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Benefits? Benefits for who?

The fact that we pumped OIL before pumping water? The fact that there are still riots because people are without food, water and electricity because those who had it lost it during the "shock and awe" bombings? We are bringing "suspected terrorists" to Pakistan to torture them, so the US cannot claim a higher moral ground about ending torture. The benefit that we protected the Ministry of Oil while allowing looting and violence to create anarchy there? The benefit that the Washington Post is reporting US forces are stopping local elections and installing their own men to lead in Iraq?


Oh but we can claim a higher moral ground, because we are not torturing, and killing people simply because they are different.


IMO, you often base your posts on speculation, just as the war was based on speculation. Obviously there is a vast difference between a post and a war, but don't claim to be the truthful all knowing one. An example of your speculation, is the thing about terrorist being tortured in Pakistan. If you can find me a reliable news source that says "Terrorists are being brought to Pakistan so that the Americans can have them Physically abused and tortured", then I will give you some credit.


As for the state of Iraq's people, all I have to say is that after a war in which a government crumbles, there can not be utopia. It will take time, and cooperation.

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Apparently you failed to read my next post. I'm not throwing s*** at Clinton for bombing an aspirin factory. I was trying to poit out that s*** happens in war. Mistakes are made. You said so yourself. But I guess only Dems are aloud to make honest mistakes. :huh:

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      Apparently you failed to read my next post. I'm not throwing s*** at Clinton for bombing an aspirin factory. I was trying to poit out that s*** happens in war. Mistakes are made. You said so yourself. But I guess only Dems are aloud to make honest mistakes. :huh:

you must have posted your next post while I was typing my response to the earlier one


only Democrats allowed mistakes? Clinton was savagly ripped, and still is, for far lesser things than are happening now - that is part of the general political hypocrasy - that is the game - please don't try and pretend the big bad demos are so mean mean mean to the repubs - between the two I have a preferance but my point was - and I think the point of your second post - was be fair - yes the s*** goes both ways - and lets agree on that and move on because I don't really like at all fighting let alone fighting with you, good Sox fan and ok guy that you are

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Michael "Weiner" Savage has come out with his apology. He basically says that he should not be held responsible because it was a "crank caller from a competitive show" that called him and that he didn't realize he was on the air when he said those things. You're on TV...and you don't realize that what you say will go out to millions of people??? :huh:


:finger Savage if you expect us to believe that excuse. He shouldn't say that kind of stuff in the first place, he's just angry that he got caught saying it and trying to justify it.

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I just wonder what some of you bleeding heart liberals will say if/when the US troops over in Iraq uncover a massive cache of weapons of mass destruction. Will you give GWB his due, or will you still scream for his "lying" head?


But then again, it's only an area the size of CA -- if there was anything to find, they would have found it weeks ago

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I just wonder what some of you bleeding heart liberals will say if/when the US troops over in Iraq uncover a massive cache of weapons of mass destruction.  Will you give GWB his due, or will you still scream for his "lying" head?


But then again, it's only an area the size of CA -- if there was anything to find, they would have found it weeks ago

Well, they sure are not going to find that African uranium that Bush said they definitely had in his State of the Union speech because IT WAS A LIE when he said it.


And, Clujer, if we knew they had them, had satellite photos of where the buildings and stuff were as said in Powell's UN speech and if we knew where stuff was, then why can't we find it?

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And, Clujer, if we knew they had them, had satellite photos of where the buildings and stuff were as said in Powell's UN speech and if we knew where stuff was, then why can't we find it?

Weird? The satalite photo's were of Califorinia probably explains it.

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