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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates announced this afternoon that the Pentagon has decided to lift the complete ban on video and photos of the return of the war dead to US soil.


Now, it will be up to the families of the service members killed in Iraq and Afghanistan whether to allow such media coverage.


At his daily briefing, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said, "The president asked that the secretary of defense review our policy toward media and photos at Dover air base for victims returning of -- from Iraq and Afghanistan. And what the...president supports is a policy consistent with that that we have at Arlington cemetery, which allows at the families position for that to be open, which allows them to make that decision and protect their privacy if that's what they wish to do."

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3 weeks or so ago when the gov't dropped their charges against Nashiri I had a friend who was flipping out (fortunately he's smarter than the average not-that-bright American who reads "let out of prison" when they see "dropped charges") and screaming about how liberals hate America and such. I kind of had to talk him off the ledge. You know something though... There are probably about 20 or 30 people sitting in GTMO right now that any self-respecting US attorney would kill to prosecute. You get your hands on a case like Nashiri, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah etc. that's like an automatic judgeship.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 26, 2009 -> 03:52 PM)
You get your hands on a case like Nashiri, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah etc. that's like an automatic judgeship.

The problem is you have to figure out what to do with the ones who've had their testicles repeatedly sliced with a scalpel.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 26, 2009 -> 08:10 PM)
The problem is you have to figure out what to do with the ones who've had their testicles repeatedly sliced with a scalpel.

Truthfully I wish we could just take some of these guys out back and shoot them unceremoniously. I know that's not practical though.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 02:18 AM)
Truthfully I wish we could just take some of these guys out back and shoot them unceremoniously. I know that's not practical though.


come on lost. You need a ceremony.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 12:02 PM)
come on lost. You need a ceremony.

It'd be pretty bad ass if I could just take KSM out back, plug him in the back of the head a couple times, then toss him in a ditch, then like 6 months later people start talking about him and someone says "oh yeah someone shot him in the head, that's over"


Just the kind of attention he deserves. Of course I know this is the real world unfortunately. :(

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 09:22 AM)
It'd be pretty bad ass if I could just take KSM out back, plug him in the back of the head a couple times, then toss him in a ditch, then like 6 months later people start talking about him and someone says "oh yeah someone shot him in the head, that's over"


Just the kind of attention he deserves. Of course I know this is the real world unfortunately. :(

As a great speaker once said, I want us to do the right things in these cases, "Not because they are easy but because they are hard."

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"Tonight, we tell America: we know the past, we know we did wrong. My bad," said Steele. "But we go forward in appreciation of the values that brought us to this point."


But Steele rejected the idea that the recent elections meant the ideological ground had shifted. "I am here tonight to reject the idea that defeats of the past are a repudiation of core conservative values and principles," he said. "Nor do I believe that those defeats are a sign of things to come."


And check out this latest development in Steele's campaign to create a hip-hop image for the GOP. Michele Bachmann praised Steele's speech: "Michael Steele! You be da man! You be da man."


And no, this is not from The Onion.

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Does this go in the Dem thread or the Rep thread given the whole nomination/withdrawal thing?


Somehow, I just wonder if there wasn't a call or two placed related to this story and the withdrawal part. Either this story driving the withdrawal or his withdrawal pissing someone off enough to leak it.

President Barack Obama's former nominee to become commerce secretary, Republican Sen. Judd Gregg, steered taxpayer money to his home state's redevelopment of a former Air Force base even as he and his brother engaged in real estate deals there, an Associated Press investigation found.


Gregg, R-N.H., has personally invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in Cyrus Gregg's office projects at the Pease International Tradeport, a Portsmouth business park built at the defunct Pease Air Force Base, once home to nuclear bombers. Judd Gregg has collected at least $240,017 to $651,801 from his investments there, Senate records show, while helping to arrange at least $66 million in federal aid for the former base.


Gregg said he violated no laws or Senate rules. In a statement Friday, he said that all the federal money he steered to Pease had been requested by the National Guard, the city of Portsmouth or its mayor or other public officials "and did not involve my initiative but only my support of the requests."


But the senator's mixture of personal and professional business would have been difficult to square with President Barack Obama's campaign promise to impose greater transparency and integrity over federal budget earmarks — funding for lawmakers' pet projects. Gregg said that during his consideration for the Cabinet job, the White House did not know about his Pease earmarks, although the administration knew about his investments at Pease.


Under new Senate ethics rules, Gregg had to certify that federal aid he directed to specific projects was not intended solely to enrich him or his immediate family, including siblings. Senators are also supposed to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest, though the Senate Ethics Committee seldom investigates or disciplines senators when questions are raised about their activities.


"I am absolutely sure that in every way I've complied with the ethics rules of the Senate both literally and in their spirit relative to any investment that I've made anywhere," Gregg told the AP. "These earmarks do not benefit me in any way, shape, manner financially, personally or in any other manner other than the fact that I'm a citizen of New Hampshire."

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Couldnt decide if this goes in the Republican thread or not, but I decided to post it here because it's another example of the GOP implosion:


Jim Bunning Threatens To Resign From Senate To Hurt GOP

The Louisville Courier-Journal has another bombshell about Sen. Jim Bunning, the embattled Republican who is increasingly going rogue in an effort to hold onto his seat.


In recent weeks, Senate Republican leaders have walked right up to the edge of declaring open war on Bunning. Minority Leader (and fellow Kentucky senator) Mitch McConnell and others reportedly believe Bunning is likely to lose his reelection race in 2010, and so are trying to nudge him into retirement by sending signals that the party establishment will not back him.


Bunning has responded aggressively, threatening to sue the Senate Republicans' campaign arm if it doesn't fully back his reelection.


And now the latest: Bunning "reportedly said privately that if he is hindered in raising money for his re-election campaign he is ready with a response that would be politically devastating for Senate Republicans: his resignation."

y Republican
ted that po
cenario at a campaign fundrai
er for him on Capitol Hill earlier thi
, according to three
who a
ed not to be identified becau
e of the politically
itive nature of Bunning'


The implication, they
aid, wa
that Bunning would allow
y Gov.
teve Be
hear, a Democrat, to appoint hi
replacement -- a move that could give Democrat
the 60 vote
they need to bloc
Republican filibu
in the


"I would get the la
t laugh. Don't forget
y ha
a Democrat governor," one of the
quoted Bunning a


"The only logical exten
ion of that comment i
, '(Ma
e me mad) ... enough and I'll re
ign, and then you've got 60 Democrat
,' "
aid another
ource who wa
ent at the event.

Read the full story here.


A Democratic Senate aide told the Huffington Post's Ryan Grim: "Bunning has always been a loose cannon. It's just surprising that Mitch McConnell decided to light a match so close to him. With only 41 Republicans left, you'd think they'd be a little more careful not to actively alienate members of the caucus."


Another shinning example of Steele's new "walk the line, or we kick your ass out" mentality.

Michelle Buckman added: "Mitch McConnell... You da man! you da man!!"

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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