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Brian Anderson


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Anderson's a fourth OFer and the best one we have. Why are some you so mad at him? He plays great defense and hits .230, is that bad for a 4th OFer? Would you rather have Rob Mackowiak misjudge balls in Center all day? Would Jerry Owens be any better? Think of your other options here. Now, if we got Kenny Lofton, Anderson's the first one to go (Uribe's proven himself worthy lately). But as of now, with all the assets in the organization, Anderson deserves to be on this team.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 05:49 PM)
Anderson's a fourth OFer and the best one we have. Why are some you so mad at him? He plays great defense and hits .230, is that bad for a 4th OFer? Would you rather have Rob Mackowiak misjudge balls in Center all day? Would Jerry Owens be any better? Think of your other options here. Now, if we got Kenny Lofton, Anderson's the first one to go (Uribe's proven himself worthy lately). But as of now, with all the assets in the organization, Anderson deserves to be on this team.


Jerry Owens might not be a bad idea.


By the way, anyone know the status on him? Is he still hurt? I'm actually confused why they brought in Dewayne Wise when Konerko went to the DL if they could have brought up Owens.


Could the Sox live with him as the every day CF in the 9 spot? Maybe move Swisher over to 1B and platoon Konerko and Thome at DH (damn, that's an expensive platoon... and at DH, haha) and guarantee that Thome isn't back next year?


I'm just trying to think outside the box here.

Edited by BobDylan
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QUOTE (BobDylan @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 05:46 PM)
I don't think they have the means to land Roberts or Figgins. I especially don't see why Anaheim would want to trade Figgins now that they saw how average their offense is without him in the lineup (he was on the DL.)


Baltimore is run by a bunch of morons, so there might be reason for hope there... but I still don't think the Sox can put together an attractive enough package to land him. Especially if other teams are asking about him.

I agree. I was talking more about next year anyway. I don't think we've got the goods to make a big run at one of those guys this year, and Figgins won't be available until the offseason - and that's if they can pick up another bat, which I think they will this time as they've struck out quite a bit over the last couple of seasons, minus Torii Hunter.


I think next year since both of those guys will have only one year left the price will come down a ton, and the price of some of our guys on the farm will have risen. Shelby and Poreda might be the centerpieces of a trade in December whereas now they don't quite have that value IMO.

Edited by Kenny Hates Prospects
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QUOTE (BobDylan @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 04:02 PM)
Jerry Owens might not be a bad idea.


By the way, anyone know the status on him? Is he still hurt? I'm actually confused why they brought in Dewayne Wise when Konerko went to the DL if they could have brought up Owens.


Could the Sox live with him as the every day CF in the 9 spot? Maybe move Swisher over to 1B and platoon Konerko and Thome at DH (damn, that's an expensive platoon... and at DH, haha) and guarantee that Thome isn't back next year?


I'm just trying to think outside the box here.

Charlotte doesn't list Owens as on the DL right now on their website, but he hasn't played in several days and isn't in the lineup tonight. Presumably he's actually hurt and not ready to come up.

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QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 03:10 PM)
That's because Baltimore is stupid. They're not getting anything like that from anyone.

What, a top young player? If they don't get that then they have no reason to trade Roberts. a year and a half from now he walks as a FA and they get 2 draft picks that have good value because he's a guaranteed type A person, they like him on their team anyway, etc. If they don't get something of real solid value then they'd be stupid to deal him. From our system, that means Danks, Floyd, or Quentin. Poreda, Fields, Broadway, Richar, you name the person, or even a combination of them, just isnt' enough to get him.

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QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 06:06 PM)
I agree. I was talking more about next year anyway. I don't think we've got the goods to make a big run at one of those guys this year, and Figgins won't be available until the offseason - and that's if they can pick up another bat, which I think they will this time as they've struck out quite a bit over the last couple of seasons, minus Torii Hunter.


I think next year since both of those guys will have only one year left the price will come down a ton, and the price of some of our guys on the farm will have risen. Shelby and Poreda might be the centerpieces of a trade in December whereas now they don't quite have that value IMO.


It's interesting that we're having this discussion in two different threads. I don't think Figgins will come any cheaper in the off-season after the Angels have acquired a 3B. Roberts might be work forking some cash over to if he's not traded and resigned.

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QUOTE (BobDylan @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 03:16 PM)
It's interesting that we're having this discussion in two different threads. I don't think Figgins will come any cheaper in the off-season after the Angels have acquired a 3B. Roberts might be work forking some cash over to if he's not traded and resigned.

Roberts is not a Free Agent until after 2009 though.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 06:13 PM)
What, a top young player? If they don't get that then they have no reason to trade Roberts. a year and a half from now he walks as a FA and they get 2 draft picks that have good value because he's a guaranteed type A person, they like him on their team anyway, etc. If they don't get something of real solid value then they'd be stupid to deal him. From our system, that means Danks, Floyd, or Quentin. Poreda, Fields, Broadway, Richar, you name the person, or even a combination of them, just isnt' enough to get him.

The Angels can ask for a top young player for Figgins because they can't afford to deal him since they are in contention. Baltimore OTOH is going nowhere so they're foolish for asking for something they know they won't get. Baltimore doesn't have to trade Roberts, but if they want more than Type A compensation they're going to have to, and no team is going to give up MLB players for him. No team is going to make a deal for the sake of making a deal. Roberts will go for prospects.


I mean think about it. The best they could get for Bedard, their best player, was a package built around Adam Jones. While Jones was a great prospect, he was still a prospect. Nobody offered anything more than that. Not for Bedard, not for Haren, not for Santana, not for Buehrle when he was on the market last year, and they won't offer anything more than prospects for Sabathia this year. If no one is going to offer more than prospects for those pitchers, no one is going to even think about offering more than prospects for Brian Roberts, who is a very good player, but is basically a complimentary piece.


I think if Baltimore balked at Fields for Roberts straight up they should send their whole front office packing. Next offseason, Poreda + Shelby + Broadway for example would be a great package for Roberts. Roberts as a FA would probably sign with a contender, and any rebuilding team that would take say a #20-30 pick and a #35-40 pick or so for Roberts instead of that package is both crazy and stupid.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 05:41 PM)

lol... I know he isn't the sexiest name out there, but he's most likely available (no one is going to want GMjr's contract), and he would provide us with a switch hitting bat with speed, the ability to get on base and walk, and plus D in all 3 OF spots.

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QUOTE (BobDylan @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 06:02 PM)
Jerry Owens might not be a bad idea.


By the way, anyone know the status on him? Is he still hurt? I'm actually confused why they brought in Dewayne Wise when Konerko went to the DL if they could have brought up Owens.


Could the Sox live with him as the every day CF in the 9 spot? Maybe move Swisher over to 1B and platoon Konerko and Thome at DH (damn, that's an expensive platoon... and at DH, haha) and guarantee that Thome isn't back next year?


I'm just trying to think outside the box here.


Knowing Ozzie, he will put a healthy Owens in the leadoff role.


Explanation: "The keed is fast".

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 05:41 PM)
Make a play for Reggie Willits...


Hawk - "Reggie is a good looking young ball player. I'll tell ya what Fiesty, if we get this kid, Greg Walker will turn him into Mr. October."

D.J. - "Reggie Jackson?"

Hawk - "Ya datgum right Reggie Jackson. They're both Reggies right?".

Hawk - "I'll tell you again Fiesty, if I were still GM, I would of traded Ozzie Guillen and John Danks for that kid already. I have so much confidence in Walk that I know Willits will be the most clutch hitter to ever graze this field."


30 seconds of silence.

Edited by chw42
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QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 22, 2008 -> 09:52 AM)
Hawk - "Reggie is a good looking young ball player. I'll tell ya what Fiesty, if we get this kid, Greg Walker will turn him into Mr. October."

D.J. - "Reggie Jackson?"

Hawk - "Ya datgum right Reggie Jackson. They're both Reggies right?".

Hawk - "I'll tell you again Fiesty, if I were still GM, I would of traded Ozzie Guillen and John Danks for that kid already. I have so much confidence in Walk that I know Wilits will be the most clutch hitter to ever graze this field."


30 seconds of silence.



Yeah Hawk would be calling Reggie's 600 foot home runs like Jim Thome in no time.

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Wise hit a homer Saturday. Ok! I like the way he looks at the plate, but rather than think he is now of CF answer doesn't make any sense. BA is a better defensive player and defense can win you games. He also is showing improvement at the plate and is doing pretty well for a part-time starter.

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QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 11:29 PM)
I mean think about it. The best they could get for Bedard, their best player, was a package built around Adam Jones. While Jones was a great prospect, he was still a prospect. Nobody offered anything more than that.


George Sherrill is on pace for over 50 saves. That doesn't deserve any mention, though?


While Erik Bedard is one of the best left-handed SPs in the majors when he's right, most of the articles that I have read say that the Mariners gave up too much in that trade (Adam Jones, George Sherrill, and three other minor league pitchers).


Only on soxtalk will I read otherwise, though. Lots of experts on here. George Sherrill? Who's that??? :D

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QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jun 22, 2008 -> 09:27 AM)
Wise hit a homer Saturday.


Unfortunately, some people's memories here don't go back further than that. Luis Terrero (another journeyman) looked pretty good for a while last year as well.


BA is alright. Still strikes out too much, but has had a number of timely extra-base hits this year in limited plate appearances and is a bad-ass in CF. At the very least, the lineup is stronger with Uribe on the bench and BA occupying his spot.


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QUOTE (Middle Buffalo @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 07:34 PM)
Anderson looks terrible much of the time at the plate. So did Crede when he first came up. Anderson needs big league at bats, and now is the perfect time to give him the playing time.


Brian Anderson's minor league production wasn't even close to Crede's.

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QUOTE (hammerhead johnson @ Jun 22, 2008 -> 10:48 AM)
George Sherrill is on pace for over 50 saves. That doesn't deserve any mention, though?


While Erik Bedard is one of the best left-handed SPs in the majors when he's right, most of the articles that I have read say that the Mariners gave up too much in that trade (Adam Jones, George Sherrill, and three other minor league pitchers).


Only on soxtalk will I read otherwise, though. Lots of experts on here. George Sherrill? Who's that??? :D

Sherrill is a good player, but the package was built around prospects with Adam Jones the centerpiece, which is what I was saying. Sherrill is a 31 year old lefty setup man with good stuff, but he wasn't the main piece in that deal obviously. He's like a Matt Thornton in a closers role.


The previous poster mentioned names like Danks, Floyd, and Quentin. There's no way anyone trades young, productive, high-ceiling pre-arb players without getting the same thing in return, see the Garza-for-Young trade. It just doesn't happen anymore. Miguel Cabrera, Erik Bedard, Miguel Tejada, Dan Haren, and Johan Santana all got traded last year. That's two almost shoe-in HOF players and 3 other elite players and not one of them brought back a Danks, Floyd, or Quentin-type player. They brought back high-ceiling prospects that hadn't produced at the MLB level.


The closest thing to an exception I can think of recently was the Hamilton for Volquez swap, but Volquez was ready and had big league experience and Hamilton only had 298 AB's in 2007, so they were both pretty much prospects. Josh Fields had almost 100 more MLB AB's than Hamilton did at the time of the trade, and he's still considered a prospect by many.

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QUOTE (WCSox @ Jun 22, 2008 -> 11:13 AM)
Unfortunately, some people's memories here don't go back further than that. Luis Terrero (another journeyman) looked pretty good for a while last year as well.


BA is alright. Still strikes out too much, but has had a number of timely extra-base hits this year in limited plate appearances and is a bad-ass in CF. At the very least, the lineup is stronger with Uribe on the bench and BA occupying his spot.

Yeah I don't get all the Luis Terrero hate. He was among our team leaders in OPS for a while. I get that he's not an everyday player, but he was better than most of the other crap the Sox were trotting out there last year.

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QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Jun 22, 2008 -> 12:45 PM)
Yeah I don't get all the Luis Terrero hate. He was among our team leaders in OPS for a while. I get that he's not an everyday player, but he was better than most of the other crap the Sox were trotting out there last year.


No, you're missing my point. I mentioned Terrero because he started out hot when brought up, but then went on to hit .231.


In other words, don't get too excited about a career journeyman hitting well over a short period of time, as there's usually reason that player keeps bouncing around from team to team.


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