the press about umpires during the first week?

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QUOTE (fathom @ May 26, 2008 -> 07:12 PM)
Here's an idea....maybe our manager shouldn't complain publically in the press about umpires during the first week?


Here's another idea... maybe the umpires should a) learn the strike zone B ) be professional and fair and not hold Ozzie's comments from several weeks ago against him.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (shawnhillegas @ May 26, 2008 -> 07:11 PM)
They were pretty good pitches. Not that its an excuse not to swing though.

Where those pitches were located, if he swung, nothing good for the White Sox would have happened. Chances are he would miss. I suppose he may have been able to foul the second one off to stay alive.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 27, 2008 -> 01:13 AM)
Here's another idea... maybe the umpires should a) learn the strike zone B ) be professional and fair and not hold Ozzie's comments from several weeks ago against him.


Why can't Doug Eddings do all of our games?

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QUOTE (Capn12 @ May 27, 2008 -> 02:14 AM)
Hey, one of our starting pitchers is going to get a No Decision....that RARELY happens this season


Although, this is one I'm kinda glad to have at least gotten.


At least it's not S. Chacon.

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QUOTE (shawnhillegas @ May 27, 2008 -> 01:15 AM)
The fact that the Indians kept Jason Michaels on their roster for 2 months when Fransisco was in the minors is amazing. It's Pods-esque.


Did Francisco have good numbers in the minors?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 26, 2008 -> 07:13 PM)
Here's another idea... maybe the umpires should a) learn the strike zone B ) be professional and fair and not hold Ozzie's comments from several weeks ago against him.


Its not that they hold it against Ozzie, these f***ers cant call home run calls. Remember the Crede call in Baltimore. A blind monk from Tibet could of called that correctly. The wandering zone is all over the league. Not only does it change from ump to ump, but from inning to inning and not all the time do both teams get the same zone. They are bad league wide.



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QUOTE (shawnhillegas @ May 26, 2008 -> 07:17 PM)
Not to sound ill-informed, but what do you speak of with Eddings? The infamous dropped 3rd with AJ? Is there more?

It seems about 90% of the time the Sox get a huge break from an umpire, Eddings happens to be the umpire.

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