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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Feb 19, 2009 -> 06:09 PM)
I revisted this controversy (within my thoughts) during a particularly boring and lengthy meeting at work today. I decided to flip-flop on the cartoon being published, and here is why: When I read the cartoon I immediately saw "congress does the work that a trained chimp could". This is because of the words "write a stimulus bill" and I know congress wrote the bill. However, I think it must be assumed that the majority of people who would see the cartoon have no idea who wrote the stimulus bill and probably just assume that is was Obama. Now, with such a view, that would certainly make the cartoon excessively offensive. For me to understand this I decided to place the words "Next time they'll have to find someone else to sign the bill" in the word bubble being said by the officer. Of course, in this context, the cartoon is blatantly racist.


The Post should not have published; even though, admittedly, I would have missed the potential mix up as well. But I'm not a newspaper editor and thats not my job, someone should have recognized a potential issue.


All this being said, I'm sure there will be some opportunists (looking at you Sharpton and MSM) who will go on one of their "everone is racist except me" crusades because of this. Oh well.

That's the view I'm thinking about that people would find offensive. Me personally, I looked at the cartoon, and I didn't even completely get the joke (the trained chimp) until you just explained it. I saw a monkey and the first thought was Obama, but right away I thought "the New York Post would not publish a blatantly racist article so the joke has to be something else" and I didn't even see the connection. I figure Chimp + Congress = ? It just wasn't very obvious. Which is reason enough for the editorial staff to at least do a double take, or not act like theyre completely blindsided.

Edited by lostfan
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“Are we simply going on a fishing expedition at $40,000 to $50,000 a month?” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) asked National Archives and White House officials at the hearing. “Do any of you know of a single document, because this committee doesn’t, that should’ve been in the archives but in fact was done at the RNC?”


“As you know, any e-mail sent or received by White House officials may be subject to retention under the Presidential Records Act (PRA),” Issa wrote Craig in the letter.


“The use of personal e-mail accounts, such as Gmail to conduct official business raises the prospect that presidential records will not be captured by the White House e-mail archiving system. Consequently Gmail users on the President’s staff run the risk of incorrectly classifying their e-mails as non-records under the [Presidential Records] Act.”


That's Rep Darrell Issa, forgetting that occasionally people write down the things you say.


(FWIW, he's right the 2nd time and totally wrong the first)

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Feb 20, 2009 -> 01:33 PM)
So you just admitted Obama is a socialist? Yes!

lol, not really. I just wish people like Keyes could at least separate the two things in their mind. It really isn't that difficult a concept. Next up, actually knowing what socialism is. That one's a little more to ask for.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 20, 2009 -> 12:41 PM)
lol, not really. I just wish people like Keyes could at least separate the two things in their mind. It really isn't that difficult a concept. Next up, actually knowing what socialism is. That one's a little more to ask for.

Awww, rats. :lol:


Keyes is a flaming idiot. There's no denying that.



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The WH Press Secretary hits back at CNBC's Santelli for his rant yesterday.

“I’ve watched Mr. Santelli on cable the past 24 hours or so. I’m not entirely sure where Mr. Santelli lives or in what house he lives but the American people are struggling every day to meet their mortgages, stay in their jobs, pay their bills, send their kids to school,” Gibbs said. “I think we left a few months ago the adage that if it was good for a derivatives trader that it was good for Main Street. I think the verdict is in on that,” the press secretary said, poking directly at the cable journalist, who reports from the trading floor at the Chicago Board of Trade.


Gibbs insisted Santelli was misinformed when he said Obama’s program would amount to a transfer of money from prudent taxpayers to those who had taken reckless risks.


“Mr. Santelli has argued, I think quite wrongly, that this plan won’t help everyone,” Gibbs said. “This plan helps people who have been playing by the rules. ... I would encouraged him to read the president’s plan. ... I’d be more than happy to have him come here to read it. I’d be happy to buy him a cup of coffee — decaf,” the press secretary said, in a not-so-subtle jab at Santelli’s frantic style.


Gibbs brandished a copy of a fact sheet about Obama’s plan. “Download it, hit print, and begin to read it,” he said. In an unusually personal and direct attack on a specific journalist, Gibbs used Santelli’s name at least five times.


P.S. I really like how seemingly every website is now allowing you to embed video.

Additional commentary:

The move was deft; the digs made Santelli into another heartless rich guy who doesn't care about your troubles, rather than the populist voice of outrage Drudge tried to make him out to be. And Gibbs conflated Santelli's blustery bloviation with any other criticism of the plan. If the White House can fight Santelli -- who isn't a sympathetic figure unless you're the type who believes Montgomery Burns is a hero of American capitalism -- instead of actually engaging with questions about whether Obama's plan is letting homeowners off the hook, it's winning. White House aides knew a question about Santelli's rant was probably coming, and they clearly expected Gibbs's attacks to make news (which the briefings don't often do). It was a classic case of seizing an opportunity when it lands in your lap.


Fighting Santelli, after all, just isn't all that difficult. Within minutes of the briefing's end, Santelli was on CNBC, burbling happily about being invited to the White House. "I want to let him know, I would love to accept, and the decaf sounds good," he said. "I do prefer tea."

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Today at work I overheard a co-worker talking about how she doesn't believe in global warming (which is fine, I don't have a problem with people questioning whether global warming is man-made if they know what they're talking about), but then she said the earth is cooling. lol, that is just going too far for me. She might as well have said there is no such thing as a greenhouse gas.


Basically, if you're going to deny "global warming" or "climate change" at least know what the actual question is (whether the activities of man are having a significant impact on the environment or whether it's happening on its own).

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 20, 2009 -> 04:21 PM)
Yeah well Al Gore is a hypocrite and that's all that matters.


End of discussion.

Yes! You agree with me! (re: the Goracle).


On the other subject, of course, there's global warming... but that doesn't mean that it's all man made...

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 20, 2009 -> 04:21 PM)
Yeah well Al Gore is a hypocrite and that's all that matters.


End of discussion.


:lolhitting Al Gore has to live in a mud hut and eat raw foods, before he'll stop being a hypocrite to some.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 20, 2009 -> 10:47 AM)
Wackjob Alan Keyes: "Obama is a radical communist... he is going to destroy America"

And to add to it:

The controversy over the validity of Barack Obama's birth certificate is back on a burner with firebrand conservative Alan Keyes making serious new charges.


In a video (see below) released Friday Keyes, who lost to Obama in the 2004 U.S. Senate race in Illinois that launched the new president's national political career, calls Obama a communist and usurper and says he refuses to acknowledge the validity of Obama's inauguration over lingering questions in the minds of many conspiracists about the 44th president's birth place.


critics, including Keyes explaining here, cite Obama relatives in Kenya as saying he was actually born there in his father's native land when his American mother was too young to pass on her U.S. citizenship.


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I really don't know how the hell he's going to do it, but if he does, I'll be impressed.



WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama has committed hundreds of billions of dollars to help revive the economy and is working on a plan to cut the federal deficit in half by the end of his first term.


Obama will touch on his efforts to restore fiscal discipline at a White House fiscal policy summit on Monday and in an address to Congress on Tuesday. On Thursday he plans to send at least a summary of his first budget request to Capitol Hill. The bottom line, said an administration official Saturday, is to halve the federal deficit to $533 billion by the time his first term ends in 2013. He inherited a deficit of about $1.3 trillion from former President George W. Bush.


The official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the president has not yet released his budget for the fiscal year 2010, which begins Oct. 1, said the deficit will be shrunk by scaling back Iraq war spending, ending the temporary tax breaks enacted by the Bush administration for those making $250,000 or more a year, and streamlining government.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 21, 2009 -> 01:45 PM)
<!--quoteo(post=1837148:date=Feb 20, 2009 -> 10:47 AM:name=Athomeboy_2000)-->
QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 20, 2009 -> 10:47 AM)
<!--quotec-->Wackjob Alan Keyes: "Obama is a radical communist... he is going to destroy America"

And to add to it:

Apparently Keyes has a friend...


GOP Sen. Shelby Questions Obama's Citizenship

The conspiracy-mongering that Barack Obama is secretly a Kenyan citizen who has hidden his real birth certificate has now found its way into the utterances of a United States Senator: Richard Shelby, Republican of Alabama.


"Well his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven't seen any birth certificate," Shelby said on Saturday, in response to a constituent's question at a public event. "You have to be born in America to be president."


I'd be glad to share with Sen. Shelby Obama's birth certificate... but we all know that facts never gets int he way of a good conspiracy.

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US Senator Jim Bunning predicts the death of Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg.

U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning predicted over the weekend that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would likely be dead from pancreatic cancer within nine months.


During a wide-ranging 30-minute speech on Saturday at the Hardin County Republican Party's Lincoln Day Dinner, Bunning said he supports conservative judges "and that's going to be in place very shortly because Ruth Bader Ginsburg … has cancer."


"Bad cancer. The kind that you don't get better from," he told a crowd of about 100 at the old State Theater.


"Even though she was operated on, usually, nine months is the longest that anybody would live after (being diagnosed) with pancreatic cancer," he said.

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