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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jun 17, 2008 -> 11:13 PM)
Maybe he realized that the Chinese and the Cubans are out in the same waters drilling away. Might as well get some of that oil for ourselves.


Except there's about zero proof of that. It was just made up.



Vice President Dick Cheney's office has acknowledged that he erred when telling an audience this week that China is drilling off the coast of Cuba.


Citing columnist George Will, Cheney Wednesday told the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that "oil is being drilled right now 60 miles off the coast of Florida. We're not doing it. The Chinese are in cooperation with the Cuban government."


Florida Sen. Mel Martinez, an independent congressional report, industry experts and other observers say there is zero evidence that China is drilling in Cuban waters, and doesn't even hold a lease to drill offshore.


According to the Associated Press, Cheney's office has backtracked, issuing a statement that says "It is our understanding that, although Cuba has leased out exploration blocks 60 miles off the coast of southern Florida, which is closer than American firms are allowed to operate in that area, no Chinese firm is drilling there."


Oil With both parties squabbling over what to do about rising gasoline prices, critics of offshore oil drilling said the Cuba-China rumor is being spread as a "scare tactic" to force Congress to lift a ban that prevents drilling along the Outer Continental Shelf.


WASHINGTON — As Congress has debated energy policy over the past several days, an unusual argument keeps surfacing in support of drilling off the U.S. coastline and in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.


Why, ask some Republicans, should the United States be thwarted from drilling in its own territory when just 50 miles off the Florida coastline the Chinese government is drilling for oil under Cuban leases?


Yet no one can prove that the Chinese are drilling anywhere off Cuba's shoreline. The China-Cuba connection is "akin to urban legend," said Sen. Mel Martinez, a Republican from Florida who opposes drilling off the coast of his state but who backs exploration in ANWR.


"China is not drilling in Cuba's Gulf of Mexico waters, period," said Jorge Pinon, an energy fellow with the Center for Hemispheric Policy at the University of Miami and an expert in oil exploration in the Gulf of Mexico. Martinez cited Pinon's research when he took to the Senate floor Wednesday to set the record straight.

Edited by StrangeSox
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24 McCain Flip-Flops??

To date, I have posted 7 McCain flip-flops. At this moment, i currently have 10 more "solid" flip-flops" that are ready to be rolled out each day for the next 10 days. After that, I have potentially 7 more that need a little more research and sourcing.


That's right folks, at this moment in time, I have a list of potentially 24 McCain Flip-Flops. Yes, 24!!


I have a few more news articles that I have not fully read through yet, so this number could grow as high as 30!


Talk about Hypocritical:

On June 17th, 2008, John McCain rolled out Rudy Giulani to bash Barack Obama's stance on the Gitmo detainees and his national security credentials....

“The reality is there seems to be more concern about the rights of terrorists, or alleged terrorists, than the rights that the American people have to safety and security... I do not understand why, at a time we're facing this terrorist threat, we want to create new rights that didn't exist before for people alleged to be involved in terrorist activities or alleged to be enemy combatants.”


Well, in September of 2007, John McCain said this of that very same Rudy Giulani...

“I don't think it translates, necessarily, into foreign policy or national security expertise. I know of nothing in his background that indicates that he has any experience in it, with him or Romney.”


Then this video of him in Novermber of 2007 surfaced..

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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Obama up with his first general election ad...



The 60-second ad, "Country I love," will air go up tomorrow in Alaska (!!!), Colorado, Florida, Georgia (!!!), Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana (!!!), Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota (!!!), Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 12:09 PM)

The 60-second ad, "Country I love," will air go up tomorrow in Alaska (!!!), Colorado, Florida, Georgia (!!!), Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana (!!!), Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota (!!!), Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia.

Well Played Sir:

The ad buy doesn't include Democratic-leaning three states to which the campaign said earlier this year it would "organizing fellows," and added four longer shots -- a mark that Obama is feeling strong, or at least wants to project strength.


Dropped: New Jersey, Oregon, Washington.


Added: North Dakota, Montana, Alaska, Indiana.


UPDATE: Alternately, the ever-helpful Matt Seyfang suggests that there's more nuance to the ad-buying strategy:

There is another element at work in this ad buy – saving money and putting the GOP on defense. Unless they bought Chicago to get the NW corner of IN, the four states they bought contain but one large market – Indianapolis. To me, it makes a great deal of sense to steer away from WA, OR and NJ – they’re expensive states to run ads in and you can saturate these 4 for what a middling buy would cost in NJ. All 4 are competitive and the payoff here is probably a tightening of the polls in each state, forcing McCain to go on defense in places that normally are GOP locks.

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LMAO! This just gets easier and easier, McCain must REALLY hate youtube...


McCain Now Says He’s ‘More Than Happy’ To Consider Alaskan Oil Drilling

McCain is weighing another flip-flop, this time in regards to drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). In a townhall in Springfield, Missouri yesterday, when asked about drilling in the refuge, McCain said he would reconsider his position:

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But right now that
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"I believe that ANWR is a pristine area. Obviously, I’ve felt that way ever since we put it in to permanent preservation status. I do believe that there are places in the world, as I said, that we should not drill." [6/16/08]


"As far as ANWR is concerned, I don’t want to drill in the Grand Canyon, and I don’t want to drill in the Everglades. This is one of the most pristine and beautiful parts of the world." [1/06/08]


"I am opposed to it. … I certainly wouldn’t want to see another Exxon-Valdez situation, as you know. "[12/8/07]

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 17, 2008 -> 09:52 PM)
This wont help Johnies attempt to avoid the "McSame" idea...

Bush To Echo McCain's Plan To Drill In Oceans



By the way, McCain was against offshore drilling during the 2000 campaign.

Against it... before he was for it.


Yeah, I also heard a quote from Obama from around 2002 or something stating that we should stay in Iraq... people's views and ideas sure do change after a while.

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AP: Edwards makes Obama's VP list

There's new information about the hunt for a running mate for Barack Obama.


A member of the Congressional Black Caucus who's met with Obama's vice-presidential screening team says she offered the names of former senators John Edwards and Sam Nunn — and was told they're on the list. Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick of Michigan says when she mentioned that Al Gore is her favorite, the two members of Obama's team smiled.


Kilpatrick wouldn't say which names Obama's team brought up.


Lawmakers who've been briefed say there are about 20 names on the prospective vice-presidential list, which is said to include current elected officials, former elected officials, and retired military generals.



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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 20, 2008 -> 10:00 AM)
Al Gore wouldn't be VP. He's so much bigger now that he's out of politics. He doesn't want the warm bucket of spit.

It's just an interesting point. It's my theory that he will be in charge of energy policy or something like that. He'll be heavenly involved with the administration.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 20, 2008 -> 09:00 AM)
Al Gore wouldn't be VP. He's so much bigger now that he's out of politics. He doesn't want the warm bucket of spit.


The idea of a subservient quiet VP is pretty much dead. Anymore you are looking at a Co-President.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 20, 2008 -> 09:36 AM)
Yeah, I also heard a quote from Obama from around 2002 or something stating that we should stay in Iraq... people's views and ideas sure do change after a while.

Every once in a while you should try rational thinking, and it will help prevent you from making posts like this. Seriously, this is a horrible, horrible post on many levels.


I'm going to have to assume you're talking about 2004/2005 since the war actually started in 2003, and that's when the country was still basically a big black hole that was headed nowhere.

Edited by lostfan
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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 20, 2008 -> 09:26 AM)
Every once in a while you should try rational thinking, and it will help prevent you from making posts like this. Seriously, this is a horrible, horrible post on many levels.


I'm going to have to assume you're talking about 2004/2005 since the war actually started in 2003, and that's when the country was still basically a big black hole that was headed nowhere.

:lol: Nice.


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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 20, 2008 -> 09:26 AM)
Every once in a while you should try rational thinking, and it will help prevent you from making posts like this. Seriously, this is a horrible, horrible post on many levels.


I'm going to have to assume you're talking about 2004/2005 since the war actually started in 2003, and that's when the country was still basically a big black hole that was headed nowhere.

what, he was trying to make a point about how McCain "flip-flopped" his opinion on offshore drilling 8 years ago. And I made a point saying that a few years ago Obama was for the war, and that a few years can change people's views and opinions. To say someone is a flip-flopper or something along those lines because they changed their views over a couse of 5-8 years is ridiculous. People adapt and so do their opinions.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 09:54 PM)
Uh oh!! McCain and his RNC buddies better not open his mouth about Michelle Obama.


John McCain on March 13, 2008 "I didn't really love America until I was deprived of her company."


I really don't see much of a similarity. McCain didn't really love America until he was captured by the Vietnamese and tortured in a prisoner camp, and then realized what a great country it is. Michelle Obama on the other hand said she didn't love her country until people started to vote for her husband.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 20, 2008 -> 12:12 PM)
I really don't see much of a similarity. McCain didn't really love America until he was captured by the Vietnamese and tortured in a prisoner camp, and then realized what a great country it is. Michelle Obama on the other hand said she didn't love her country until people started to vote for her husband.

no no no. Taken at face value (which was taken WAY out of context) she said she wasn't PROUD of her country until this year. Ask any parent, they may not always be proud of their children, but they still love them. Michelle Obama NEVER said she didn't love her country. hmm... McCain did.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 20, 2008 -> 12:16 PM)
no no no. Taken at face value (which was taken WAY out of context) she said she wasn't PROUD of her country until this year. Ask any parent, they may not always be proud of their children, but they still love them. Michelle Obama NEVER said she didn't love her country. hmm... McCain did.

Who cares anyway, this crap is all semantics. Instead of discussing the actual issues, we have both sides trying to smear each other.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 20, 2008 -> 02:11 PM)
what, he was trying to make a point about how McCain "flip-flopped" his opinion on offshore drilling 8 years ago. And I made a point saying that a few years ago Obama was for the war, and that a few years can change people's views and opinions. To say someone is a flip-flopper or something along those lines because they changed their views over a couse of 5-8 years is ridiculous. People adapt and so do their opinions.

Obama was never "for" the war. The quote you're talking about, I assume, was from several years ago when the situation on the ground was COMPLETELY different than it is now so that's just a silly comparison. He said something to the effect of "we have to stay there for a while so Iraq can get back on its feet" which was the practical thing to do (frankly, to a degree, it is now too, and he actually says that but you have to listen closely to hear through the BS campaign rhetoric). His view on the war itself has never changed.


On the other hand what he is calling McCain out for just reeks of honest-to-god "flip-flopping" (god I hate that term but it's applicable) because he's arbitrarily changing numerous stances for political convenience. It isn't adapting, he hasn't learned anything new. It's pandering. Call it what it is and don't make excuses for him.

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