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Irrelevant apologies


By Thomas Sowell


It is amazing how seriously the media are taking Senator Barack Obama's latest statement about the latest racist rant from the pulpit of the church he has attended for 20 years. But neither that statement nor the apology for his rant by Father Michael Pfleger really matters, one way or the other. Nor does Senator Obama's belated resignation from that church.


For any politician, what matters is not his election year rhetoric, or an election year resignation from a church, but the track record of that politician in the years before the election.


Yet so many people are so fascinated by Barack Obama's rhetorical skills that they don't care about his voting record in the U.S. Senate, in the Illinois state senate, the causes that he has chosen to promote over the years, or the candidate's personal character and values, as revealed by his actions and associations.


Despite clever spin from Obama's supporters about avoiding "guilt by association," much more is involved than casual association with people like Jeremiah Wright and Father Pfleger.


In addition to giving $20,000 of his own money to Jeremiah Wright, as a state senator Obama directed $225,000 of the Illinois taxpayers' money for programs run by Father Pfleger. In the U.S. Senate, Obama earmarked $100,000 in federal tax money for Father Pfleger's work. Giving someone more than 300 grand is not just some tenuous, coincidental association.


Are Barack Obama's views shown by what he says during an election year or by what he has been doing for decades before?


The complete contrast between Obama's election year image as a healer of divisions and his whole career of promoting far-left grievance politics, in association with America-haters like Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, are brushed aside by his supporters who talk about getting back to "the real issues."


There is nothing more real than a man's character and values. The track record of what he has actually done is far more real than anything he says, however elegantly he says it.


There is no office where the character and values of the person in that office matter more than the office of President of the United States. He holds the destiny of 300 million Americans in his hands and the fate of generations yet unborn.


That was never more true than today, with Iran moving ever closer to a nuclear bomb, while the United Nations wrings its hands and Congress fritters away its time on everything from steroids in sports to earmarks for pet projects back home.


Does anyone seriously consider what it would mean for Iran to have nuclear weapons? They are already supplying terrorists with the means of killing people in other countries, including killing American troops in Iraq.


Senator Obama has been downplaying the Iran threat, saying that they are just "a small country," not like the Soviet Union. The people who flew planes into the World Trade Center were an even smaller group than the Iranian government.


Half a dozen terrorists like that with nuclear weapons would be a bigger danger than the Soviet Union ever was, because the Soviet leaders were not suicide bombers. They could be deterred by the threat of what we would do to Moscow if they attacked New York.


You cannot deter suicidal fanatics. They are not going to stop unless they get stopped. Rhetoric is not going to do it.


Not only Senator Obama, but too many other Americans, seem to have no concept of the seething hatred that can lead people to destroy their own lives in order to lash out at others.


But terrorists have been doing this repeatedly, not only in Iraq and in Israel, but in other countries around the world— including the United States on 9/11.


Have we already forgotten how the Palestinians were cheering in the streets over the news of the attack on the World Trade Center? How videotapes of sadistic beheadings of innocent people by terrorists have found an eager audience in the Middle East?


Are we going to leave our children hostages to hate-filled sadists with nuclear weapons? Are we to rely on Barack Obama's rhetoric to protect them?


Senator Obama's foreign policy seems to be somewhere between Rodney King's "Can't we just get along?" and Alfred E. Neuman's "What, me worry?"

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I really hope McCain leaves the religion stuff to the media and very simply takes out some charts and shows exactly how the plans of Obama would impact people's pocketbooks. I think that would make his Presidency hit home harder than anything else.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 08:27 AM)
I really hope McCain leaves the religion stuff to the media and very simply takes out some charts and shows exactly how the plans of Obama would impact people's pocketbooks. I think that would make his Presidency hit home harder than anything else.

You would think. He canNOT pander to the right wing idiots and win the election. I don't understand why common sense can't win an election anymore.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 08:27 AM)
I really hope McCain leaves the religion stuff to the media and very simply takes out some charts and shows exactly how the plans of Obama would impact people's pocketbooks. I think that would make his Presidency hit home harder than anything else.

I agree, but probably will not happen.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 08:27 AM)
I really hope McCain leaves the religion stuff to the media and very simply takes out some charts and shows exactly how the plans of Obama would impact people's pocketbooks. I think that would make his Presidency hit home harder than anything else.

I would certainly like that, and so would many others. But he may be under a lot of pressure to cater to the far right, under the threat of low turnout among conservatives. If he can't get out that vote, he's done in November. Then again, if he does to far right, the moderates will swing to Obama. He's definitely going to have to strike a tough balance.


I'm more concerned with, if he wins, that he does what you say, SS2K5. If he panders a bit to win, but then is a truly moderate President, then I'd be pretty happy.


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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 09:31 AM)
You would think. He canNOT pander to the right wing idiots and win the election. I don't understand why common sense can't win an election anymore.

McCain won't pander to the far right...he doesn't need to. I think Obama's record is enough to guarantee that everyone on the right....from off the charts wackos to moderately right, will not vote for him...and they won't sit home either and let the country go to someone who is the polar opposite of themselves. McCain has to worry about the down the center folks and even slightly left. It's time to move past the fancy preaching rhetoric and on to his record....which is pretty much right in line with the wacko left....

Edited by Controlled Chaos
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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 09:18 AM)
McCain won't pander to the far right...he doesn't need to. I think Obama's record is enough to guarantee that everyone on the right....from off the charts wackos to moderately right, will not vote for him...and they won't sit home either and let the country go to someone who is the polar opposite of themselves. McCain has to worry about the down the center folks and even slightly left. It's time to move past the fancy preaching rhetoric and on to his record....which is pretty much right in line with the wacko left....

And the "spin machine" hasn't even begun on his record. They've let him (Obama) get this far on his appearance and not the substance. Fine... but eventually, as SS2k5 alluded to, McCain has to show, and forcefully, what this will cost Americans.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 08:31 AM)
You would think. He canNOT pander to the right wing idiots and win the election. I don't understand why common sense can't win an election anymore.


Totally. Hannity was on FOX yesterday blabbing about how McCain needs to connect with 'true conservatives' like him. No Hannity, he should not pander to wacko neo-cons like you. The neo-con big spending Republican needs to die out.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 03:31 PM)
And the "spin machine" hasn't even begun on his record. They've let him (Obama) get this far on his appearance and not the substance. Fine... but eventually, as SS2k5 alluded to, McCain has to show, and forcefully, what this will cost Americans.

Saying Obama has gone purely on appearance is just ridiculous. His campaign has shown no less, and in fact I think more, substance, than McCain's has. Now, McCain has much more EXPERIENCE than Obama, obviously. But as far as campaign substance - policy statements, plans for action, issue stances... Obama and McCain are pretty close, IMO, and Obama has a slight edge.


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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 06:00 PM)
Totally. Hannity was on FOX yesterday blabbing about how McCain needs to connect with 'true conservatives' like him. No Hannity, he should not pander to wacko neo-cons like you. The neo-con big spending Republican needs to die out.

I think people seriously overrate the "influence" of the far right in this election. Unless those people are complete idiots they will vote for McCain anyway because even if they can't stand him, they couldn't possibly want Obama, and they know that. They won't be taking any cues from the sour-grapes Hillary supporters that say they will vote for McCain (and just a hunch, but I don't think most of those people will be putting their money where their mouth is btw). McCain needs to be focusing on the center, because that's who will win this election. If he goes too far in trying to "prove" he's a conservative, no matter how far he tries to distance himself from Bush he'll lose that base, and he will get pounded in November.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 06:43 AM)
he'll get pardoned as soon as Obama's in office.

No way he does that. That would be political suicide for Obama. If he did it at all, which I doubt he would, he'd do it at the very end of his Presidency. And as young as Obama is, with the future he might have, I think its highly unlikely he does it even then.


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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 04:00 PM)
Totally. Hannity was on FOX yesterday blabbing about how McCain needs to connect with 'true conservatives' like him. No Hannity, he should not pander to wacko neo-cons like you. The neo-con big spending Republican needs to die out.

For most republicans, it's like pick your poisen between McCain and Obama. I'm pretty sure most republicans will still vote for McCain over Obama if McCain doesn't pander over to the right.


However, the republicans really need to exploit Obama's lack of experience, his prior relationships with trinity church (and Wright and Pfleger), and just the fact no one really knows him. I'd also target his crazy ass wife as well.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 06:46 AM)
No way he does that. That would be political suicide for Obama. If he did it at all, which I doubt he would, he'd do it at the very end of his Presidency. And as young as Obama is, with the future he might have, I think its highly unlikely he does it even then.

you just wait and see.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 06:49 AM)
For most republicans, it's like pick your poisen between McCain and Obama. I'm pretty sure most republicans will still vote for McCain over Obama if McCain doesn't pander over to the right.


However, the republicans really need to exploit Obama's lack of experience, his prior relationships with trinity church (and Wright and Pfleger), and just the fact no one really knows him. I'd also target his crazy ass wife as well.

The GOP will definitely, and should, go after his experience. The whole Wright/Trinity thing, I am not sure what they'll do there. Its been so beat into the ground already, I'm betting they just hint at it occasionally. They don't need to do much there. And I think they will definitely dig in on Michelle - no question in my mind.


As far as "no one really knows him" though, I think that ship sailed a long time ago. At this point, we know more about his past than we do McCain's. I don't see much ground to go to there, for the GOP strategists. That is, unless they find something new and truly surprising, like a video of Obama smoking crack or some such thing.



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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 06:50 AM)
you just wait and see.

Look. Even if you think he'll pardon Rezko, you cannot seriously believe he'd do the pardon right upon being elected. That would be career suicide. He'd do it when all the other Presidents have done that kind of thing - at the end of his Presidency.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 07:56 AM)
Look. Even if you think he'll pardon Rezko, you cannot seriously believe he'd do the pardon right upon being elected. That would be career suicide. He'd do it when all the other Presidents have done that kind of thing - at the end of his Presidency.


Exactly. It is laughable to think otherwise. Especially with the depth of finanical dealings he had with Rezko, he would be crucified and unable to run the country at all.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 05:06 PM)
Saying Obama has gone purely on appearance is just ridiculous. His campaign has shown no less, and in fact I think more, substance, than McCain's has. Now, McCain has much more EXPERIENCE than Obama, obviously. But as far as campaign substance - policy statements, plans for action, issue stances... Obama and McCain are pretty close, IMO, and Obama has a slight edge.

He has not shown who he really is. He has not been on the campaign trail...pushing the far left ideals he has pushed for his whole life. He is the most liberal Senator in the bunch. I'm not sure, but I think most are in agreement on that, and you just don't hear that when listening to him preach. Barack does the oratorical fireworks show with the best of them...but at some point...he is going to have to run on his record. Unless the whole CHANGE thing is really about him changing his lifelong beliefs and coming to the center, but I don't think so.



As for Trinity and Wright/Pflegher, I don't think it has been beat to death. Those churches and pastors in the minds of myself and many others...are driving a wedge in the race relations in this country. Many people have fought hard to blur the divide, and those churches basically preach separatism and his wife's thesis is along those lines as well. That topic is very much alive.


Oh and if he does win there's no way he pardons Rezko.

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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 08:03 AM)
He has not shown who he really is. He has not been on the campaign trail...pushing the far left ideals he has pushed for his whole life. He is the most liberal Senator in the bunch. I'm not sure, but I think most are in agreement on that, and you just don't hear that when listening to him preach. Barack does the oratorical fireworks show with the best of them...but at some point...he is going to have to run on his record. Unless the whole CHANGE thing is really about him changing his lifelong beliefs and coming to the center, but I don't think so.



As for Trinity and Wright/Pflegher, I don't think it has been beat to death. Those churches and pastors in the minds of myself and many others...are driving a wedge in the race relations in this country. Many people have fought hard to blur the divide, and those churches basically preach separatism and his wife's thesis is along those lines as well. That topic is very much alive.


Oh and if he does win there's no way he pardons Rezko.

I think I wasn't clear on the whole Wright/Trinity thing. I wasn't saying it isn't still an issue for some - I was saying that because its been so aired out, they don't have to make a big deal of it. All they have to do is hint at it every so often, to keep it fresh in people's minds. That's easier to do, effective, and makes McCain look less divisive, so I think that's the plan.


As for not knowing him, it seems you do - as you are aware of his voting record. And I don't think McCain's rally speeches are any more an indicator of his policies than Obama's are to his. The GOP will, as I said, definitely try to get Obama to focus on his record, mostly because there is so little of it.


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 10:04 AM)
Funny, no matter who the Dems are running, its always the "most liberal person eVER!"

Well, think about it for a moment. For both sides, the most 'energetic' bunches are the fringe elements (neocons and ultralibs), and they vote the most in the primaries, so of course most of the time the candidate will be on the fringe. The main elections is where they usually try to get a little closer to the middle without pissing off their crazies.

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