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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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hahaha, GO MISSOURI!!!


anyways, can we fit every American politician with a muzzle that when they speak into it it comes out British, I was captivated as hell when Tony Blair came to speak to us, and here is Gordon Brown making me wet...god damn these Brits.

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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 3, 2009 -> 02:50 PM)
As much as people like Rush Limbaugh HATE to admit it, the GOP cannot sustain any sort of relelvant power without gaining moderate votes. And as long as the GOP caters to Rush Limbaugh, they will not win the moderate vote. There are simply too many moderate voters (like me, and I hate to speak for anybody, but I feel safe in doing it here) who realize that Rush Limbaugh is a dumb hack and will not stand to listen to his nonsense. It is pathetic that he is the most powerful and relevant voice in the GOP right now, but that really is the case at the moment and it's sad to see the party has fallen that far.

I'm lapping it up as a democrat,with Rush as their leader,they've given up the middle to us and as long as they listen to divisive idiots like Limbaugh,Hannity,Coulter,Malkin etc.,and nominate the likes of Palin,they're gonna keep on losing.There are a lot more votes in the middle than on the right or left fringe.I'm having a blast watching them self destruct,lol.

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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 08:53 AM)
I'm lapping it up as a democrat,with Rush as their leader,they've given up the middle to us and as long as they listen to divisive idiots like Limbaugh,Hannity,Coulter,Malkin etc.,and nominate the likes of Palin,they're gonna keep on losing.There are a lot more votes in the middle than on the right or left fringe.I'm having a blast watching them self destruct,lol.


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 3, 2009 -> 03:15 PM)
Rush Limbaugh polls lower in national polling than George W. Bush.


If people like Rush Limbaugh run the GOP, it is simply going to turn into a geographically specific regional party. It will be able to get votes in the southeast, Texas, Utah, and some parts of the midwest/great plains, but that's it. Some might argue that's already happened with how the GOP does in big cities, but it will only get worse if the party keeps moving further to the right.

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Actually I'm starting to think it's better for honest-to-god conservatives if the GOP would just die, and a new party was formed based off libertarian principles and a more modest social conservative platform. I honestly think that could gain some traction and it would do better than the current party, and be more relevant.

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I don't understand the Republicans with this 'Obama must fail'


I don't understand that, they could just say, we understand that something needs to be done to jumpstart the economy, we believe it can be done with tax cuts and giving businesses more incentives. We understand and hope that the spending of the Obama administration will work, as any spending will create more jobs, but we feel it is irresponsible and beyond the role of the government to commit those jobs."



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QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 02:34 PM)
I don't understand the Republicans with this 'Obama must fail'


I don't understand that, they could just say, we understand that something needs to be done to jumpstart the economy, we believe it can be done with tax cuts and giving businesses more incentives. We understand and hope that the spending of the Obama administration will work, as any spending will create more jobs, but we feel it is irresponsible and beyond the role of the government to commit those jobs."

There are plenty of Republicans saying that though... but you know it's the bats*** outspoken types that get the attention.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 01:34 PM)
I don't understand the Republicans with this 'Obama must fail'


I don't understand that, they could just say, we understand that something needs to be done to jumpstart the economy, we believe it can be done with tax cuts and giving businesses more incentives. We understand and hope that the spending of the Obama administration will work, as any spending will create more jobs, but we feel it is irresponsible and beyond the role of the government to commit those jobs."


Hoping something will fail because it doesn't jive with your beliefs is in my opinion almost the definition of counter productive. Rush Limbaugh and his friends hoping Obama will fail because they don't agree with his policies is like me hoping the White Sox are a mediocre, .500 team this year because that is what I think they are. Obviously the White Sox aren't as important as Obama or even close, but it's the same concept they are playing here. It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face, sometimes it's just better to be wrong. I'd rather be wrong about the White Sox and see them win the World Series, and although I don't agree with a lot of Obama's economic ideas, I'd rather see them work because it's better for the country. Not a hard concept to grasp. Disagreeing is ok, but hoping for failure is just stupid.

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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 11:39 AM)
Hoping something will fail because it doesn't jive with your beliefs is in my opinion almost the definition of counter productive. Rush Limbaugh and his friends hoping Obama will fail because they don't agree with his policies is like me hoping the White Sox are a mediocre, .500 team this year because that is what I think they are. Obviously the White Sox aren't as important as Obama or even close, but it's the same concept they are playing here. It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face, sometimes it's just better to be wrong. I'd rather be wrong about the White Sox and see them win the World Series, and although I don't agree with a lot of Obama's economic ideas, I'd rather see them work because it's better for the country. Not a hard concept to grasp. Disagreeing is ok, but hoping for failure is just stupid.

The problem with that metaphor is...if the White Sox fail this season, it doesn't drag down the other 30 teams in MLB with them. If people lose their jobs, it drags other people down with them.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 03:13 PM)
The problem with that metaphor is...if the White Sox fail this season, it doesn't drag down the other 30 teams in MLB with them. If people lose their jobs, it drags other people down with them.

You took his analogy too literally.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 11:36 AM)
There are plenty of Republicans saying that though... but you know it's the bats*** outspoken types that get the attention.

Slight disagreement. There are a decent number of Republicans contesting the "I hope he fails" point of view. The problem is, the day after they disagree with that point of view, they're calling in to Limbaugh's show to apologize.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 12:14 PM)
You took his analogy too literally.

I think it's an important point though. If you're rooting for the stimulus plan to fail because you're a Republican, then you're rooting for things that will hurt yourself as well. If the economy drags downwards for years, it's going to hurt everyone. In baseball, someone has to win. That doesn't have to happen in economics; everyone can lose (See: October 1929-March 4, 1933)

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Since it might come up again in a few years when Mt. Rainier buries Seattle under a Lahar and some of us point out that we shouldn't have dismantled all of our volcano monitoring equipment, the President nominated a new FEMA director today.

President Obama plans to nominate Craig Fugate, director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management, as the next administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the White House said Wednesday.



"From his experience as a first responder to his strong leadership as Florida's emergency manager, Craig has what it takes to help us improve our preparedness, response and recovery efforts, and I can think of no one better to lead FEMA," Obama said in a statement.


"I'm confident that Craig is the right person for the job and will ensure that the failures of the past are never repeated."


In October 2001, Gov. Jeb Bush appointed Fugate as director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management. Gov. Charlie Crist reappointed him in December 2006. During his tenure, Fugate has coordinated the state's response to 11 major disasters.


Fugate received significant national exposure in a series of news conferences when hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne hit Florida in 2004.


"[We are] very glad that someone of Craig's expertise and experience has been nominated," said Karen Cobuluis, a spokeswoman for the National Emergency Management Association. "He is imminently qualified to hold this position."

No word yet on whether or not he'll be able to improve our relationships with horse-trading associations.
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 03:14 PM)
Slight disagreement. There are a decent number of Republicans contesting the "I hope he fails" point of view. The problem is, the day after they disagree with that point of view, they're calling in to Limbaugh's show to apologize.

That's a different point though. There's pretty much no excuse for that. Have some f***ing nuts.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 02:13 PM)
The problem with that metaphor is...if the White Sox fail this season, it doesn't drag down the other 30 teams in MLB with them. If people lose their jobs, it drags other people down with them.


Well yeah, that's why I said it's a loose analogy and that what happens to the White Sox is nowhere near as important as what happens to the economy. My basic point still stands though, which is you can't be so arrogant as to hope you are right and find the accuracy of your own opinion to be more important than what is best for your country (or in the sake of the White Sox and my opinion, I don't find my opinion more important than what makes me happy, which is White Sox success, so I'd rather be wrong.) Don't take the analogy too literally or think it through too hard because I'm not as smart as you are. (sad but true.)

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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He really does think he's the head of the GOP... he has the ability to demand a debate:

Limbaugh Challenges Obama To A Debate

To loosely quote the puppet Lamb Chop, 'This is the media story that never ends... it goes on and on my friend'. And Rush Limbaugh is doing a great job of extending it and ensnaring everyone on network television, including the White House press office. We're guilty too, since I'm about to post Rush's latest challenge to the President. This time he doesn't want the President to fail, but he does want to debate him. He even made up an invite for the Commander-in-Chief.


Read an excerpt from Rush's radio transcript below:

But I have an idea. If the
e guy
o impre
ed with them
, and if they are
ure of their correctne
, why doe
n't Pre
ident Obama come on my
how? We will do a one-on-one debate of idea
and policie
. Now, hi
people in thi
tory, it'
on the record. They're claiming they wanted me all along. They wanted me to be the focu
of attention.
o let'
have the debate! I am offering Pre
ident Obama to come on thi
program -- without
, without a teleprompter, without note card
-- to debate me on the i
. Let'
about free mar
government control. Let'
about nationalizing health care and rai
ing taxe
mall bu


about the New Deal ver
. Let'
about clo
ing Guantanamo Bay, and let'
ending $900 million to Hama
. Let'
about illegal immigration and the lawle
on the border
. Let'
about ma
ive deficit
and the de
troying of opportunitie
of future generation
. Let'
about ACORN, community agitator
, and the union
that repre
ent the government employee
which pour million
of dollar
into your campaign, Pre
ident Obama. Let'
about your elimination of
chool choice for minority
in the Di
trict of Columbia. Let'
about your effort
to further reduce dome
tic drilling and refining of oil. Let'
about your
et. By the way, Mr. Pre
ident, I want to help. Ye
terday you
aid you loo
ed at the
et a
no different than a trac
ing poll that goe
up and down.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 02:32 PM)
Since it might come up again in a few years when Mt. Rainier buries Seattle under a Lahar and some of us point out that we shouldn't have dismantled all of our volcano monitoring equipment, the President nominated a new FEMA director today.

No word yet on whether or not he'll be able to improve our relationships with horse-trading associations.

How novel. A FEMA director who actually has a background in Emergency Management. Who'd have thunk it.


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The level of awesomeness in this video is quite high. It involved the Brown haired guy who's not Steve Doocy using the phrase "Bacteria on my ball!"




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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 03:31 PM)
He really does think he's the head of the GOP... he has the ability to demand a debate:

Limbaugh Challenges Obama To A Debate

The nerve on this a-hole to think the president is gonna debate this drug addicted radio pimp,like Obama doesn't have anything else better to do...just send Thom Hartman or Paul Kruggman to school this fat boy on how Reagan's voodoo economics started the shrinking of America's middle class which has brought us to this point where the disparity between the richest 2% of our country to the rest of society is the widest since the great depression.

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Just in case you people don't get it (which obviously most don't because of the responses) it's called mocking the people who made him the "head of the GOP". He's not serious, but he is at the same time... if the president takes him up on it (which is obvious he won't).


Mex, lay off the personal shots. I don't care for Limbaugh, either, but that stuff's over the top.

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Continuing with the Stewart was absolute money last night theme, the Daily Show hits on the "DJIA as an arbiter of Presidential performance" metric.


I'm a big fan of how the DJIA did not like the end of WWII.


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What a classy gentleman:

On his radio show Friday, Rush Limbaugh suggested that Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) would be dead by the time health care reform legislation passes. "Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy memorial health care bill," the talk show host says. He says President Obama has moved on to health care because he can't solve the economic crisis.


Kennedy was at the Senate Thursday for President Obama's health care summit, where he made an impassioned plea for universal care.


Quick Editorial: I love Limbuagh's comments about how Obam is doing this to shift away from the economic mess that he hasnt solved yet. He dumbass, ever think Health care is PART of that problem? What else should he do? Another stimulus? You'd rip him for it. Remove every tax on every American and business? You'd rip him for the government spending money it didnt collect and raising our children's future taxes. Green Energy, HealthCare, Stimulus, Education... it's ALL tied together.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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I don't have an opinion on this yet, but this is some food for thought. The Obama team's ban on lobbyists is making it fairly hard for the Obama campaign to find good people. Especially in the Treasury Department, which is a little busy right now for some reason and is very much understaffed.

Barack Obama made no secret of his feelings for "Washington lobbyists" during the campaign and vowed that they wouldn't be staffing his White House.


The implementation of that rule, however, has led to a number of consequences that Obama could never have intended. Eliminating lobbyists from consideration drains the pool of progressive talent that the White House needs at a time when agencies and departments are severely understaffed. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, for instance, barely has any deputies as the economy continues to spiral out of control.


Lobbyists who for years have fought for workers' rights, environmental protection, human rights, pay-equity for women, consumer protection and other items on the Obama agenda have found the doors to the White House HR department slammed shut. In the past, several progressive lobbyists explained, there was no reason not to register if there was a slim chance that the law might require it. Obama's new policy changes the calculus, leading folks to deregister as federal lobbyists or consider other employment while they wait out the policy's required two-year separation from lobbying.


"There is now a cottage industry of deregistration. Everyone who can deregister is deregistering," said one public-interest advocate. He said that he spends too much of his time lobbying and so can't make the deregistration argument for himself. Instead, he's considering leaving his job to wait out the two years.

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