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I was at the game tonight. Blanton was throwing consistent first pitch strikes, and actually didn't look too bad. He was sitting around 89 with his fastball, and 82-83 with the change, which he threw A LOT.


On a positive note, I got a Quentin jersey today at the game. :headbang

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jul 4, 2008 -> 09:50 PM)
Also in attendance at the game tonight. Just seemed like a bad game plan tonight against Blanton. No one had a clue.



Oh, and what the hell was the IBB to Ellis about????

Not sure either. That and the bunt in the 5th inning made me think Ozzie didn't have much of a game plan, either.


Still amazed Oakland only managed 7 runs on like 17 hits. I think they wore the middle of the field out tonight.

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It seems like we always lose at least two in a row after a win streak.

Haven't studied the stats, maybe I'm mistaken. It just seems that way to me.

Yuk. No fireworks from the Sox on the 4th.

Need to slop out two wins and split this series against a mediocre team. Many teams beat Blanton; we surprisingly struggle tonight.


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Mark needs to get the borderline strikes called and this ump was really forcing him to come into the zone and it meant a lot more pitches got more of the plate than he'd typically let happen. Hawk was complaining about it most of the game and for the most part had a legitimate gripe. In fact, the more I watch Buehrle, the more to a sense you can compare him to Maddux/Glavine who always used to rely on getting that pitch that crosses the plate in the zone but hits the mitt out of the zone (of course they had an even more gratutious strike zone than just that).

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QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jul 5, 2008 -> 10:04 AM)
With Floyd and Danks pitching Sat and Sun I like our chances. Sundays game is on WGN so I'll be there


I have learned to never bank on Gavin anymore. He hasn't had a great start since that 3rd game against Minnesota a couple of weeks ago. Plus, Cy Smith is pitching today. Gavin better be on his game and he better be on it fast.

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A loss like this just magnifies how much our bad luck loss Thursday killed the whole series. When you hit the ball as hard as we did in comparison to Oakland on Thursday, you should win the game. However we didn't, then we were just dominated last night, and now we have to win a couple this weekend just to split. Bad luck blows.

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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jul 5, 2008 -> 01:59 PM)
A loss like this just magnifies how much our bad luck loss Thursday killed the whole series. When you hit the ball as hard as we did in comparison to Oakland on Thursday, you should win the game. However we didn't, then we were just dominated last night, and now we have to win a couple this weekend just to split. Bad luck blows.


Had Swisher hit his ball a couple of feet higher, Sox would of won that game 4-3. Had Crede gotten more under the ball he hit deep into center, it might of been a blowout.

Edited by chw42
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