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Chicago White Sox @ Cleveland Indians


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QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ May 26, 2008 -> 08:51 PM)
Huge swing by Alexei on a hit and run.


Ozzie keeps pulling this crap with non contact hitters. He has a long swing at times, and Crede has no speed. It wasnt a formula for success.



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QUOTE (daa84 @ May 27, 2008 -> 02:53 AM)
if you are gonna have him in motion, why not have wise or pablo running? or at least a contact hitter up at the plate...jesus ozzie


Wait til someone goes..."well, you were asking him to do a hit-and-run!"



Need to find a way to get this to the 10th for CQ.

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QUOTE (zenryan @ May 26, 2008 -> 09:55 PM)
Just looking at Ramirez swing shows you how bad of a hitting coach Walker is. 50 games into the season and Ramirez still has that long, looping swing.

but they are veteran guys...the hitting coach cant make changes to vets swings!

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QUOTE (zenryan @ May 27, 2008 -> 02:55 AM)
Just looking at Ramirez swing shows you how bad of a hitting coach Walker is. 50 games into the season and Ramirez still has that long, looping swing.


His swing has been much better. I think he lost his patience after the botched hit-and-run, and tried to do too much. I'm more concerned about the fact we got the offensive Billy Koch.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 27, 2008 -> 01:56 AM)
If Ramirez has no idea how to handle a hit and run, why is he being asked to execute one? And why doesn't anyone know that he doesn't know you aren't supposed to try and hit one 15 miles in that situation?


This has been a very poorly managed game by Ozzie on the offensive end.

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QUOTE (Princess Dye @ May 26, 2008 -> 08:54 PM)
ozzie on the hook for this one.




edit: and lets teach alexei about this situation


The offense is on the hook for this one, just like 2 over the weekend. The pitching has been great. Our starters should be winning more games, than having all of these no decisiions with QS all the time.




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QUOTE (zenryan @ May 26, 2008 -> 08:55 PM)
Just looking at Ramirez swing shows you how bad of a hitting coach Walker is. 50 games into the season and Ramirez still has that long, looping swing.

Not sticking up for Walker but I think he looks better, then at the start of the season.

Edited by That funky motion
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