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Give Kenny Williams credit


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I've seen him blasted on here repeatedly by some people and there are some who would love for him to be replaced. I don't get why that is the case. Other than last year, the Sox have had a top level team. It seems every trade he has made has worked out pretty well. People like to criticize trading Chris Young but Javy is one of the better pitchers in the AL and pitching is alot more of a premium. That trade,to me, is a win for the Sox. What's Young hitting, about .235? He's could turn out to be very good but he's not in Javy's class yet. McCarthy for Danks and Masset, that was a pure fleecing :lolhitting . Garcia for Floyd,great looking trade so far. Carter for Quentin, just look at all the avatars and sigs and that gives you the answer on that trade. Garland for Cabrera is probably going to be a wash. Both guys will probably only play 1 year with their playoff bound teams. Gio,DLS, and Sweeney for Swisher is still incomplete but,in the long run, i think it favors the Sox because Swisher can help win a WS this year and is proven at MLB level. You never know if the two pitchers will even make it.Even the trade for Geoff Blum worked out with a couple of big hits down the stretch. Also,Alexei Ramirez looks like a great signing.


Also, Williams has one of the best coaching staffs in baseball. The one area that he can be criticized is the minor league system but he is currently trying to right that and will need a few years. But those guys he's traded have had little impact while the Sox have,what looks like, a division winning club. I've questioned his moves before but it seems like everything he's done has turned into the Sox's favor. I'm sure there's a trade,or two, i forgot that haven't worked out but no GM is 100%.

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We are lucky to have him as our GM and he deserves our benefit of the doubt for a long time. I'm so happy to have an aggressive GM that wants to win in the worst way. I'm so happy that he is ahead of his peers in acquiring non performance enhanced players and young pitching. I'm happy he ignores the media and us fans and follows his three year plan. I'm happy that when his plan doesn't work out that he can improvise and adjust. I'm happy for the championship he's brought us and the one he's working on right now. You know he's thinking about to do next right now.



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I wish we could dig up the response thread from when Kenny Williams said "It puts them(Detroit) in position to compete with us" after the Miguel Cabrera trade.


Im sure there are some great quotes

Edited by kyyle23
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i think kenny elicits strong reactions from people because he's brash and some people aren't down with that.


as far as gm's go i don't think he's the best or the worst. i think he's been pretty good at keeping the big club healthy and productive, but his work with our prospects and minor league system has been poor. is that all his fault? no. but he's the gm so he's accountable for that.


all-in-all, i'm fine with him being our guy. although he and ozzie say some dumb stuff some times, they have made the white sox a story both locally and nationally, which isn't something you could say for many years. previous to the kw/ozzie era, the sox were a pretty nondescript ballclub since the veeck days. some nice seasons for sure, but nothing a casual fan would really hang their hat on.

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QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Jun 8, 2008 -> 04:06 PM)
I wish we could dig up the response thread from when Kenny Williams said "It puts them(Detroit) in position to compete with us" after the Miguel Cabrera trade.


Im sure there are some great quotes

I think Kenny said that in jest or with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Maybe KW would never admit it but I doubt in his wildest dreams he imagined Joe, Alexei, Gavin , Q and Danks all having the kind of years they are so far. For that matter either could many of us. I was hoping 1 or 2 of them could contribute but nothing like it has been.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 01:32 AM)
Never been a fan of Kenny. I almost came around after 05, but didn't. However, for as many bad moves as he's made, he's made plenty of good moves.


which is pretty much what you can say about the great majority of gms, outside of the train wrecks (see: phillips, steve).

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 8, 2008 -> 07:32 PM)
Never been a fan of Kenny. I almost came around after 05, but didn't. However, for as many bad moves as he's made, he's made plenty of good moves.

You ALMOST came around when your team won its first WS in 88 years? What would have made you come around?

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QUOTE (TCQ @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 01:35 AM)
Yes he has done some great things, but that aggressiveness has also ended up with the sox having todd ritchie, david wells (when he didnt care), dangelo jiminez and billy koch.


i wouldn't characterize the acquisition of wells, jiminez, or koch as aggressive deals. they didn't work out, but it wasn't like we overpaid or did something ridiculous to get those guys. they were like many free-agent signings that don't work out. there was no long-term price to pay.


ritchie was an aggressive deal that didn't work out well. at the same time, the most significant player we ended up giving up in that deal was josh fogg, who has been at best a third or fourth starter in an offensively poor league.

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I've never liked KW personally....however, I have always been willing to admit that KW has forgotten more than I know about baseball.


Whether you like KW or not, he's done an incredible job with this club. Going into last season we were old and ready to fall off of the face of the earth. KW was able to turn back the clock on this roster while being able to contend for a championship at the same time.


Job well done, KW.

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I'll eat crow right now. Hopefully will continue to eat it.

I never ever thought Floyd and Danks would be even decent this year. And I thought Jose was washed up.

His acquisitions of Quentin and even Alexei have been two of the hot stories in baseball.

Linebrink especially and Dotel to a certain extent have been just what the doctor ordered instead of MacDougal.

Swish is heating up apparently and OC is no longer an instant out.

Crede over Josh also appears to have been the correct call.


KW is on a roll now; hopefully it'll continue.

It's a heckuva long season but KW and Oz, too, deserve a LOT of credit right now.

The players didn't quit on Oz after his tirade, which means they like playing for him, Jay.

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QUOTE (Cali @ Jun 8, 2008 -> 07:36 PM)
I thought Kenny William was fired back in 2002?


(Only old board members will get that, and if you do you are awesome)


yessir...he also was never the actual GM, he was just a public figure who had general manager in his title




I gave Kenny s*** this winter, but I really liked the Swisher deal, the Quentin deal, and the Dotel signing...not as big a fan for Linebrink, but he's been absolutely fantastic. He's also had some "rapings" that Flash had been wanting for a while (it doesn't get much more lopsided than the Garcia and McCarthy trades at this point in time)


He's accomplished priority #1 and that's make the big league club good. For all I care, that's really the only priority there is.

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He has strengths and weaknesses like all GM's, but he's a bonafide top 10, if not top 5 GM in baseball currently.


For the most part any trades etc. he has pulled he has come out on top of the majority of the time.


Of course I'd like for our system to be better and for us to sign more guys out of Latin America, but hopefully those things can improve in the future.

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QUOTE (thedoctor @ Jun 8, 2008 -> 07:19 PM)
i think kenny elicits strong reactions from people because he's brash and some people aren't down with that.


i defintely agree with this statement, and i think that a big part of it is that white GMs are totally allowed to be brash


as brash as they care to be.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 01:32 AM)
Never been a fan of Kenny. I almost came around after 05, but didn't. However, for as many bad moves as he's made, he's made plenty of good moves.


I am the same way. I have been critical of his handling of the farm system, but, with the trades for Floyd, Danks, Masset, Quentin and the signing of Ramieriz, he has bought a few years of time to build the system back up. His off-season moves last year were reminiscent of the off season prior to the WS year, when he made a lot of under the radar deals that turned into gold. I was thinking the other day how the Iguchi signing was similiar the signing of Alexi Ramieriz....Remember how in both cases, a lot of other teams passed up on both guys, who would end up being critical pieces at second base.

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