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43 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Should Barack Obama Choose to Be His VP?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • John Edwards
    • Bill Richardson
    • Jim Webb
    • Wesley Clark
    • Joe Biden
    • OTHER
  2. 2. Who Should John McCain Choose to Be His VP?

    • Mike Huckabee
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bobby Jindal
    • Charlie Crist
    • Tim Pawlenty
    • Kay Bailey Hutchison
    • Joe Lieberman

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Just my 2 cents:


I wouldn't rule out Hillary Clinton just yet, and unless I'm not seeing some angle I doubt Nancy Pelosi is pushing Chet Edwards just to be nice.


I still like Bill Richardson, and this Tim Kaine guy seems good in the little I've seen of him. Don't really know the other contenders enough to say, and I still think Obama should choose who he thinks could best be President right now, besides himself.

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QUOTE (Chet Lemon @ Aug 4, 2008 -> 10:33 PM)
Of course losing Bayh's seat in the Senate would not lose control of the Senate for the Dems, but they are making a huge push to get the highest number possible over 50.

It varies from state to state, but often if a senator resigns or moves onto higher political office, a temporary replacement is named. i would assume it would be a democrat. Therefor, not loosing the seat number.


There is already talk as to who would replace Obama's spot from IL. Tammy Duckworth and Jessie Jackson Jr near the top of the list.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 4, 2008 -> 08:22 PM)
Daniels, by all accounts, is a f***ing idiot. But I don't live there anymore, I just hear it from people who do.


That's pretty accurate. His ideas aren't as bad as some would have you believe, but he has a Bush way of getting things done.

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Tim Pawlenty's sounding like a guy who was just told he wasn't being the VP pick.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, often mentioned as a possible running mate for Republican presidential candidate John McCain, said Wednesday GOP candidates would do well to adopt a positive tone like that of McCain's Democratic rival Barack Obama.


"Say what you will about Barack Obama," the Minnesota Republican told a conservative group, "people gravitate when you have something positive to say." He added that McCain has been positive as well.


"People want to follow hopeful, optimistic, civil, decent leaders," Pawlenty said in a speech to GOPAC, which helps recruit Republican candidates. "They don't want to follow some negative, scornful person."


Ronald Reagan still offers important lessons for today's Republican Party, Pawlenty said, because the former president was civil, optimistic, pragmatic and a good communicator.


"He actually had some ideas," Pawlenty said, adding that the Republican idea factory has seemed "a little stagnant in recent years."

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  • 2 weeks later...
QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 10:19 AM)
They will annonce tomorrow. Betcha. Tuesday is the "big news" day. It might even leak tonight.

Obama's in NC on Tuesday evening, Virginia on Wednesday morning. So, he's lingering Virginia area. Might be a hint.

My personal guess is he'll want to announce in the evening to get live media coverage in prime time if possible.


FYI: Obama vice presidential choice likely this week


American voters should know this week who will join Barack Obama as No. 2 on the Democratic presidential ballot, a critical decision for the first-term senator who is fighting off Republican John McCain's bid to paint off him as untested and unready for the White House.


Democrats open their national convention a week hence in Denver, Colorado, and Obama's choice of a running mate remains the primary unanswered question as the party gears up for the final push to oust the Republicans from the executive mansion.


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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 09:19 AM)
They will annonce tomorrow. Betcha. Tuesday is the "big news" day. It might even leak tonight.

The problem is, there's still those olympics hanging over the media cycle, even though the Phelps run is now over.


I wonder if the VP pick doesn't already know that he or she has been chosen and they're just holding the nomination announcement.

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From The "Evan Bayh Threw Me Out of His Office Department":


Bayh: I Don't Remember Ever Joining Committee For The Liberation Of Iraq


Another major news org, the Wall Street Journal, has now picked up on a topic we've been fairly obsessed with of late: Senator Evan Bayh's co-chairing of the neocon Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, along with John McCain and Joe Lieberman, and why that makes him a bad Veep choice for Obama.


But The Journal spoke to Bayh about this, and he now says that, well, he's forgotten all about any association he might or might not have had with that group...

en. Bayh now
he regret
upport of the Iraq war and ha
no recollection of the committee. "I don't remember any meeting
, any conver
, any anything,"
en. Bayh
aid in a telephone interview Tue
day. "Obviou
ly my name wa
ed to it, but other than that there'
nothing that can be

Really? As Steve Clemons wryly notes, "I take Senator Bayh at his word that he may not recall this high profile committee that garnered lots of press attention and had McCain, Lieberman, Scheunemann, James Woolsey and others attached. But then I think that the Senator owes us an explanation of how his staff signed him up for this -- or how it happened."

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 11:37 AM)
Obama's in NC on Tuesday evening, Virginia on Wednesday morning. So, he's lingering Virginia area. Might be a hint.

My personal guess is he'll want to announce in the evening to get live media coverage in prime time if possible.


FYI: Obama vice presidential choice likely this week

If you want to get into the geography thing, then its also worth noting that Obama is spending today in New Mexico for a couple events.


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QUOTE (KipWellsFan @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 03:14 PM)
Drudge has got one of his famous scoops...


"Obama has set out an elaborate roll-out to announce his decision that will begin with an early morning e-mail to supporters, perhaps as early as Tuesday, Zeleny has been told."



The NYT newsroom was buzzing late Monday afternoon after Obama-beat reporter Jeff Zeleny learned how the Dem hopeful has now finalized his choice for a running-mate.


Obama has set out an elaborate roll-out to announce his decision that will begin with an early morning e-mail to supporters, perhaps as early as Tuesday, Zeleny and Adam Nagourney have been told.


Is it Nunn? Is it Kaine? Is Hillary there? What about Kerry?


Developing... all night [week?] long

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 04:28 PM)

Times Reporter: "Don't Believe Everything You Read On Drudge"

Matt Drudge is -- ahem -- "reporting" that the New York Times has learned that Obama has made his Veep choice, and lots of folks in the political world are chattering away about it.


Drudge, who's blaring this as his big lead story, also says that the paper's Jeff Zeleny and Adam Nagourney have learned that his Veep roll-out could begin tomorrow morning.


Mark Halperin reports that Drudge is "wrong." We checked in with Nagourney himself, who emailed us this:

Don't believe everything you read on Drudge. We'll po
t a
tory when it'

That's pretty much a denial, we'd say.

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NYT: Obama Appears Ready to Announce His Running Mate

Senator Barack Obama has all but finalized his choice for a running mate and set an elaborate roll-out plan for his decision, beginning with an early morning alert to supporters, perhaps as soon as Wednesday, followed by a trip to swing states by the new Democratic ticket, aides said.


Mr. Obama’s deliberations remain remarkably closely held. Aides said perhaps a half-dozen advisers were involved in the final discussions in an effort to enforce a command that Mr. Obama issued to staff: that his decision not leak out until supporters are notified.


Mr. Obama had not notified his choice — or any of those not selected — of his decision as of late Monday, advisers said. Going into the final days, Mr. Obama was said to be focused mainly on three candidates: Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana, Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia and Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware.


Mr. Obama’s advisers said he reached his decision while on vacation in Hawaii. They said it marked the end of what proved to be an unexpectedly intense process, condensed because he did not want to start actively vetting potential running mates before Mrs. Clinton quit the race in June.


The team of advance workers and aides involved in planning the roll-out — timed to galvanize Democratic voters as Mr. Obama heads to Denver next week for the party convention — have not yet been told who Mr. Obama will be selecting.


If all goes according to plan, the announcement will be made with text and e-mail messages to supporters early in the morning, in time to capture coverage on the morning news shows and take advantage of a full day’s news cycle. Mr. Obama and his new running mate will than begin a cross-country tour; current plans call for them to on the trail together for most of the time between the day of the announcement and when Mr. Obama arrives in Denver, a week from Wednesday.


Mr. Obama’s schedule calls for him to awake Tuesday morning in Orlando, Fla., and by the end of the day be in Raleigh, N.C. By Wednesday, he is scheduled to be in Virginia. The Obama campaign has cautioned against reading anything into his schedule, saying it could be changed in an instant to accommodate the plan to introduce the running mate.


Aides said the announcement would come at the earliest on Wednesday morning, and no later than Friday.

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McCain to name VP on Aug. 29


Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) plans to celebrate his 72nd birthday on Aug. 29 by naming his running mate at a huge rally in the battleground state of Ohio, Republican sources said.


The campaign has begun building a crowd of 10,000 for Dayton, Ohio, according to an organizer. McCain is scheduled to appear with his running mate at a large-scale event in Pennsylvania shortly thereafter.


Senior Republicans are in the dark about who he’ll name, although they say former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty are prime contenders after a trial balloon by McCain gave him very negative feedback about the idea of picking a pro-choice running mate like former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge.


Sources close to McCain say he has wrestled with the choice, torn between a high-stakes, high-reward pick like Ridge or Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman or a safer and more conventional selection such as Romney or Pawlenty.


The announcement strategy – provided McCain doesn’t change it – calls for naming the pick early Friday morning to try to suppress Obama’s bounce coming out of his convention.


“You’re going to own the weekend,” a McCain official said.


The Republican convention begins the following Monday in St. Paul, Minn.

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urgh...I think biden is hilarious and very knowledgeable on foreign affairs which is probably a big thing to push considering people worried about Russia but I'm still kinda underwhelmed. I'd rather have Hilldog than those 3.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 05:50 PM)
urgh...I think biden is hilarious and very knowledgeable on foreign affairs which is probably a big thing to push considering people worried about Russia but I'm still kinda underwhelmed. I'd rather have Hilldog than those 3.

I really, really don't like Joe Biden.

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