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Pakistan to ask EU to amend laws on freedom of expression


By Tahir Niaz


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will ask the European Union countries to amend laws regarding freedom of expression in order to prevent offensive incidents such as the printing of blasphemous caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and the production of an anti-Islam film by a Dutch legislator, sources in the Interior Ministry told Daily Times on Saturday.


They said that a six-member high-level delegation comprising officials from the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Law would leave Islamabad on Sunday (today) for the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium and explain to the EU leadership the backlash against the blasphemous campaign in the name of freedom of expression.


The delegation, headed by an additional secretary of the Interior Ministry, will meet the leaders of the EU countries in a bid to convince them that the recent attack on the Danish Embassy in Pakistan could be a reaction against the blasphemous campaign, sources said.


They said that the delegation would also tell the EU that if such acts against Islam are not controlled, more attacks on the EU diplomatic missions abroad could not be ruled out.


Sources said that the delegation would also hold discussions on inter-religious harmony during its meetings with the EU leaders

So in other words, do as we say, or else. What's the over/under for how long it takes the EU wussies to cave in to their Islamic overlords?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 10:04 AM)
What, nobody wants to touch this?

So you're expecting us to attack Europe without even seeing Europe's response because they're such wussies and you're surprised that we have no reply?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 02:04 PM)
What, nobody wants to touch this?

It's not that, it's just the topic is kind of a dead horse. I actually think the blatant hypocrisy in the Islamic world is hilarious. OMG you drew a cartoon about our prophet and called him a terrorist, in protest I will burn your embassy and kill a couple of innocent Westerners for good measure. That'll show them to stereotype us as terrorists!

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 10:18 AM)
Well, i was looking for bets on how long for them to cave in. The Vegas line is 2 months.

And if they were to cave in to a silly demand like this, then I'd be suitably outraged.


Perhaps the more interesting thing aside from the Europe bashing is that this type of demand is again coming from our great ally in the GWOT, Pakistan.

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when did Europe cave-in after the original outrage? The Denmark paper wrote a long editorial defending its actions, and despite having to hide the cartoonists to protect them, didn't cave in at all.


Let's just remember, the European countries relationship with their Islamic population is very different than the US. They are the poorest of the poor in France and many countries, and are very uneducated. Their responses might be different than ours because the situations are different.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 03:24 PM)
when did Europe cave-in after the original outrage? The Denmark paper wrote a long editorial defending its actions, and despite having to hide the cartoonists to protect them, didn't cave in at all.


Let's just remember, the European countries relationship with their Islamic population is very different than the US. They are the poorest of the poor in France and many countries, and are very uneducated. Their responses might be different than ours because the situations are different.

Denmark didn't cave in, you are correct. They seem to be almost alone in willingness to stand for something. France and England both have 'no-go' zones for people who are anything other than Muslim. In England, 2 preachers were arrested for 'hate speech' for proselytising, however you spell that. So spreading the Word of God is hate speech in England. I just don't see them holding out for very long.


This is one of the acts in the UK already used to silence critics of Islam. The relevant portion is:

5. Harassment, alarm or distress. — (1) A person is guilty of an offence if he—


uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or


displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting,

within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby.


Ideally this could also be used against Muslims there. Holding a sign about death to the infidels or something could be called abusive, but so far, it has only worked the other way.


Brigitte Bardot fined in France for criticizing the ritual slaughter of animals in Islam.



HOWEVER, Dutch authorities had arrested a cartoonist the criminal offense of “publishing cartoons which are discriminating for Muslims and people with dark skin.”



They are already on their way over there. Can they stop in time?



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a lot of Europe does not hold free speech to be an important right.


this is an area where the United States is much more liberal than Europe. for example, left wing entities such as the ACLU will go to bat to protect speech, even if they personally have a great dislike for it.


most Americans (right wing and left) consider freedom of speech to be a crucial right.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 02:59 PM)
most Americans (right wing and left) consider freedom of speech to be a crucial right.

And this is one area where I think everyone on this site will agree...we've got it right. I'd much rather have to put up with freaks like Fred Phelps's clan than I would risk going to jail because the party in power found my thoughts controversial.

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One of the killer aspects of Europe's stricter free speech laws is how easy it is to win a libel suit in Europe. Burden of proof is on the defendant as opposed to in the U.S. where it is on the plaintiff, barring a few worthy exceptions.


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If you wanna say France caves to Islam, you're kind of ignoring a lot. France is one of the worst countries in Europe to be anything but white European, or American of any color.


There was a reason why Paris burnt last year, and its more similar to the Watts uprising than anything happening in Pakistan or Syria.

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