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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 27, 2009 -> 11:12 AM)
Viva La Revolucion!


Rep. Bachmann calls for a revolution to overthrow Obama's "Maxism".



Wait, didnt she call out Obama for "anti-american" behavior?


EDIT: so, she's calling for an "orderly revolution". Wasnt that what happend in November? We threw out a great majority of the GOP after they ran the country into the ground. Unfortunately the people of Minnesota weren't smart enough to throw Michele Bachmann out too.

While Bachmann has showed multiple times that she is not very bright, and a little scary, I actually see no issue at all with her quotes in this case. She specifically is talking about an "orderly" revolution, which to me obviously means via the current process of elections.


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Republican Senator: You're wife said "you're good". How classy!!!

Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) was on the receiving end of this one, after telling Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), "Oh, you are good."


"Well, your wife said the same thing," Grassley responded.


The back-and-forth came after Grassley, the ranking Republican on the finance committee, pressed Conrad to include an amendment of his. "I'd like to suggest to the chairman that he might want to support this because, you remember, you asked me two years ago not to take a vote on it and you said if we did take a vote on it you might not get your budget resolution adopted. So I did not ask for a vote on it and you said it was a very statesmanlike thing for me to do at that particular time and so I would hope that you would return the favor," said Grassley.


"You know, I used to like you. Let me just say: Oh, you are good," said Conrad.


"Well, your wife said the same thing."


Conrad didn't miss a beat. "She did, she said you were the biggest hit of all the speakers at the event," he replied.


"Okay," said Grassley.


An audience member can then be heard calling out something that sounds like, "What she say?!"


I think they were 5 seconds away from "You're momma" jokes.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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Ok, so after China suggested the world move of the US Dollar for international transactions, Michele Bachmann absolutely flipped her f'in lid and somehow translated that into this crazy theory that Obama wants to move the US of the Dollar and onto some sort of an imaginary world wide currency. So, she has now pushed forward with an amendment to the US constitution to stop the Obama administration from replacing the dollar with a global currency:

The bill now has 30 co-sponsors... every single one republican.


This woman must be stopped at all costs. She's ape-s*** crazy.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 1, 2009 -> 11:31 AM)
Ok, so after China suggested the world move of the US Dollar for international transactions, Michele Bachmann absolutely flipped her f'in lid and somehow translated that into this crazy theory that Obama wants to move the US of the Dollar and onto some sort of an imaginary world wide currency. So, she has now pushed forward with an amendment to the US constitution to stop the Obama administration from replacing the dollar with a global currency:

The bill now has 30 co-sponsors... every single one republican.


This woman must be stopped at all costs. She's ape-s*** crazy.


They couldn't have gotten that idea from the Sec Treas publicly supporting the idea?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 1, 2009 -> 11:34 AM)
They couldn't have gotten that idea from the Sec Treas publicly supporting the idea?

The Sec Treas supports dumping the US dollar within the US in favor of a "US Euro", or a new global standard currency? Those are very different things.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 1, 2009 -> 11:37 AM)
The Sec Treas supports dumping the US dollar within the US in favor of a "US Euro", or a new global standard currency? Those are very different things.


Its not a big leap from a global currency outside of the US to one inside of the US if you stop and think about it. Using something different internally would mean there would be an extra step/expense for businesses who trade internationally to change to another currency for trade in other countries.


This is all because either Geithner is an idiot who was speaking completely out of his ass, or he was tipping his bosses cards when they weren't ready to do so yet. Either way this man has done a terrible, terrible job so far. I don't ever recall a SecTres saying so many stupid things over a period of years, let along in about 2 months on the job.




The dollar plunged instantly against the euro, yen, and sterling as the comments flashed across trading screens. David Bloom, currency chief at HSBC, said the apparent policy shift amounts to an earthquake in geo-finance.


"The mere fact that the US Treasury Secretary is even entertaining thoughts that the dollar may cease being the anchor of the global monetary system has caused consternation," he said.


Mr Geithner later qualified his remarks, insisting that the dollar would remain the "world's dominant reserve currency ... for a long period of time" but the seeds of doubt have been sown.


The markets appear baffled by the confused statements emanating from Washington. President Barack Obama told a new conference hours earlier that there was no threat to the reserve status of the dollar.


"I don't believe that there is a need for a global currency. The reason the dollar is strong right now is because investors consider the United States the strongest economy in the world with the most stable political system in the world," he said.


The Chinese proposal, outlined this week by central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan, calls for a "super-sovereign reserve currency" under IMF management, turning the Fund into a sort of world central bank.


The idea is that the IMF should activate its dormant powers to issue Special Drawing Rights. These SDRs would expand their role over time, becoming a "widely-accepted means of payments".


Mr Bloom said that any switch towards use of SDRs has direct implications for the currency markets. At the moment, 65pc of the world's $6.8 trillion stash of foreign reserves is held in dollars. But the dollar makes up just 42pc of the basket weighting of SDRs. So any SDR purchase under current rules must favour the euro, yen and sterling.


Beijing has the backing of Russia and a clutch of emerging powers in Asia and Latin America. Economists have toyed with such schemes before but the issue has vaulted to the top of the political agenda as creditor states around the world takes fright at the extreme measures now being adopted by the Federal Reserve, especially the decision to buy US government debt directly with printed money.


Mr Bloom said the US is discovering that the sensitivities of creditors cannot be ignored. "China holds almost 30pc of the world's entire reserves. What they say matters," he said.


Mr Geithner's friendly comments about the SDR plan seem intended to soothe Chinese feelings after a spat in January over alleged currency manipulation by Beijing, but he will now have to explain his own categorical assurance to Congress on Tuesday that he would not countenance any moves towards a world currency.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 1, 2009 -> 12:14 PM)
Its not a big leap from a global currency outside of the US to one inside of the US if you stop and think about it. Using something different internally would mean there would be an extra step/expense for businesses who trade internationally to change to another currency for trade in other countries.

I disagree to an extent. I think it's a BIG leap to say that if the world now trades on say... the Euro... that all of a sudden I will be going to Ace Hardware and be paying for my door hinge with a Euro. When you go to other countries, it's assured you will be spending their money. I cant say I've traveled overseas... well, at all. but my wife has. And every country she goes to, she exchanges her money for local currency.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 1, 2009 -> 12:19 PM)
I disagree to an extent. I think it's a BIG leap to say that if the world now trades on say... the Euro... that all of a sudden I will be going to Ace Hardware and be paying for my door hinge with a Euro. When you go to other countries, it's assured you will be spending their money. I cant say I've traveled overseas... well, at all. but my wife has. And every country she goes to, she exchanges her money for local currency.


How many economies in the world are the biggest in the world? The US trades more with the rest of the world than anyone else in the world does. Whatever currency the US needs to deal with the rest of the world, would be the one they need locally, or it will put a lot of companies into a bind.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 1, 2009 -> 01:19 PM)
I disagree to an extent. I think it's a BIG leap to say that if the world now trades on say... the Euro... that all of a sudden I will be going to Ace Hardware and be paying for my door hinge with a Euro. When you go to other countries, it's assured you will be spending their money. I cant say I've traveled overseas... well, at all. but my wife has. And every country she goes to, she exchanges her money for local currency.

That's not exactly what it means, though. Of course everyone has their own currency, but everything is done against the dollar. The United States is in a pretty privileged status and it's also pretty unusual, since we can borrow money from other countries in our currency and even print our own money to pay it back.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 1, 2009 -> 12:26 PM)
That's not exactly what it means, though. Of course everyone has their own currency, but everything is done against the dollar. The United States is in a pretty privileged status and it's also pretty unusual, since we can borrow money from other countries in our currency and even print our own money to pay it back.

Dont get me wrong, I COMPLETELY understand what you are saying... and I certainly hope the world never leaves the US dollar. The point i was trying to make, and possibly not very well, is that Buchmann extrapolated out that because other countries may want to leave the US Dollar and that the US Treasury acknowledged the chance it could happen that means we want to dump the US Dollar as our internal currency... which has never been suggest by anyone I have seen that carry's any weight.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 1, 2009 -> 12:21 PM)
How many economies in the world are the biggest in the world? The US trades more with the rest of the world than anyone else in the world does. Whatever currency the US needs to deal with the rest of the world, would be the one they need locally, or it will put a lot of companies into a bind.

I disagree. there are plenty of countries who are doing just fine who dont use the US DOllar as their national currency.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 1, 2009 -> 12:31 PM)
I disagree. there are plenty of countries who are doing just fine who dont use the US DOllar as their national currency.


But only none of them is the world's biggest nor most internationally integrated economy.

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So ever since Facebook changed its format to be more like twitter (which is idiotic - if I want twitter, I'll use twitter), I keep seeing all these stupid posts from people about various tests they take. What kind of tree they are, what their favorite kool aid flavors are, whatever.


Finally, one comes across that looks fun - what President are you?



OK, now, everyone guess before scrolling. Who is NSS?







Andrew Jackson.



I don't think so.


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