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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Oct 20, 2015 -> 08:21 AM)
Biden isn't hated or despised.


He did run for president in 1988 and was largely disqualified because of plagiarism accusations at that time.


He's a loyal foot soldier, very bright albeit long winded and a pretty astute guy but probably a bit too old now...and I'll say the same about either Clinton at this point in their lives. You need a younger candidate with energy and stamina to deal with the constantly evolving world today.


I'd rather have Rubio than Clinton, Biden or Sanders....if he's actually able to free himself from the Tea Party and govern from the middle and propose a real solution on immigration that will unite the country.


Yeah, Rubio is so reasonable. Remember when he was given all of the power in the world to provide the Republican Immigration Plan, immediately got blindsided by the crazy caucus and then denounced his own plan?


That's the type of leadership I want from my President.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 20, 2015 -> 08:12 AM)
They also gain experience on how to craft legislation, build coalitions and actually get things done. Look at the Crazy Caucus that's currently blowing up the house--it's a bunch of people with little or no previous experience and only a few years in the House who don't seem to understand how a legislative body is actually supposed to function. State legislative bodies that have term limits face similar problems.


Incumbency bias is a problem in its own right, but term limits are a solution that do more harm than good. For the executive branch, it makes a little more sense. For the judicial branch, I'd prefer some long-duration appointment (20-25 years?) that could be renewed rather than appointments for life.


I agree to a point...but term limits should still be imposed on them...maybe not 4 years, but 15-20 years would be sufficient. Otherwise you end up with what we have...old decrepit people running the country that are a half-century out of touch. We have some senators/congressmen that are like 95. That's absurd.

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What's all this garbage about Muslims loving Obama or something? Give it a rest, Republicans or whomever is spouting that crap. Obama is a good American; he's just a lousy president/leader (I did vote for him the second time as Romney was appallingly unappealing to me).

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I think my major gripe with our election process for president is that there are no qualifications necessary. Is it too much to ask that the candidates have some serious experience in leadership, compromise & getting things done on a big stage?


Like him or not, Obama won a popularity contest, not a leadership contest. What, was he a senator for a couple years? Quite the leadership resume! Kind of blows your mind when you actually try to think about his resume.


Hillary, seriously? First lady definitely puts her close to daily presidenting, but was she at the big table for decisions? Few years as a senator? Maybe one of the worst SoS in recent history? Cmon!


McCain, Kerry- Oooooo senators. What have you lead that was great?


While Gbush is a whole separate animal...I will give him credit for being a governor.


Maybe you should have to be a successful governor to throw your hat in the ring. I get that senators know how Congress works first hand but ultimately they are just 1 vote out of 100. A governor's job is to get things done period, across party lines.


I'll stop rambling now.



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Awful news on Biden. Let the coronation begin. I'm 100 percent certain he got the word she's a lock and he'd just be embarrassed. Now he can go out on 'top' so to speak, with Obama. I am very sad about this. He obviously got the word it's Hillary time and he really doesn't want to lose again. I can't say I blame him. If he was a younger bulldog though he might want to tackle Hillary and give it a shot. As it stands he was vice president and he can give speeches in retirement and enjoy his family, etc., if that's what he wants.


I can't believe with how bad things are in America we're just going to turn it over to a traditional do-nothing politician like Hillary. I mean even if she didn't break any laws, she knows the 'game' and she's as cagey (I didn't say slimy) as the rest of the career politicians. Why Joe, why? I know. You just didn't want to run if you were going to lose and it's Hillary coronation time as we all know.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Oct 21, 2015 -> 12:57 AM)
I think my major gripe with our election process for president is that there are no qualifications necessary. Is it too much to ask that the candidates have some serious experience in leadership, compromise & getting things done on a big stage?


Like him or not, Obama won a popularity contest, not a leadership contest. What, was he a senator for a couple years? Quite the leadership resume! Kind of blows your mind when you actually try to think about his resume.


Hillary, seriously? First lady definitely puts her close to daily presidenting, but was she at the big table for decisions? Few years as a senator? Maybe one of the worst SoS in recent history? Cmon!


McCain, Kerry- Oooooo senators. What have you lead that was great?


While Gbush is a whole separate animal...I will give him credit for being a governor.


Maybe you should have to be a successful governor to throw your hat in the ring. I get that senators know how Congress works first hand but ultimately they are just 1 vote out of 100. A governor's job is to get things done period, across party lines.


I'll stop rambling now.


Thanks PFTcommentor.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 22, 2015 -> 10:26 AM)
Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are literally the same person policy-wise.


I think Biden is much more principled than Clinton is. Team Clinton has shown they worry more about polls than they do "right". Even with the gaff's and the like, I have a ton more respect for Biden than I do Clinton. To me those kind of things show a lack of the calculated nature in Biden, that I see all of the time from Clinton. It makes me feel that I know Biden, and have some level of trust for where he stands on issues, and where he will stand in the future. I don't get that from Hillary.

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I just thought of something. The media is really getting sloppy. There were many reports again of unnamed sources saying Biden was going to announce he was going to run. More and more with Twitter, media outlets are just guessing to say they were first. Ridiculous. They screwed that one up and continue to screw things up more and more. Media today is a joke.


The guy decided to not run, which means that initial report was a flat out GUESS. f*** the media right now. Get your damn facts right before you print them.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 22, 2015 -> 05:38 PM)
I think Biden is much more principled than Clinton is. Team Clinton has shown they worry more about polls than they do "right". Even with the gaff's and the like, I have a ton more respect for Biden than I do Clinton. To me those kind of things show a lack of the calculated nature in Biden, that I see all of the time from Clinton. It makes me feel that I know Biden, and have some level of trust for where he stands on issues, and where he will stand in the future. I don't get that from Hillary.


Great post. Generally candidates try more than Hillary does to show a personable side. Biden comes across just as you say. I don't understand how the American public can vote for a person as un-warm as Hillary. At least Obama is likeable. At least Clinton was likeable. The Bushes were not very likeable IMO but even they were more appealing personality wise than Hillary. Reagan was very likeable. Hillary is brash at best; mean spirited at worst and this is her PUBLIC side.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 22, 2015 -> 02:07 PM)
I just thought of something. The media is really getting sloppy. There were many reports again of unnamed sources saying Biden was going to announce he was going to run. More and more with Twitter, media outlets are just guessing to say they were first. Ridiculous. They screwed that one up and continue to screw things up more and more. Media today is a joke.


The guy decided to not run, which means that initial report was a flat out GUESS. f*** the media right now. Get your damn facts right before you print them.


You'd never make a post again.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 22, 2015 -> 02:07 PM)
I just thought of something. The media is really getting sloppy. There were many reports again of unnamed sources saying Biden was going to announce he was going to run. More and more with Twitter, media outlets are just guessing to say they were first. Ridiculous. They screwed that one up and continue to screw things up more and more. Media today is a joke.


The guy decided to not run, which means that initial report was a flat out GUESS. f*** the media right now. Get your damn facts right before you print them.


There is no time to do this anymore...and since nobody holds them accountable for being wrong 80% of the time, it doesn't matter...you might be right, and if so, you'd better be right first!

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Oct 22, 2015 -> 07:11 PM)
There is no time to do this anymore...and since nobody holds them accountable for being wrong 80% of the time, it doesn't matter...you might be right, and if so, you'd better be right first!

Yeah, as a consumer, I'm getting sick of being lied to by the media. I don't remember this happening with this regularity before. They flat out said Biden was running. Recently in baseball, Buehrle was pitching two innings then retiring.

I can see a lot of these organizations know something is about to happen, figure the odds are 70-30 of them happening or better, and they just go ahead and say "sources say." There should be firings when they get it wrong. I get the feeling editors are probably happy at the number of clicks they get even if the information is wrong.

If that's the case don't call it journalism. Call it something else.

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I said it earlier, but here's first mention of Chelsea Clinton as future President after Hillary.


"If Hillary is so intent on carrying forward the Clinton legacy, she better bows out and prepare Chelsea for the post. Junior Clinton will be better equipped -- like Justin -- to bring real change. She'll have a decade or two to polish her skills and connect with the people. Hillary is part of the old guard with no real agenda for development and seems clueless (like Obama) on managing the super power status of U.S. Simply put, not the right presidential material."


Here's article at Huff Post not very high on Hillary, though it almost reads as satire



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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 23, 2015 -> 06:54 PM)
The BENGHAZI #NEVERFORGET hearings have been a continuing embarrassment, but they reached new lows yesterday.



This is where the media steps up (where need be) for the Democratic presidential candidates. Yes they'll take a shot at Obama or Hillary when it doesn't matter, but when there's a potential difference maker in the electability of their beloved Democratic candidate for president, they go in attack mode. By the time the coverage of this is over, Hillary will be such a saint. She is the one being attacked by the big bad Republicans and persecuted and yet she exhibited such class, etc. This is one of those moments the Democratic media bring it for their candidate cause they know she needs the support. They try to hide their bias but when the going gets tough, the media comes out for Hilly/Obama/fill in the democratic presidential candidate blank. Gore was such a bozo it was hard for them to even get him the crown, though he did win the popular vote. Even Al Gore. WOW


Hillary makes me laugh; even in a somber hearing she's caught on tape saying she's in Katy Perry mode and gotta get to the concert. She deserves credit though; she knows the politics game and assuredly will be coronated Ms. President in a legal landslide.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 23, 2015 -> 03:27 PM)
This is where the media steps up (where need be) for the Democratic presidential candidates. Yes they'll take a shot at Obama or Hillary when it doesn't matter, but when there's a potential difference maker in the electability of their beloved Democratic candidate for president, they go in attack mode. By the time the coverage of this is over, Hillary will be such a saint. She is the one being attacked by the big bad Republicans and persecuted and yet she exhibited such class, etc. This is one of those moments the Democratic media bring it for their candidate cause they know she needs the support. They try to hide their bias but when the going gets tough, the media comes out for Hilly/Obama/fill in the democratic presidential candidate blank. Gore was such a bozo it was hard for them to even get him the crown, though he did win the popular vote. Even Al Gore. WOW


Hillary makes me laugh; even in a somber hearing she's caught on tape saying she's in Katy Perry mode and gotta get to the concert. She deserves credit though; she knows the politics game and assuredly will be coronated Ms. President in a legal landslide.

This rant is so light on details other than "I hate Hillary and will string angry words together" that it could well have fit in the hearings. You've provided a perfect example. Congrats.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 25, 2015 -> 08:10 PM)
This rant is so light on details other than "I hate Hillary and will string angry words together" that it could well have fit in the hearings. You've provided a perfect example. Congrats.

How can you defend the Katy Perry thing? This is a serious matter and she's in Katy Perry mode? Granted that's a Limbaugh-ish thing for me to point out but it is rude of Hillary. I just don't see why the country is so Hillary-crazy. What do you think she is going to accomplish in 8 years? And whether you believe it or not, electing Hillary probably paves the way for 8 years of Chelsea. If Hillary is entitled to be coronated, why not Chelsea after her? America is hooked on the Clintons for some, very odd reason. GIVE ME CHANGE.

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How can you defend the Katy Perry thing? This is a serious matter and she's in Katy Perry mode? Granted that's a Limbaugh-ish thing for me to point out but it is rude of Hillary. I just don't see why the country is so Hillary-crazy. What do you think she is going to accomplish in 8 years? And whether you believe it or not, electing Hillary probably paves the way for 8 years of Chelsea. If Hillary is entitled to be coronated, why not Chelsea after her? America is hooked on the Clintons for some, very odd reason. GIVE ME CHANGE.


I can't believe Hillary let Bill that close to Katy Perry.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 25, 2015 -> 03:15 PM)
How can you defend the Katy Perry thing? This is a serious matter and she's in Katy Perry mode? Granted that's a Limbaugh-ish thing for me to point out but it is rude of Hillary. I just don't see why the country is so Hillary-crazy. What do you think she is going to accomplish in 8 years? And whether you believe it or not, electing Hillary probably paves the way for 8 years of Chelsea. If Hillary is entitled to be coronated, why not Chelsea after her? America is hooked on the Clintons for some, very odd reason. GIVE ME CHANGE.


The leap from Hillary to Chelsea is amazing. Why didn't that apply to Jeb Bush? He's even closer to the office with a resume that is at least on par with other Presidents. Based on Greg Logic we should be having the coronation for Jeb instead of an election.


What do you think any President is going to accomplish in 8 years? Our system of checks and balances keeps any one person from doing too much good or bad.



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QUOTE (Tex @ Oct 26, 2015 -> 02:16 PM)
The leap from Hillary to Chelsea is amazing. Why didn't that apply to Jeb Bush? He's even closer to the office with a resume that is at least on par with other Presidents. Based on Greg Logic we should be having the coronation for Jeb instead of an election.


What do you think any President is going to accomplish in 8 years? Our system of checks and balances keeps any one person from doing too much good or bad.

Tex do you really want Hillary? You think there's gridlock now? Wait til she takes over. At least Obama is likeable and still he can't rally ANY support. I don't even think Hillary will try to pass anything. She'll give up quickly and just sit there and pout and say the big bad Republicans won't cooperate. She'll take her full eight years cause she won't even have to break a sweat so to speak in winning her second term. Then it figures to be Chelsea time. Why are Americans so stupid? There's no reason to let this very mean person run the country for 8 years? Aside from the D by her name, what are her strengths? Nobody even tries to say what she does well. They just say "Vote Hillary."

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I actually think Hillary, and by her I mean her husband's, biggest weakness was was willingness to accept a bad compromise over no compromise. DADT probably lengthened the time it took to remove bans on homosexuality in the military as it made it seem like "something" was done. She is the coach that always recruits the 2 stars that she knows she can woo vs ever attempting to hit a 4 star game changer.


OTOH, she's a politician. And that can be a bad thing, it was bad when the "reasonable" position was to be a hawkish democrat. But it also means she pays attention to the base wants and what will help her sell. With Obama, people kept thinking there would be an American President moment where he inspires politicians to give up their long-held beliefs for...basically nothing.


With Hillary, we know that won't happen. Obama put a lot of effort into pushing popular support into congressional action. Hillary is going to put a lot more effort into institutional action IMO.


But I may be off. Frankly Obama was the first real president to have to deal with a lack of any pork in congress. There isn't much horsetrading to be done.


Maybe we are just living in a delusion now that has not crashed, where the whole nation thinks the President can get things done, and the institution is just not set up for that.

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