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This stuff you can't make up.




Obama's 'Key' Foreign Policy Adviser: “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security.”


A runaway metaphor is not the worst sin in the world. But if former Navy Secretary Richard Danzig really is a potential national security adviser under President Obama, he's doing his potential future boss no favors when he talks like this:


Richard Danzig, who served as Navy Secretary under President Clinton and is tipped to become National Security Adviser in an Obama White House, told a major foreign policy conference in Washington that the future of US strategy in the war on terrorism should follow a lesson from the pages of Winnie the Pooh, which can be shortened to: if it is causing you too much pain, try something else.


Mr Danzig told the Centre for New American Security: “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security.”


He spelt out how American troops, spies and anti-terrorist officials could learn key lessons by understanding the desire of terrorists to emulate superheroes like Luke Skywalker, and the lust for violence of violent football fans.


(Lest anyone suspect that the Telegraph is exaggerating Danzig's role in the campaign, note Obama called Danzig "one of our key foreign policy advisers" in November 2007.) The best explanation of the metaphor in the article comes here:


Mr Danzig spelt out the need to change by reading a paragraph from chapter one of the childrenâ€s classic, which says: “Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump on the back of his head behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming down stairs. But sometimes he thinks there really is another way if only he could stop bumping a minute and think about it.”


(So in the Danzig/Obama foreign policy vision... who's Tigger? We know Piglet has already been banned from the metaphor out of sensitivity to Muslims. Apparently Sen. Harry "the war is lost" Reid is Eeyore under this scenario.)


Jen Rubin suggests "Obama get rid of advisors who make people wonder if he is really ready to sit at the grown-upâ€s table." We've already seen Obama defend his summits-anytime-anywhere-with-anyone policy by pointing out that Iran, Venezuela and Cuba are geographically tiny, a strikingly irrelevant piece of data in a world of asymmetrical threats.


It's good that Obama is going to Iraq and Afghanistan. And he would be wise to articulate a national security policy that relied more on personal meetings with Gen. David Petraeus and less on reading Winnie the Pooh.

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Repeatedly through the campaign so far, Barack Obama has demonstrated a troubling lack of familiarity with American history, especially diplomatic history. Obama's cluelessness about diplomacy has raised troubling questions about whether he is qualified to be President. This one may have answered the question:


Democrat Barack Obama misused a "code word" in Middle East politics when he said Jerusalem should be Israel's "undivided" capital but that does not mean he is naive on foreign policy, a top adviser said on Tuesday.

Addressing a pro-Israel lobby group this month, the Democratic White House hopeful said: "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided."



Obama backed off almost immediately when Palestinians protested his remarks to AIPAC. The adviser, Daniel Kurtzer, continued:


Daniel Kurtzer, who advises Obama on the Middle East, said Tuesday at the Israel Policy Forum that Obama's comment stemmed from "a picture in his mind of Jerusalem before 1967 with barbed wires and minefields and demilitarized zones."

"So he used a word to represent what he did not want to see again, and then realized afterwards that that word is a code word in the Middle East," Kurtzer said.



I don't believe Kurtzer's explanation for a moment--why would Obama's mental picture of Jerusalem date from a time when he was five years old?--but it seems clear that, as Kurtzer says, Obama did not understand the significance of an "undivided Jerusalem."


Diplomacy is full of "code words," and for a President not to understand them can be lethal. It could also be dangerous for a President to have a "picture in his mind" of Jerusalem that is forty years out of date, if that really is the case. Maybe Obama should stop off there on his trip to Iraq, whenever that may take place.


It has become clear that Barack Obama has a great deal of learning to do before he is ready to serve as President. (One wonders, actually, what he is doing in the Senate.) Worse, he seems to have little understanding of his own limitations and no interest in putting in the hard work it will take for him to become even moderately conversant with foreign policy issues. Once again, we see the dangerous combination of ignorance and arrogance that characterizes Obama's Presidential campaign



NOBAMA 2008!!

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Maybe it was Obama campaign operatives that leaned on Rachel Ray?




Muslims barred from picture at Obama event

By BEN SMITH | 6/18/08 11:08 AM EST Updated: 6/18/08 3:07 PM EST


For Obama, the old-fashioned image-making contrasts with his promise to transcend identity politics, and to embrace all elements of America.



Two Muslim women at Barack Obamaâ€s rally in Detroit on Monday were barred from sitting behind the podium by campaign volunteers seeking to prevent the womenâ€s headscarves from appearing in photographs or on television with the candidate.


The campaign has apologized to the women, both Obama supporters who said they felt betrayed by their treatment at the rally.


“This is of course not the policy of the campaign. It is offensive and counter to Obamaâ€s commitment to bring Americans together and simply not the kind of campaign we run,” said Obama spokesman Bill Burton. “We sincerely apologize for the behavior of these volunteers.”


Building a human backdrop to a political candidate, a set of faces to appear on television and in photographs, is always a delicate exercise in demographics and political correctness. Advance staffers typically pick supporters out of a crowd to reflect the candidateâ€s message.


When Obama won the North Carolina primary amid questions about his ability to connect with white voters, for instance, he stood in front of a group of middle-aged white women waving small American flags.


On the Republican side, a Hispanic New Hampshire Democrat, Roberto Fuentes, told Politico that he was recently asked, and declined, to contribute to the “diversity” of the crowd behind Sen. John McCain at a Nashua event.


But for Obama, the old-fashioned image-making contrasts with his promise to transcend identity politics and to embrace all elements of America. The incidents in Michigan, which has one of the largest Arab and Muslim populations in the country, also highlight an aspect of his campaign that sometimes rubs Muslims the wrong way: The candidate has vigorously denied a false, viral rumor that he himself is Muslim. But the denials at times seem to imply to some that there is something wrong with the faith, though Obama occasionally adds that he means no disrespect to Islam.


“I was coming to support him, and I felt like I was discriminated against by the very person who was supposed to be bringing this change, who I could really relate to,” said Hebba Aref, a 25-year-old lawyer who lives in the Detroit suburb of Bloomfield Hills. “The message that I thought was delivered to us was that they do not want him associated with Muslims or Muslim supporters.”


In Detroit on Monday, the two different Obama volunteers — in separate incidents — made it clear that headscarves wouldnâ€t be in the picture. The volunteers gave different explanations for excluding the hijabs, one bluntly political and the other less clear.


In Arefâ€s case, there was no ambiguity.


That incident began when the volunteer asked Arefâ€s friend Ali Koussan and two others, Arefâ€s brother Sharif and another young lawyer, Brandon Edward Miller, whether they would like to sit behind the stage. The three young men said they would but mentioned they were with friends.


The men said the volunteer, a 20-something African-American woman in a green shirt, asked if their friends looked and were dressed like the young men, who were all light-skinned and wearing suits.


Miller said yes but mentioned that one of their friends was wearing a headscarf with her suit.


The volunteer “explained to me that because of the political climate and whatâ€s going on in the world and whatâ€s going on with Muslim Americans, itâ€s not good for [Aref] to be seen on TV or associated with Obama,” said Koussan, a law student at Wayne State University.


Both Koussan and Miller said they specifically recalled the volunteer citing the “political climate” in telling them they couldnâ€t sit behind Obama.


“I was like, ‘Youâ€ve got to be kidding me. Are you serious?â€â€ Koussan recalled.


Shimaa Abdelfadeelâ€s story was different. Sheâ€d waited in line outside the Joe Louis Arena for three hours in the sun and was walking through the giant hall when a volunteer approached two of her non-Muslim friends, a few steps ahead of her, and asked if theyâ€d like to sit in “special seating” behind the stage, said one friend, Brittany Marino, who, like Abdelfadeel, is a recent University of Michigan graduate who works for the university.


When they said they were with Abdelfadeel, the volunteer told them their friend would have to take off the headscarf or stay out of the special section, Marino said. They declined the seats.


After recovering from the shock of the incident, Abdelfadeel went to look for the volunteer and confronted her minutes later, she said in an e-mail interview with Politico.


“Weâ€re not letting anyone with anything on their heads like baseball [caps] or scarves sit behind the stage,” she paraphrased the volunteer as saying, an account Marino confirmed. “It has nothing to do with your religion!”


In most work and school settings, religious dress — such as Jewish yarmulkes, Sikh turbans and Muslim hijabs — is permitted where secular clothing, such as baseball caps, is not.


“The scarf is not just something she can take off — itâ€s part of her identity,” said Marino.


Photographs of the event also show men with hats in the section behind Obama and former Vice President Al Gore, though not directly behind the candidate.


Abdelfadeel, like Aref, felt “disappointed, angry and let down,” she later wrote.


She said she was “let down that the Obama campaign continuously perpetuates this attitude towards Muslims and Arabs — as if being merely associated [with] one is a sin.”


The two womenâ€s friends who witnessed the incidents were disappointed, too. Arefâ€s friend Miller said he was “shocked” by the contrast between Obamaâ€s message and their experience.


“He was the one candidate who you would expect to stand up for something like that — and behind the scenes, you have something completely contrary to what he was running on,” said Koussan, Arefâ€s other friend.


Aref and her friends complained to the campaign, and after those complaints and an inquiry from Politico, Obamaâ€s director of advance, Emmett S. Beliveau, called her to apologize.


An Obama aide also noted that the campaign has no policy against the candidateâ€s appearing with women in headscarves: The next morning at Wayne State University, Obama posed for a picture with a student wearing a hijab.


Photographs from a Seattle rally earlier this year also clearly show a couple in Muslim garb behind the candidate.


The administrator of the Muslims4Obama group on Obamaâ€s website, which is not a formal part of the campaign, also said she had “not heard anything regarding Muslim supporters being steered away from sitting behind Sen. Obama at the event” and noted that he had Muslim supporters present at events in Minnesota, including one at which he stood with a Muslim member of Congress, Keith Ellison.


Aref said she was glad Obama had apologized, but she was not entirely satisfied.


“I think this is a much bigger deal than maybe theyâ€re perceiving it as,” she said, noting that Obama had placed a personal call to a television reporter heâ€d dismissively called “Sweetie.”


“An apology from him personally would be better,” she said, then reconsidered. “If they are true to their word, I think it would suffice to have an invitation to their next rally and have seats behind him and show up on TV.”

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Obama to Break Promise, Opt Out of Public Financing for General Election


June 19, 2008 8:58 AM


In a web video to supporters -- "the people who built this movement from the bottom up" -- Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, announced this morning that he will not enter into the public financing system, despite a previous pledge to do so.


"We've made the decision not to participate in the public financing system for the general election," Obama says in the video, blaming it on the need to combat Republicans, saying "we face opponents whoâ€ve become masters at gaming this broken system. John McCainâ€s campaign and the Republican National Committee are fueled by contributions from Washington lobbyists and special interest PACs. And weâ€ve already seen that heâ€s not going to stop the smears and attacks from his allies running so-called 527 groups, who will spend millions and millions of dollars in unlimited donations."


In November 2007, Obama answered "Yes" to Common Cause when asked "If you are nominated for President in 2008 and your major opponents agree to forgo private funding in the general election campaign, will you participate in the presidential public financing system?"


Obama wrote: "In February 2007, I proposed a novel way to preserve the strength of the public financing system in the 2008 election. My plan requires both major party candidates to agree on a fundraising truce, return excess money from donors, and stay within the public financing system for the general election. My proposal followed announcements by some presidential candidates that they would forgo public financing so they could raise unlimited funds in the general election. The Federal Election Commission ruled the proposal legal, and Senator John McCain (R-AZ) has already pledged to accept this fundraising pledge. If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election."


Not so "aggressively," according to the McCain campaign, which argues that Obama did not discuss this or try to negotiate at all with the McCain campaign, despite writing that he would "aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election."


The Obama campaign disputes this. Obama campaign counsel Bob Bauer met with McCain campaign counsel Trevor Potter and, according to Obama spox Bill Burton, Potter "immediately made it clear there was no basis for further discussion," that they weren't interested in any sort of agreement. "McCain and the RNC had spent months raising and spending money for the general election, and their basic attitude was 'You'll catch up,'" Burton says, suggesting that the Republicans were also turning a blind eye to the activities of 527s.


In April Obama seemed to be preparing an argument to opt out, as we noted at the time.


"We have created a parallel public financing system where the American people decide if they want to support a campaign they can get on the Internet and finance it, and they will have as much access and influence over the course and direction of our campaign that has traditionally been reserved for the wealthy and the powerful," Obama said at the time.


Today he said something similar, telling supporters, "Instead of forcing us to rely on millions from Washington lobbyists and special interest PACs, youâ€ve fueled this campaign with donations of $5, $10, $20, whatever you can afford. And because you did, weâ€ve built a grassroots movement of over 1.5 million Americans. ...Youâ€ve already changed the way campaigns are funded because you know thatâ€s the only way we can truly change how Washington works."


Obama said, "Iâ€m asking you to try to do something thatâ€s never been done before. Declare our independence from a broken system, and run the type of campaign that reflects the grassroots values that have already changed our politics and brought us this far."


Declaring independence from a "broken system" by breaking a promise. Obama hopes you'll care more about the former than the latter.


- jpt


UPDATE: McCain campaign communications director Jill Hazelbaker emails: “Today, Barack Obama has revealed himself to be just another typical politician who will do and say whatever is most expedient for Barack Obama. The true test of a candidate for President is whether he will stand on principle and keep his word to the American people. Barack Obama has failed that test today, and his reversal of his promise to participate in the public finance system undermines his call for a new type of politics. Barack Obama is now the first presidential candidate since Watergate to run a campaign entirely on private funds. This decision will have far-reaching and extraordinary consequences that will weaken and undermine the public financing system.”

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 09:54 AM)

oh you opened the gates now buddy...


Here's the problem Mr. McCain....

YOU opted in then out of public financing to help get you a bank loan to get you through the primaries?? hmmm.... at least Obama never actually opted in. He said he would CONSIDER it. You have done NOTHING to show you would work in good faith if they both took public financing. You have not tried to stop the Republican 527 groups. You are all but begging the Republican attack dogs to be let loose, while Obama has heavily urged his supporters to NOT support 527 attack groups.


Did I mention McCain's "informal" (aka McCain doesnt want this guy linked to him, but he wants his help) adviser Karl Rove runs a 527? hmmm....



Want to see the 27 times YOU flip-flopped on issues? I promise it'll hurt far worse than this hurts obama!


This from MSNBC:

But according to Obama spokesman Bill Burton, the Illinois senator never sat down with McCain. "In the past couple of weeks, our campaign counsels met and it was immediately clear that McCain's campaign had no interest in the possibility of an agreement. When asked about the RNC's months of raising and spending for the general election, McCain's campaign could only offer its expectation that the Obama campaign would probably, sooner or later, catch up," Burton said in an email to First Read. "And shortly thereafter, Senator McCain signaled to the 527s that they were free to run wild, without objection."


The key line....

"McCain's campaign had no interest in the possibility of an agreement.... And shortly thereafter, Senator McCain signaled to the 527s that they were free to run wild, without objection."



I have said my peace. McCain isnt exactly on the more high ground on this issue.

Want me to show you the video of him saying he would fight the 527s? Only to now say they can run wild?

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 10:04 AM)
oh you opened the gates now buddy...


Here's the problem Mr. McCain....

YOU opted in then out of public financing to get you through the primaries?? hmmm.... at least Obama never actually opted in. He said he would CONSIDER it. You have done NOTHING to show you would work in good faith if they both took public financing. You have not tried to stop the Republican 527 groups. You are all but begging the Republican attack dogs to be let loose, while Obama has heavily urged his supporters to NOT support 527 attack groups.


Did I mention McCain's "informal" (aka McCain doesnt want this guy linked to him, but he wants his help) adviser Karl Rove runs a 527? hmmm....



Want to see the 27 times YOU flip-flopped on issues? I promise it'll hurt far worse than this hurts obama!


This from MSNBC:

But according to Obama spokesman Bill Burton, the Illinois senator never sat down with McCain. "In the past couple of weeks, our campaign counsels met and it was immediately clear that McCain's campaign had no interest in the possibility of an agreement. When asked about the RNC's months of raising and spending for the general election, McCain's campaign could only offer its expectation that the Obama campaign would probably, sooner or later, catch up," Burton said in an email to First Read. "And shortly thereafter, Senator McCain signaled to the 527s that they were free to run wild, without objection."


The key line....

"McCain's campaign had no interest in the possibility of an agreement.... And shortly thereafter, Senator McCain signaled to the 527s that they were free to run wild, without objection."



I have said my peace. McCain isnt exactly on the more high ground on this issue.

Want me to show you the video of him saying he would fight the 527s? Only to now say they can run wild?


But McCain is worserz!!!!


That post was exactly what I wanted and expected to see. No one cares that Obama is lying right to their faces, and doing it repeatedly, AND getting defending for doing it. It is just amazing.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 10:09 AM)
But McCain is worserz!!!!


That post was exactly what I wanted and expected to see. No one cares that Obama is lying right to their faces, and doing it repeatedly, AND getting defending for doing it. It is just amazing.

how is he lying. He said "I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election."

Not "I 100% promise that no matter what I will run a publically financed campaign"


And what happened??? "In the past couple of weeks, our campaign counsels met and it was immediately clear that McCain's campaign had no interest in the possibility of an agreement."


Why? Because McCain KNEW that a publicly financed election meant the Obama campaign would make him agree to do all he could to shut down 527s. He doesnt REALLY want to do that. Those are his greatest assets. nothing better for a republican candidate than to have a 527 run by KARL ROVE On your side.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 09:09 AM)
But McCain is worserz!!!!


That post was exactly what I wanted and expected to see. No one cares that Obama is lying right to their faces, and doing it repeatedly, AND getting defending for doing it. It is just amazing.

The guy (Obama) walks on water, and turns water into wine, you know.


Not only does he bald face lie, he gets praised for doing it. How does this guy's s*** not stink? I just don't get it.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 10:12 AM)
how is he lying. He said "I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election."

Not "I 100% promise that no matter what I will run a publically financed campaign"


And what happened??? "In the past couple of weeks, our campaign counsels met and it was immediately clear that McCain's campaign had no interest in the possibility of an agreement."


Why? Because McCain KNEW that a publicly financed election meant the Obama campaign would make him agree to do all he could to shut down 527s. He doesnt REALLY want to do that. Those are his greatest assets. nothing better for a republican candidate than to have a 527 run by KARL ROVE On your side.




If Obama had gone to McCain and asked to run a fully publicly financed campaign, John McCain would have done it in a heartbeat, because he knows how big of a disadvantage he is at in the money department. It would have been the biggest break in the campaign for McCain possible, and THAT is why Obama never seriously pursued it.


As for the 527's, you just told me the other day that it doesn't matter what the campaign supporters say because you can't control them, so asking them to stop doesn't need to be done by the candidates. Funny how that changed. And don't throw the name Karl Rove at me, when the Democrats have people like David Axelrod and James Carville working for them. They are all the same person.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 10:27 AM)
As for the 527's, you just told me the other day that it doesn't matter what the campaign supporters say because you can't control them, so asking them to stop doesn't need to be done by the candidates. Funny how that changed.


Democratic Media Group Ditches Ad Effort


"Progressive Media will not be running an independent ad campaign this year," David Brock, the head of the organization, confirmed in a statement obtained by The Fix this morning.


"Progressive Media was established to be an independent on-going progressive issue advocacy organization," Brock added. "We were not established for one issue, one candidate or one election cycle. But donors and potential donors are getting clear signals from the Obama camp through the news media and we recognize that reality."


Those familiar with the group's decision cast it as largely the result of the stated desire of Sen. Barack Obama's campaign to not direct funds to outside organizations in hopes of better controlling the Democratic message in the fall. But the group was also struggling to raise the money necessary to be a major force in the presidential race and was riven by internal divisions.


During a gathering of Obama's national finance committee earlier this month in Indianapolis, it was made clear to these top donors that they should concentrate on raising money for the candidate and not spend their time funding independent organizations of which Progressive Media USA is one.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 10:27 AM)
And don't throw the name Karl Rove at me, when the Democrats have people like David Axelrod and James Carville working for them. They are all the same person.

There si a VERY big difference between Axelrod / Carville and Karl Rove.


Rove is a man who works behind the scenes to push his own agenda and policy and is the front man for all the negative attacks that the GOP pushes out... the PRIMARY reason I no longer consider myself a republican.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 10:04 AM)
oh you opened the gates now buddy...


Here's the problem Mr. McCain....

YOU opted in then out of public financing to help get you a bank loan to get you through the primaries?? hmmm.... at least Obama never actually opted in. He said he would CONSIDER it. You have done NOTHING to show you would work in good faith if they both took public financing. You have not tried to stop the Republican 527 groups. You are all but begging the Republican attack dogs to be let loose, while Obama has heavily urged his supporters to NOT support 527 attack groups.


Did I mention McCain's "informal" (aka McCain doesnt want this guy linked to him, but he wants his help) adviser Karl Rove runs a 527? hmmm....



Want to see the 27 times YOU flip-flopped on issues? I promise it'll hurt far worse than this hurts obama!


This from MSNBC:

But according to Obama spokesman Bill Burton, the Illinois senator never sat down with McCain. "In the past couple of weeks, our campaign counsels met and it was immediately clear that McCain's campaign had no interest in the possibility of an agreement. When asked about the RNC's months of raising and spending for the general election, McCain's campaign could only offer its expectation that the Obama campaign would probably, sooner or later, catch up," Burton said in an email to First Read. "And shortly thereafter, Senator McCain signaled to the 527s that they were free to run wild, without objection."


The key line....

"McCain's campaign had no interest in the possibility of an agreement.... And shortly thereafter, Senator McCain signaled to the 527s that they were free to run wild, without objection."



I have said my peace. McCain isnt exactly on the more high ground on this issue.

Want me to show you the video of him saying he would fight the 527s? Only to now say they can run wild?

You ARE aware that your supposed key line is a quote from an Obama spokesman, and NOT from McCain or one of his spokesmen, aren't you? Do you have a quote or anything other than the word of an Obama spokesman that McCain signaled anything to the 527's?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 09:33 AM)
Do you have a quote or anything other than the word of an Obama spokesman that McCain signaled anything to the 527's?

John McCain: ’I can’t be a referee’

GOP presidential contender John McCain says he can’t control every attack ad aimed at Democrat Barack Obama and fully expects he’ll face a similar barrage, sounding the bell for a raucous general election brawl.


“I can’t be a referee of every spot run on television,” McCain told the Herald in an exclusive interview. “I admire Sen. Obama and his accomplishments, but we all know there are groups who want to attack me.”


So, he says this in MARCH of this year,


Now, well... I cant really do much, so I'm just gonna try.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 10:31 AM)
Democratic Media Group Ditches Ad Effort


"Progressive Media will not be running an independent ad campaign this year," David Brock, the head of the organization, confirmed in a statement obtained by The Fix this morning.


"Progressive Media was established to be an independent on-going progressive issue advocacy organization," Brock added. "We were not established for one issue, one candidate or one election cycle. But donors and potential donors are getting clear signals from the Obama camp through the news media and we recognize that reality."


Those familiar with the group's decision cast it as largely the result of the stated desire of Sen. Barack Obama's campaign to not direct funds to outside organizations in hopes of better controlling the Democratic message in the fall. But the group was also struggling to raise the money necessary to be a major force in the presidential race and was riven by internal divisions.


During a gathering of Obama's national finance committee earlier this month in Indianapolis, it was made clear to these top donors that they should concentrate on raising money for the candidate and not spend their time funding independent organizations of which Progressive Media USA is one.


If Obama's troops listen so well, why hasn't Obama stepped up to stop the attacks on McCain's miliary service and his wife? You told me the other day that he couldn't stop them, now you are saying he can. Which is it???


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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 10:38 AM)
<!--quoteo(post=1667464:date=Jun 19, 2008 -> 09:33 AM:name=Alpha Dog)-->
QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 09:33 AM)
<!--quotec-->Do you have a quote or anything other than the word of an Obama spokesman that McCain signaled anything to the 527's?

John McCain: ’I can’t be a referee’



So, he says this in MARCH of this year,


Now, well... I cant really do much, so I'm just gonna try.

And he has also come out against some ads as well. That statement does not signal that it is open season. You have a very broad interpretation of certain statements, when it suits your argument. Has Obama come out against any of the lame attacks on McCain? Has he derided the people ridiculing McCain's service record? If so, he must be speaking softly.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 10:33 AM)
There si a VERY big difference between Axelrod / Carville and Karl Rove.


Rove is a man who works behind the scenes to push his own agenda and policy and is the front man for all the negative attacks that the GOP pushes out... the PRIMARY reason I no longer consider myself a republican.


There is zero difference between those three. They all do the same things. They are just portrayed very differently. I have seen both Carville and Axelrod get up and tell bold faced lies about anything and everything, and nothing ever gets said. Carville was the leader of some of the most vicious attacks during BOTH Clinton runs. They are all the same person.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 10:49 AM)
There is zero difference between those three. They all do the same things. They are just portrayed very differently. I have seen both Carville and Axelrod get up and tell bold faced lies about anything and everything, and nothing ever gets said. Carville was the leader of some of the most vicious attacks during BOTH Clinton runs. They are all the same person.

Carville is a tool.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 09:49 AM)
Has Obama come out against any of the lame attacks on McCain?

He should. I'd love for him to shut down MoveOn.org.


PS: McCain is running on his experience in war, his records are fair game. He SHOULD release them.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 10:33 AM)
There si a VERY big difference between Axelrod / Carville and Karl Rove.

all the negative attacks that the GOP pushes out... the PRIMARY reason I no longer consider myself a republican.


so you decided to leave the GOP primarily because of attack ads? Instead of issues like Iraq war, spending, or the economy? And you have certainly made a direct 180, seeing that Obama is fairly far left and you are 100% behind him and defend everything he does.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 06:32 PM)
so you decided to leave the GOP primarily because of attack ads? Instead of issues like Iraq war, spending, or the economy? And you have certainly made a direct 180, seeing that Obama is fairly far left and you are 100% behind him and defend everything he does.


Obama is more than fairly far left, he is almost as far left as you can get.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 19, 2008 -> 10:09 AM)
But McCain is worserz!!!!


That post was exactly what I wanted and expected to see. No one cares that Obama is lying right to their faces, and doing it repeatedly, AND getting defending for doing it. It is just amazing.



On the CBOE it is said that if a certain Broker is moving his lips he is lying, I tend to think that way about politicians. ALL OF THEM!

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