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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jul 26, 2008 -> 02:45 PM)
And I don't think it works like it was intended, it's become a big boondoggle.


I don't think they could've predicted the huge population boom that is putting it in crisis right now. BUt even so, social security only needs a temp fix. Once the baby boomers are gone, it will be back to affordability.


And I do think it works as intended. Our elderly class went from one of the most likely to be in poverty to one of the least. What a thank you to them for helping build our economy and sustain our democracy.

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I thought this was kind of a cool exchange. Especially the last paragraph.


Obama muses on need for time to think

As the Democratic candidate for president chatted with Tory Leader David Cameron at the Houses of Parliament on Saturday, a boom microphone used by reporters caught their discussion. It was unclear whether Obama and Cameron knew how much of their conversation others could hear.


Obama and Cameron talked casually about the demands of high office, according to a transcript provided to reporters.


CAMERON: You should be on the beach. You need a break. Well, you need to be able to keep your head together.


OBAMA: You've got to refresh yourself.


CAMERON: Do you have a break at all?


OBAMA: I have not. I am going to take a week in August. But I agree with you that somebody, somebody who had worked in the White House who _ not Clinton himself, but somebody who had been close to the process _ said that, should we be successful, that actually the most important thing you need to do is to have big chunks of time during the day when all you're doing is thinking. And the biggest mistake that a lot of these folks make is just feeling as if you have to be ...


CAMERON: These guys just chalk your diary up.


OBAMA: Right. ... In 15 minute increments and ...


CAMERON: We call it the dentist waiting room. You have to scrap that because you've got to have time.


OBAMA: And, well, and you start making mistakes or you lose the big picture. Or you lose a sense of, I think you lose a feel ...


CAMERON: Your feeling. And that is exactly what politics is all about. The judgment you bring to make decisions.


OBAMA: That's exactly right. And the truth is that we've got a bunch of smart people, I think, who know 10 times more than we do about the specifics of the topics. And so if what you're trying to do is micromanage and solve everything then you end up being a dilettante, but you have to have enough knowledge to make good judgments about the choices that are presented to you.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 25, 2008 -> 09:29 PM)
Social Security.


Anyway...this doesn't prove the government should be running everything. But if I were to campaign on the point that we'd gone well too far in stripping the government and trying to drown it in the streets of new orleans a bathtub as Grover Norquist suggested and as GW Bush has casually tried to do...here's an example of how we've swung way too far and it's costing us a lot. There's many others. This one's just pretty damn obvious and blatant.


whoa, social security is the gold standard for a government program that is working? ouch. i hope you aren't depending on that for retirement, the money is going to be gone when we are old.


and G W has increased government spending, he's a hack

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Ya know... just screw him. Seriously, f*** you John McCain. This is really low, even for a dishonorable man like yourself. So much for that "civil" campaign you promised to run.


McCain To Obama: Welcome Home, Troop Hater


John McCain is welcoming Barack Obama back to America with a hard right cross.


The message of the Republican's new attack ad that debuted Saturday both perfects and makes more harsh a theme that his campaign has been developing for weeks: specifically, that the Illinois Democrat does not care about American troops. Drawing from Obama's one tactical misstep during his week-long trip abroad -- a canceled visit with wounded troops in Germany, the cause of which was a debate with the Pentagon over political propriety -- the McCain campaign nevertheless believes they have a useful new plot point at their disposal.



When viewed alongside the 900 days that elapsed between visits to Iraq, and his symbolic vote against one round of funding for the war, the McCain camp now hopes the canceled visit in Germany provides a three-act structure to their dramatic imagining of a conflict between Obama and the troops.


Of course, in one particular aspect, McCain's playwrights have resorted to wholesale fiction in order to craft their narrative. However complicated the issue of Obama's canceled troop visit has become, no one -- not the campaign, and not the Pentagon -- has cited a prohibition on "bring[ing] cameras" along with Obama as a reason for the trip's scuttling.


In another distortion that could be viewed as funny were it no so manipulative, McCain's video editor selected footage of Obama sinking a three-point shot to represent time spent at the gym instead of with troops. Of course, that footage was taken in Kuwait, not Germany, at an event for ... troops.


"John McCain is an honorable man who is running an increasingly dishonorable campaign," said Obama campaign spokesman Tommy Vietor in an email to reporters Saturday evening, adding: "Senator McCain knows full well that Senator Obama strongly supports and honors our troops, which is what makes this attack so disingenuous. Senator Obama was honored to meet with our men and women in uniform in Iraq and Afghanistan this week and has visited wounded soldiers at Walter Reed numerous times. This politicization of our soldiers is exactly what Senator Obama sought to avoid, and it's not worthy of Senator McCain or the 'civil' campaign he claimed he would run."


The Obama campaign also sent along an excerpt from the Congressional Record meant to embarrass McCain for his present tactics. In a floor speech from May 2007, the Arizona Republican said:

"How can we possibly find honor in using the fate of our servicemen to score political advantage in Washington? There is no pride to be had in such efforts. We are at war, a hard and challenging war, and we do no service for the best of us-those who fight and risk all on our behalf-by playing politics with their service."


Rhode Island Democrat Sen. Jack Reed responds to McCain's ad:

I was with Senator Obama last week as we met privately with troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Senator Obama listened to their concerns and expressed his gratitude for their service without press or fanfare. He cares for our troops deeply and has worked hard to give them not only the resources they need, but also honor their service with a clearly defined mission and by providing them with the support they have earned when they come home. And just as Senator McCain's support of President Bush's veto of funding for our troops doesn't mean he does not support them, neither does Senator Obama's insistence that we not give George Bush a blank check.


I'd expect this s*** form 527s and maybe even from the parties themselves, but by the candidates?


True Colors

McCain's new ad, which you can see here, is really beyond disgusting. At this point I think it's clear that honor really doesn't mean much to McCain. When things get tough, as it is in this election campaign, there's no limit to what he'll do.


His honor has now become non-existent. War hero my ass. Game on McCain. Game on you old fart.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 26, 2008 -> 07:04 PM)
Yawn. Standard GOP tactic, straight from the GOP playbook.

but... but... but... he's not a 3rd Bush term! He said so!


THat ad and the tone that John McCain has taken in the last 2+ weeks is RIGHT out of Karl Roves book. simple as that.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jul 26, 2008 -> 06:59 PM)
Ya know... just screw him. Seriously, f*** you John McCain. This is really low, even for a dishonorable man like yourself. So much for that "civil" campaign you promised to run.


McCain To Obama: Welcome Home, Troop Hater




I'd expect this s*** form 527s and maybe even from the parties themselves, but by the candidates?


True Colors



His honor has now become non-existent. War hero my ass. Game on McCain. Game on you old fart.



OH the f***ing OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is stupid, the whole thing.

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Once again: McCain Ad- Facts Need Not Apply

The McCain campaign is running a TV ad attacking Obama with statements that are literally true but paint an incomplete picture.


It says he "voted against funding our troops." He did – exactly once. Obama cast at least 10 votes for war-funding bills before voting against one last year, after Bush vetoed a version that contained a date for withdrawal from Iraq.


It says he "hasn't been to Iraq for years." He was headed there at the time the ad was released, however, and had been there in 2006.


It says he "never held a single hearing on Afghanistan." `It was the full Senate Foreign Relations Committee, not Obama's subcommittee, that had the hearings on this global hot spot, and Obama attended one of those. Over the same time period, McCain himself attended none of the Afghanistan hearings held by the Armed Services Committee on which he serves.

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Time Interview

Karen Tumulty: Was there anything that you saw on this trip that changed your mind? John McCain, as you know, is saying, "Well, he already knew what he was going to think before he got there."


Barack Obama: Well, I thought John also suggested that I'm always changing my mind, so he's got to make up his mind about what he says about my mind.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jul 10, 2008 -> 08:17 PM)
This may be one of the most awkward moments in political history...



I can almost see his mind turning and thinking "oh god. how have I voted? i dont know where i stand!"


UPDATE: Ed Rollins (a Republican Strategist) said that video is the most uncomfortable video he's ever seen in his 40 years in politics.


I know I'm pulling up an old post here, but I was thinking this morning about everything a campaign needs to keep straight, everything a candidate has to remember. And I thought of this. How many items does a Senator vote on? And, something like this was probably tacked onto a larger bill, with mutiple items.


The devil may be in the details, but let us give each candidate a fair look. When there are small slips of the tongue, or minor gaffs, let's not try and turn it into something way out of scale. Isn't the office of President at least importanr enough to not turn it into a trivia game? Seriously, did anyone here know there was even a vote on this?

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jul 26, 2008 -> 01:30 PM)
whoa, social security is the gold standard for a government program that is working? ouch. i hope you aren't depending on that for retirement, the money is going to be gone when we are old.


and G W has increased government spending, he's a hack


Imagine an America with starving old people living in the streets. If you can imagine that happening, then you can imagine not saving social security. If it comes down to saving, for example, The Iraqi people from or feeding our senior citizens, which do you think the politicians will opt for?


Still, I agree, retirement would be much nicer with a nest egg of your own, but to believe America will allow millions and millions of senior citizens to die in the streets, ain't going to happen.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 07:48 AM)
I know I'm pulling up an old post here, but I was thinking this morning about everything a campaign needs to keep straight, everything a candidate has to remember. And I thought of this. How many items does a Senator vote on? And, something like this was probably tacked onto a larger bill, with mutiple items.


It's not that he didnt know which bills he's voted for or against. I understand that you cant POSSIBLY remember everything about every bill. BUT, my argument is that he didnt know where he stood on the issue! You could see his head turning trying to not get caught.

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:o :o


Oil Industry Gushed Money To McCain After Drilling Flip

Campaign contributions from oil industry executives to Sen. John McCain rose dramatically in the last half of June, after the senator from Arizona made a high-profile split with environmentalists and reversed his opposition to the federal ban on offshore drilling.


Oil and gas industry executives and employees donated $1.1 million to McCain last month -- three-quarters of which came after his June 16 speech calling for an end to the ban -- compared with $116,000 in March, $283,000 in April and $208,000 in May.


Can't say I'm too surprised.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 06:58 AM)
Imagine an America with starving old people living in the streets. If you can imagine that happening, then you can imagine not saving social security. If it comes down to saving, for example, The Iraqi people from or feeding our senior citizens, which do you think the politicians will opt for?


Still, I agree, retirement would be much nicer with a nest egg of your own, but to believe America will allow millions and millions of senior citizens to die in the streets, ain't going to happen.

Just to reiterate...Social Security does not need saving. The bookkeeping trick that makes people say it needs saving is that initial social security benefits grow faster than the inflation rate. So, if you assume that the american worker won't get more productive with time to close the gap, and you look at a far enough time horizon, there will be a deficit because in the infinite time horizon Social Security will take up the entire American economy.


If you look at the projections...in the 2040's, when the program goes "Bankrupt", the average senior will be receiving a higher rate of benefits than they are today if nothing is changed at all.


Want to save something? Go after Medicare. The health care system is a disaster an order of magitude larger than any problem with OASDI, and it becomes a problem in a couple years instead of a couple decades.

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McCain really is suffering from old man forgetfulness:


John McCain made it clear today that he opposes a timetable for ending the war in Iraq. He also denied ever having used the word. Then tried to spin it:


STEPHANOPOULOS: You shouldn’t have used the word timetable.


MCCAIN: I didn’t use the word timetable. That I did — if I did…


STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, it’s a pretty good timetable.


MCCAIN: Oh, well, look. Anything is a good timetable that is dictated by conditions on the ground. Anything is good.



Later in the interview, McCain claimed he was right in his pre-war prediction that America would be “greeted as liberators.” “We were greeted as liberators,” McCain insisted.



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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 10:23 AM)
It's not that he didnt know which bills he's voted for or against. I understand that you cant POSSIBLY remember everything about every bill. BUT, my argument is that he didnt know where he stood on the issue! You could see his head turning trying to not get caught.


Are you suggesting that Obama would have made a snap decision based on the question "viagra is covered, so should contraception also be?" Because, personally, I'd want a President that understands the ramifications and issues before making a decision.


Read your response, "he can't possibly remember everything about every bill", yet you expect him to make a decision without remembering everything about the bill?


You will discover that as a Senator, and certainly as a President, there are very few simple decisions. If they were simple, they would have been made long before they reach this level. McCain, and Obama, are smart enough to know that, and smart enough to not articulate a policy position without all the facts.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 01:21 PM)
Are you suggesting that Obama would have made a snap decision based on the question "viagra is covered, so should contraception also be?" Because, personally, I'd want a President that understands the ramifications and issues before making a decision.

I think he would have known at least a base argument for or against. Enough to say, "this is very basic, but..." then later on give more detail after he had a chance to research it.


By the way, to this date, several weeks later, I have never heard if McCain ever got back to that reporter. He never answered it.


I can tell you right now that I believe birth control should be covered. I dont need to look back at my "voting record" to say that.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 02:27 PM)
I think he would have known at least a base argument for or against. Enough to say, "this is very basic, but..." then later on give more detail after he had a chance to research it.


By the way, to this date, several weeks later, I have never heard if McCain ever got back to that reporter. He never answered it.


I can tell you right now that I believe birth control should be covered. I dont need to look back at my "voting record" to say that.


So as President you wouldn't even bother to know the other side of the argument? Wow.


And since *you* never heard an answer McCain never got back to the reporter? :lolhitting nice stretch.

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WOW! McCain is getting really desperate:


McCain Spokesman: Obama Hasn't Visited Mexico City!

Following Obama's trip abroad, it looked like the McCain campaign had lost a key talking point about Obama's failure to visit Iraq and Afghanistan recently enough.


But have no fear. Here's McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds on CNN today:

In fact, [Obama'
] never met with Pre
ident Uribe in Colombia, a
John McCain ha
. He ha
till yet to ta
e a trip to Mexico City to have tho
e meeting

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 01:58 PM)
WOW! McCain is getting really desperate:


McCain Spokesman: Obama Hasn't Visited Mexico City!

WOW! Obama's s*** doesn't stink, and he doesn't break a sweat!




McCain and his campaign breathed through his nose yesterday, causing Athomeboy_2000 to exclaim, "McCain breathed after swearing in a 1999 video he wouldn't breathe through his nose on July 27, 2008, so he HAS TO BE A LIAR!!!!"




It's seriously laughable.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 03:29 PM)
in a 1999 video

Speaking of the late 90s:

ABC News' Teddy Davis and Kevin Kilbane Report: During a "This Week" interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos John McCain reversed himself on affirmative action and endorsed for the first time a proposed state ballot measure which would end race and gender-based affirmative action in his home state of Arizona.


"I support it," McCain declared when asked about the referendum. "I do not believe in quotas... I have not seen the details of some of these proposals. But I’ve always opposed quotas."


McCain has long opposed quotas but his new support for ending affirmative action programs which stop short of quotas puts him at odds not only with Democratic rival Barack Obama but also with the Arizona senator's own views in 1998.


Back then, when the legislature in McCain's home state of Arizona considered sending the voters a measure to end affirmative action, McCain spoke out against it calling it "divisive."


The hits just a keep on a playin'

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