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Wade to Bulls rumors

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Dwyane Wade says he keeps hearing his name mentioned in trade rumors involving the Bulls and Miami Heat.


Would the Bulls give up the No. 1 draft position to the Heat in exchange for Wade and the No. 2 overall selection? Or some combination of other players and picks?

from chicagosports.com


Not sure if I'd make the trade. I'll have to think it through. Would a lineup of Hinrich Wade Deng Beasley Gooden be good enough to win the East?

Edited by whitesoxbrian
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QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Jun 2, 2008 -> 10:24 PM)
from chicagosports.com


Not sure if I'd make the trade. I'll have to think it through. Would a lineup of Hinrich Wade Deng Beasley Gooden be good enough to win the East?

If it included the second pick absolutely. However, theres no way that Miami likes one of those guys so much more than the other that they would trade Wade and the second pick for it. I doubt it would happen at all but it would have to be something like our pick for Wade and another player or a future draft pick.

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QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 05:24 AM)
from chicagosports.com


Not sure if I'd make the trade. I'll have to think it through. Would a lineup of Hinrich Wade Deng Beasley Gooden be good enough to win the East?


You'd have to think for a trade of basically Wade and Beasley for Rose?

Edited by fathom
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There would have to be more to that trade than just that, because stand-a-lone, that would be the greatest move the Bulls ever made (well, maybe not better than drafting Jordan, but it would be pretty close to as good). I'd have to think the Bulls would be giving up some of its core, in addition to the #1 pick (and again, I'd have zero problem doing such).


Hell, Beasley may turn into 5 times the player Rose is in the pro's (afterall, he was 5 times better than him on the court for the ENTIRE NCAA season). I have no problem taking Rose, but in no way shape or form am I that in love with him that I wouldn't move the pick down to get a guy like Wade (health issues be damn, he's already proven he can carry a team to a title and the Bulls, even with a trade of some of its talent, would be plenty good (I'd imagine you'd be talking about Gordon/Hinrich/#1 for Wade/#2 (no brainer in my book).

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Screw health, you make the trade if it's there and you wait for him to get healthy. Wade is a superstar talent. If he's available you make the move.


The tough choice comes with the other pieces of the trade. Include Gordon, Noc, future #1s, sure. Including Deng would give me pause. I'd still probably say yes, but that would take some of the joy out of a move like this.


As amazing as it seems that the Heat might be willing to move Wade, they have to be very worried about their ability to hold onto him in a couple years. That team is such a mess, and you can't imagine he's eager to stick around until and if the team's rebuilding is complete. If they can get more for him now than they could in a sign-and-trade two years from now, they have to consider it.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 07:24 AM)
This can't be serious. Why would the Heat do this?

I can't imagine they'd actually do the Wade + #2 for the #1. But if I'm the Heat, I at least think about Wade + #2 for #1 + future 1st round picks (2, say) + Deng + others, IF I'm fairly certain I won't be able to hold onto Wade for more than the next two years. They'll almost certainly have a fairly high pick next year, too, and Rose + Deng + 2009 lottery pick + other 1st rounders is not a bad nucleus for a team that can't avoid a pretty significant makeover.


I'm not sure I'd do it, but I'd think about it.


There's a big pr hit, of course, but they didn't seem to be drawing well this season, anyway. I remember one Heat-Cavs game where they had an astonishing number of empty seats. It shocked me that they couldn't get people to go to a game like that, if just to watch the Wade-LeBron show.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 06:24 AM)
This can't be serious. Why would the Heat do this?




More importantly, why would Wade float this rumour, and I'm leaning towards he's starting one. Or worse, it's their second *round* pick. Which would actually be closer to something Miami would propose.

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QUOTE (jackie hayes @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 06:40 AM)
I can't imagine they'd actually do the Wade + #2 for the #1. But if I'm the Heat, I at least think about Wade + #2 for #1 + future 1st round picks (2, say) + Deng + others, IF I'm fairly certain I won't be able to hold onto Wade for more than the next two years. They'll almost certainly have a fairly high pick next year, too, and Rose + Deng + 2009 lottery pick + other 1st rounders is not a bad nucleus for a team that can't avoid a pretty significant makeover.


I'm not sure I'd do it, but I'd think about it.


There's a big pr hit, of course, but they didn't seem to be drawing well this season, anyway. I remember one Heat-Cavs game where they had an astonishing number of empty seats. It shocked me that they couldn't get people to go to a game like that, if just to watch the Wade-LeBron show.


If you can get a D-wade and still keep your #1 pick, I don't care who on this roster you trade away, you do it. I still don't see how Miami could make a deal even with a Deng in it. That would be a death knell for that franchise. You might as well back up the truck and trade away everyone.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 09:06 AM)
If you can get a D-wade and still keep your #1 pick, I don't care who on this roster you trade away, you do it. I still don't see how Miami could make a deal even with a Deng in it. That would be a death knell for that franchise. You might as well back up the truck and trade away everyone.

You're right, but would it be any better if he walks in a couple years?

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QUOTE (jackie hayes @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 07:14 AM)
You're right, but would it be any better if he walks in a couple years?


The way NBA free agency works it that only the teams with a lot of free money can sign players, and the only reason they have a lot of money is that they traded all of their good players and suck enormously. A top 5 NBA player isn't going to a team like that. Remember when the Bulls tried it and all of the top free agents laughed at them? At worst the Heat will get a bunch of players in a sign and trade deal. If it is forced by Wade, it is a totally different story versus the team doing it on their own.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 09:19 AM)
The way NBA free agency works it that only the teams with a lot of free money can sign players, and the only reason they have a lot of money is that they traded all of their good players and suck enormously. A top 5 NBA player isn't going to a team like that. Remember when the Bulls tried it and all of the top free agents laughed at them? At worst the Heat will get a bunch of players in a sign and trade deal. If it is forced by Wade, it is a totally different story versus the team doing it on their own.

Not necessarily. If you have good young players, you can be in a position to sign someone to a big contract (like Orlando did in the last offseason). The Bulls could be in that situation. (Of course, that depends on what they do with Gordon, Hinrich, etc.) There's been a lot of talk about teams positioning themselves for that class, so I don't think it's a given that none of those players will make a switch. The problem with a sign-and-trade is that the team loses its leverage. At that point, the player's basically announced that he isn't willing to play for his old team, so the Bulls could reasonably say that they won't trade Deng in a deal.


I'd agree that a top 5 player won't go to a team that "sucks enormously", but the flipside is that he won't stay with a team that sucks enormously. Miami has a very good chance of sucking enormously for years to come. That's why I think Miami has to at least consider trading him while they can still get a good return.

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Pat Riley would be INSANE to do that.


Wade is worth more than Rose or Beasley this point because he's proven (albeit still injury prone).


Would have to be Wade for the #1 pick surely (with cap filler being thrown in to make the deal work).

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QUOTE (jackie hayes @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 07:40 AM)
I can't imagine they'd actually do the Wade + #2 for the #1. But if I'm the Heat, I at least think about Wade + #2 for #1 + future 1st round picks (2, say) + Deng + others, IF I'm fairly certain I won't be able to hold onto Wade for more than the next two years. They'll almost certainly have a fairly high pick next year, too, and Rose + Deng + 2009 lottery pick + other 1st rounders is not a bad nucleus for a team that can't avoid a pretty significant makeover.


I'm not sure I'd do it, but I'd think about it.


There's a big pr hit, of course, but they didn't seem to be drawing well this season, anyway. I remember one Heat-Cavs game where they had an astonishing number of empty seats. It shocked me that they couldn't get people to go to a game like that, if just to watch the Wade-LeBron show.

Supposedly the Heat really want Kirk Hinrich, so you get some of your salary matching right there, and fill around. Reports are that Pat Riley is so turned off by Michael Beasley that he wants to ensure he gets Rose. The Bulls could really luck out here.











That sets up a lineup of








with Gooden/Hughes/Sefolosha off the bench. If Wade can stay healthy (big IF) that vaults the Bulls to the top of the Eastern Conference I would have to think...


A move for a taller shooting guard could really make the bulls interesting. You'd have to think perhaps a Gordon for Maggette deal could be arranged as well, giving the Bulls a sick look.








Then use some of your left over cash to sign a Dasagnia Diop to be your backup C, and you have a nasty looking team that can go deep into the playoffs, and will only get better...

Edited by Steve9347
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Gages Take: Bears Holdouts and Bulls Rumors

By Jason Gage



The past few days in Chicago have been big in sports terms. On the “whats new” front, you have Ozzie Guillen going on yet another tirade. On the “is this real” front, you have the Chicago Cubs dominating the National League and looking like a legitimate world series contender. The last time the Cubs were a contender, no one knew who “Bartman” was. With each of Chicago’s baseball teams in 1st place, a lot of big news has become second page news and in my first, weekly column, I’m going to put a focus on some of the headlines you might have missed.


Bears Training Camp: Urlacher, Harris, and Hester ATTEND

ESPN and the Media have consistently reported on the national front about how half of the Bears locker-room are upset with theircontracts. According to those same people, Brian Urlacher demanded a trade and Devin Hester & Tommie Harris were on the verge of finding themselves in similar situations (or at least long hold-outs). Since the off-season began about the only thing discussed more than the Bears QB situation has been the status of the three best Bears. Brian Urlacher, Tommie Harris, and Devin Hester all attended and while all have legitimate gripes over there contract status they proved that they understand the importance of mini-camp and living up to the contract they signed. Jerry Angelo and the Bears now have to step up to the plate and let those individuals know that those actions didn’t go un-noticed and put together deals that make sense for both sides. These three individuals are the glue to the Chicago Bears (with Harris/Hester being the next “Franchise Players” and Urlacher being the current “Franchise Player”) and once signed those half glass empty fans (and Bear Brass) can breath a sigh of relief and refocus there attention on what deserves there attention, the Bears offense.


Draft Countdown:

Bulls GM John Paxson used up one of his three wishes at the draft lottery, where the Bulls obtained the #1 overall pick. Now rumors are swirling involving Dwayne Wade and the top 2 picks and the making’s of this deal appear to be Paxson’s 2nd wish. Pat Riley has apparently identified Derrik Rose as his guy and is apparently willing to dangle Dwayne Wade and the #2 pick to get the #1 pick (plus players from the Bulls). Who the Bulls would give up is unknown, but with Wade gone the Heat could have interest in Luol Deng, Ben Gordon, Kirk Hinrich (Rose/Hinrich could be an intriguing back-court), Andres Nocioni, Larry Hughes (his contract is massive, but a year from now, it could give the Heat the financial flexibility to make a big run at James), and Drew Gooden. Bottom line, I would deal any two of the names listed above, along with the #1 pick for Beasley and Wade. The NBA is a league built around franchise players and between Wade & Beasley its quite possible that the Bulls would have two.

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This sums up my feelings pretty well from Ira Winderman of the Sun-Sentinal


"The stupidest thing I've ever read in my life

> Posted by Ira Winderman at 7:14:20 AM Granted, in this anyone-can-write-whatever-they-want on-line world of ours, there certainly never is a shortage of sports rumors.


Without them, the Internet might just cease to exist.


That said, keep moving folks, nothing to see here… when it comes to the doozy offered in today's Chicago Tribune. I mean, come on.


Said report: "Dwyane Wade says he keeps hearing his name mentioned in trade rumors involving the Bulls and Miami Heat. Would the Bulls give up the No. 1 draft position to the Heat in exchange for Wade and the No. 2 overall selection? Or some combination of other players and picks?"


Uh, Earth to Rumor People… when and where exactly was this one "mentioned"? Without Wade, the Heat might as well cease to exist. The entire point of this offseason is finding ways to augment Wade. No offense to Derrick Rose, but Derrick Rose on the Heat without Dwyane Wade very well could turn the 15-67 Heat into the 10-72 Heat.


Duly asked, though, Wade responded, "I can't worry about it." Uh, don't. Get back to those global-warming concerns.


Somehow, we don't expect the Heat's motto in 2008-09 to be, "Mark Blount. Marcus Banks. Come see the Killer Bs."


If this keeps up, we just might have to turn off the Internet for a day or two, just to let everyone chill a bit.


We now get back to those Star Jones rumors… already in progress."

Edited by Palehosefan
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QUOTE (jackie hayes @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 11:10 AM)
I think the key words for me were, "Dwyane Wade says". If it's the Tribune making s*** up, okay, dismiss it immediately. But when it's Wade doing the talking...it doesn't mean anything in particular, but, damn, that's intriguing.

2 years ago, I would have been yelling at Pax to make the trade like I was last offseason when Kobe-to-the-Bulls rumors came up. However, if we make the trade and it's Gordon, Hinrich, and the #1 for Wade and the #2, it could inevitably be Gordon, Hinrich, and Rose for Beasley.

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QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 01:12 PM)
2 years ago, I would have been yelling at Pax to make the trade like I was last offseason when Kobe-to-the-Bulls rumors came up. However, if we make the trade and it's Gordon, Hinrich, and the #1 for Wade and the #2, it could inevitably be Gordon, Hinrich, and Rose for Beasley.

For next year? Maybe. The Heat were morons for keeping him out on the floor as long as they did; it's possible he won't be good to go for next year. But as long as the Bulls are more careful, they would be getting a superstar along with a great scoring frontcourt guy for a great point guard and a handful of role players. HELL YES.


Not that the Heat would even look at that deal -- I'm just saying, if by some cosmic generosity that offer were there, the Bulls would be tripping over themselves to get the paperwork into the NBA office as soon as possible. If I were Paxson, I'd go to Stern's apartment at 3 am to get him to sign before the Heat regained their senses. That's just how good that deal would be.

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QUOTE (jackie hayes @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 12:39 PM)
For next year? Maybe. The Heat were morons for keeping him out on the floor as long as they did; it's possible he won't be good to go for next year. But as long as the Bulls are more careful, they would be getting a superstar along with a great scoring frontcourt guy for a great point guard and a handful of role players. HELL YES.


Not that the Heat would even look at that deal -- I'm just saying, if by some cosmic generosity that offer were there, the Bulls would be tripping over themselves to get the paperwork into the NBA office as soon as possible. If I were Paxson, I'd go to Stern's apartment at 3 am to get him to sign before the Heat regained their senses. That's just how good that deal would be.

The upside to possibly keeping Wade out for another season is that the Bulls add yet another lottery pick (most likely) and then are monstrously stacked when Wade returns in 2009-2010. Maybe we get lucky and land a Brandon Jennings?








Is it a total stretch? Absolutely. But it's fun to look at.

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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 11:56 AM)
The upside to possibly keeping Wade out for another season is that the Bulls add yet another lottery pick (most likely) and then are monstrously stacked when Wade returns in 2009-2010. Maybe we get lucky and land a Brandon Jennings?








Is it a total stretch? Absolutely. But it's fun to look at.

That would be awesome. Many compare him to a 1970s type of player, given the style of play and the flat top he's got. He reminds me a lot of a street player, with his moves, but he's a great basketball player with the talent he has. He reminds me of Kidd, with a jumpshot.

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