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Free trade is a tricky thing you have to address carefully. Obama kind of takes it to an extreme and he makes it sound like he doesn't know what he's talking about. McCain just kind of carries the banner of "yeahhhhhhhhhh OMFG trade trade trade all of it's good."

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 10:15 AM)
Free trade is a tricky thing you have to address carefully. Obama kind of takes it to an extreme and he makes it sound like he doesn't know what he's talking about. McCain just kind of carries the banner of "yeahhhhhhhhhh OMFG trade trade trade all of it's good."

Obama has said that Free Trade isnt necessarily a BAD thing, the problem is the imbalance of it. We import way more than we export and we import products there once made here... we export the jobs to import the product. that is Obama's key criticism of free trade.


I guess balancing free trade wouldnt exactly make it FREE, but that's a semantical point in the end.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 11:21 AM)
Obama has said that Free Trade isnt necessarily a BAD thing, the problem is the imbalance of it. We import way more than we export and we import products there once made here... we export the jobs to import the product. that is Obama's key criticism of free trade.


I guess balancing free trade wouldnt exactly make it FREE, but that's a semantical point in the end.

Obama went WAY overboard trying to out-do Hillary on NAFTA a few months back (he's admitted it now). Now Canada is just kind of chuckling, like are they serious? Do they really want to go there?


At the same time, I know what he's trying to say and I agree, but then he says other things that make me scratch my head. Like he talks about the Korean FTA and how he opposes it because the auto imports/exports is heavily imbalanced in favor of Korea, but the part he's apparently missing... that's the point of the FTA in the first place, to correct this! I really hope it's just campaign rhetoric.

Edited by lostfan
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The main opponents of free trades are the unions who are hurting their own workers by burying their heads in the sand for their own self interests. Look no further than the auto industry. Free trade makes many more products affordable to everyday Americans, but you won't see that in the union propaganda. Think about what $4 gasoline would look like if we had protectionist trade that made the cost of a Japanese car prohibative for all but the richer classes. You'd be stuck with one of the SUVs that are rusting on the lots, because the US auto companies would have no reason to change their behaviors. It does cost Americans jobs, but more American jobs get hurt by ineffecient industries than ever get hurt by free trade. Some people just have been lobby's.

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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 03:50 PM)
But, yet NBC allows him to host debates and campaign coverage as though he were Brokaw.


cry me a river, look at whose been hosting the debates and tell me how many were just news anchors. Generally they take those who interview people, not toss it to their fellows.

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There's a post on dailyKos right now by Markos saying why he didn't give to Obama's campaign before the quarter ended last night, and I agree'd with it 100% and last night when I kept getting emails, I decided not to give any money. he'll get my vote, but if he keeps stabbing us in the back unneccessarily he's not getting any of my beer money.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 01:36 PM)
There's a post on dailyKos right now by Markos saying why he didn't give to Obama's campaign before the quarter ended last night, and I agree'd with it 100% and last night when I kept getting emails, I decided not to give any money. he'll get my vote, but if he keeps stabbing us in the back unneccessarily he's not getting any of my beer money.

Obama stabbed you in the back? How did he manage that?


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The FISA thing.


Which I don't really understand why he did anyway, because now instead of being "soft on terror" they will just attack him for being a flip-flopper. Should've just stuck to his guns.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 01:49 PM)
The FISA thing.

I'm not sure how that's stabbing anyone in the back. Its a flip-flop, and showed some weak character on Obama's part. I guess to me, backstabbing is something else. Probably just semantic.


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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 09:12 AM)
The main opponents of free trades are the unions who are hurting their own workers by burying their heads in the sand for their own self interests. Look no further than the auto industry. Free trade makes many more products affordable to everyday Americans, but you won't see that in the union propaganda. Think about what $4 gasoline would look like if we had protectionist trade that made the cost of a Japanese car prohibative for all but the richer classes. You'd be stuck with one of the SUVs that are rusting on the lots, because the US auto companies would have no reason to change their behaviors. It does cost Americans jobs, but more American jobs get hurt by ineffecient industries than ever get hurt by free trade. Some people just have been lobby's.

But then again, think about how much we'd have been helped if we'd had freer trade in things like the investor classes, if they weren't so well protected by those same "free" trade agreements. Hell, we might have had investors who were intelligent enough to realize that a gigantic bubble was building in real estate. But then again, those guys have even better lobbyists than the unions. ;)

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 02:51 PM)
I'm not sure how that's stabbing anyone in the back. Its a flip-flop, and showed some weak character on Obama's part. I guess to me, backstabbing is something else. Probably just semantic.

I'd call it "disappointing" or "weak" personally.

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well, the blogs were his first backers, really, before he was a known commodity. Sites like moveon.org, dailykos, huffpost etc were overwhelming in their support for obama over clinton. And some of the reasons they supported him was that he was supporting no telecom immunity and such, then he wins over clinton and then blasts these blogs. Especially when we criticized hillary for doing this. Unfortunately, he knows this crowd is going to vote for them, so he can distance himself from them, and give us a B.S. washed up agenda that won't solve s*** trying to please everyone.



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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 01:51 PM)
But then again, think about how much we'd have been helped if we'd had freer trade in things like the investor classes, if they weren't so well protected by those same "free" trade agreements. Hell, we might have had investors who were intelligent enough to realize that a gigantic bubble was building in real estate. But then again, those guys have even better lobbyists than the unions. ;)


FWIW, there are products out there for exactly what you are describing. The CME trades contracts based on the average housing prices in specific US markets.



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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 12:59 PM)
FWIW, there are products out there for exactly what you are describing. The CME trades contracts based on the average housing prices in specific US markets.



There also used to be bankruptcy rate futures - not sure if those are still traded.


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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 01:08 PM)
good lord look how dumb our TV media is...






"durrrrr, me worked at EPSN! me yell a lot on TV at politic stuff!"




or how about this guy and his lame beat poetry while covering the news. a complete dimwit.





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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 05:10 PM)
he's a horrible journalist. i'll just leave it at that.

My standards are lowered as evidenced by that video clip. It would be unreasonable for me to compare everyone to Tim Russert.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 10:10 PM)
he's a horrible journalist. i'll just leave it at that.


He really isn't, his show actually covers news not people and does long term stories. It's the only one like it on cable news. His coverage is a more personalized and narrative, but I'm all for creating more entertaining news as long as the substance is still there. In TV where they sell your face, I see no reason to act like the story is in front of you.

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