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Rank our starters


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In 2005, once Jose Contreras emerged as the horse of our rotation in the second half, the playoff rotation became obvious. Contreras first, Buehrle second, Garcia (the road warrior) lined up to pitch all road games, and then Garland. We had no reliable 5th starter, so Hernandez moved to the pen. McCarthy didn't even make the playoff roster.


In 2008, what would you do? Right now, the starters who are the most consistent also have zero playoff games under their belts. We also have no obvious choice for a starter to move to the bullpen. Frankly, I can't decide at the moment what I would do, so I'm putting this out for your opinions first.


I know it's premature, but take a shot anyway. Rank em 1-4, and decide who moves to the pen.


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For me it would depend on who is hot close to when the playoffs start assuming Ozzie could schedule the rotation because the division is locked up. If the playoffs started today we would face Tampa Bay, a good bunting and running team with solid lefties. For me Mark Buehrle would start game 1 because he is pitching well and can control their running game, as well, get out Crawford, Pena, Akimora (sp?) and play solid D because of their tendency to bunt and hit soft grounders. Next I would start Vaz, he is experienced and although he sucks in big games and gets beat by the long ball, he has pitched very well against TB and also fields well on the mound and has a good pickoff move for a righty. Then, I go with Danks who is just a stud, but I would want him third behind a righty who can go deep in games. Next, Floyd, his stuff is filthy and to me he is a better option than Contreras who would get flustered by the running game of TB even though he pitched well against the Rays earlier this year. So in conclusion.


Game 1: MB

Game 2: Vaz

Game 3: Danks

Game 4: Floyd (right now, but if Contreras is pitching well toward the playoffs, I'd prolly go with him, the game 4 is a coin-flip for me)

Edited by maggsmaggs
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1) Danks

2) Buehrle

3) Vazquez

4) Floyd

5) Contreras


I know Floyd has had great success in the first half, but his BABIP and other peripherals suggest a return back to earth soon. I know his WHIP and ERA are relatively low, but I just don't like some of his other numbers and by all accounts he's been one of the luckiest pitchers in baseball the first half. Danks numbers are just absolutely sick as of late. Buehrle's last start was his first really bad start in a long while. Vazquez and Contreras are both sort of shaky in my opinion, but I'd put Vazquez ahead of either Floyd or Contreras.

Edited by Greg Hibbard
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i'm unorthodox...I'd go wtih Contreras 1st(granted he's currently the worst probably of the 5)


then Danks(Jose and Danks if the Sox had both games at home 1st..)...with Buerhle and Vazquez pitching on the road but i'd switch it if it was opposite...having Buerhle and Vazquez pitch the road games.


Floyd and Danks are obviously the best but do you throw them in the fire? I wouldn't be against it..but who knows. It'll be nice to think about when the Sox clinch : )

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Let me start by first saying I'd go with the hot hand. If someone is lighting it up towards the end of the season, that would be a big deal and likely alter this.


With that said, this is tough. Our staff as a whole has been remarkable, but when you break it down there isn't clear standouts. I think it would look something like this for me:


1) Danks (been our most consistent and a solid mix of consistency and stuff)

2) Contreras (this is of course assuming he does not break down, but if he keeps form, his stuff is as good as anyone's on the staff. has proven before he's up for the big game)

3) Buerhle (our paragon of consistency. have to go with what you know here and it splits up the lefties)

4) Floyd (great stuff when on, I'm assuming he keeps it up in the 2nd half to warrant this)


Pen: Vasquez (he's been too tenative for my liking, and that combined with his lack of performance in big games scares me..doubt this would happen though)

Edited by Fotop
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To me it depends on the matchup and if we have homefield advantage. If we start on the road I am definitely going with MB and Javy in either order I dont want Danks or Floyds first playoff game on the road. If we start at home I go the opposite way using the same logic. But if we start at home I want Danks in game one so he can come back in game 5 if necessary.

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1. Vazquez

2. Buehrle

3. Danks

4. Floyd



I'm putting Vazquez first if he is pitching his best, like last game. If he is dealing, he is a good number 1. If he is sucking like most of June, than he goes to 3 or 4.


I don't think it's as big a deal with our staff. We don't have one clear ace.

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QUOTE (jenks45monster @ Jul 7, 2008 -> 02:04 PM)
I like this one the most. Spreading out the lefties is a good strategy, IMO.


Agreed except i wouldnt have floyd second. He has been too up and down so id go for more consistancy with contreras or vazquez if his last start was an indication of him cleaning his act up

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QUOTE (TCQ @ Jul 7, 2008 -> 01:13 PM)
Agreed except i wouldnt have floyd second. He has been too up and down so id go for more consistancy with contreras or vazquez if his last start was an indication of him cleaning his act up

Who has been more consistent, Javy, Count or Floyd?

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I trust Jose's best against a great team in one game. However, his worst is worse than anyone else's.


Javy to me is the one least likely to perform at either the great or horrible extremes.




Back when Ozzie chose Duque over Brandon, everyone thought it was a bad move. If this year carries out exactly as it has, it's scary to think that he might make the same type of decision. And scarier to think he'd be proven right again.

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Good responses. And, like I expected, no clear consensus yet. Maybe a clearer picture will emerge in the second half. As I mentioned at the outset, before the ASB in 2005, no one would have put Contreras first.


One thing I will say is that for me, MB should NOT be first. I see him as a very good supportive pitcher, but not good enough to be the ACE. Given his experience, he'd probably rank #2. But if I put Danks #1, then I'd slide Buehrle to #3.


So, I'm still pondering. Keep up the replies.

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Another factor is whether the Sox are home or away.


Floyd has been our best pitcher at home where both MB and Count have pitched better, while Danks has been our best pitcher on the road. Vazquez is pretty much the same either way.


Regardless, this is a good problem to have, 5 capable pitchers with 4 rotation spots. We may have no true ace (even though Danks is getting there), but we also have no true #5 either, which is a good thing.

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I'd start:


Vazquez #1 - He can usually get you 7 innings.


Danks #2 - Lefty going before a day off - in case we have to burn the bullpen in this game.


Floyd #3 - Middle game is the safe one.


Contreras #4 - if needed, he usually can go 7.


Buehrle bullpen - has an easy delivery so he can give extra innings, is a lefty, and can hold runners on better than the others.

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I don't get why so many people are questioning whther Floyd wil hold up and say Danks is a sure thing. Neither really have a proven track record. I think both guys are just coming into their own and will continue to pitch solid throughout the season. Floyd has been every bit as impressive to me as Danks has. 10-4/3.2 versus 6-4/ 2.52 are both extremely good numbers from your 2 youngest pitchers. With that said, my playoff roation would be:


MB- he's the leader of the staff.There's no doubt Ozzie goes with him in a game 1.

Floyd-i see know reason why he falls off in the 2nd half.In fact he looks to be improving his breaking ball the more confidence he gets.

Danks-he could easily be game 2 but i just wanted to separate the lefties

Vazquez-#1 stuff in the 4 hole. He would be as strong and any number 4 pitcher in the league.


Contreras goes to the pen unlees he lights it up in the 2nd half and then OG has a great problem.But JC,in his last few starts, has looked to be reverting to last years form where he's taking all day to pitch and getting hit a little harder. I think he's much better when he pitches at a faster pace.

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