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Chicago White Sox @ Cleveland Indians


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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ May 28, 2008 -> 01:51 AM)
Meh. Even with this game, has anyone been impressed with the Tribe at any point this season?


No....even though they do have good starting pitching. Their offense looks as bad as ours minus the power.

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QUOTE (daa84 @ May 28, 2008 -> 12:53 AM)
why ozzie left buerhle in to face a guy who was 8 for 15 career off mark i dont know


True, I figured he was leaving him in to give us another inning. If you're going to pull him a batter later....oh well.

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QUOTE (daa84 @ May 27, 2008 -> 07:53 PM)
why ozzie left buerhle in to face a guy who was 8 for 15 career off mark i dont know


Probably trying to get the most out of him today with as many guys who threw last night for us.

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QUOTE (daa84 @ May 27, 2008 -> 05:53 PM)
why ozzie left buerhle in to face a guy who was 8 for 15 career off mark i dont know

I am sure he was trying to stretch Mark another inning due to last night's game.

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QUOTE (daa84 @ May 28, 2008 -> 01:53 AM)
why ozzie left buerhle in to face a guy who was 8 for 15 career off mark i dont know


Tonight's game was what you brought up yesterday....no one delivered that crushing homer early in games against the Sox this season until Gutierrez tonight.

Edited by fathom
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QUOTE (fathom @ May 27, 2008 -> 07:50 PM)
It happens, big deal


Seems like it's happened with Lexi a few times.. If we had someone more capable of playing 2nd, I'd want to make a change.. but at this point, it looks like Alexei is our best option.

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