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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 10:58 AM)
How is FOx still a real news organization? Something like this seems to happen a few times each week...


Fox News Mislabels Dem Strategist As Bush's FEMA Director



In an environment where so many competent people in the research and production tiers of media are getting laid off and replaced by interns, if at all, this sort of thing is bound to happen more often. Especially when they are buying Glenn Beck his Doom Rooms



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RNC: Did We Mention Our New Media Director Is A Christian?

You might get the feeling that Michael Steele is going out of his way to please the religious right -- to the point of really laying it on thick -- in the wake of his flap over abortion.


The RNC just sent out a press release announcing the appointment of former Microsoft executive Todd Herman as the RNC's new media director. This is a key part of Steele's efforts to get the Republican Party tuned in to digital media and its place in modern politics.


Now take a look at the very last sentence: "He currently lives in Washington State, where he works at his most important roles: Christian, husband and father."

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 02:41 PM)




oh wait...




Today, Greg Sargent posted a brochure which the Obama campaign is distributing in South Carolina which seem to include religious appeals at least as overt and explicit as anything Huckabee has done. The center page of the brochure proclaims -- in the largest letters on the page -- that Obama is a "COMMITTED CHRISTIAN," and includes three pictures of Obama, all of which show him praying or preaching in a Church






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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 02:54 PM)

the difference being that the Obama campaign had to actively fight against the "he's a Muslim" thing that was being pushed by... members of the GOP!

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 03:03 PM)
the difference being that the Obama campaign had to actively fight against the "he's a Muslim" thing that was being pushed by... members of the GOP!


oh well than it's completely acceptable. the evil Republicans made him do it



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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 03:04 PM)
oh well than it's completely acceptable. the evil Republicans made him do it



no no. THe point I was trying to make was that he had to fight this stereo type, so sometimes you have to go over the top with it.


When it comes to this new media director, it just seemed so totally random and completely pandering to the base. "Wait... ignore what our leader said... not Rush, that other guy... ummm... you know who he is... said about abortion... ignore that he's taking money from unions... look! This guy's a christian!"

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 03:05 PM)
Aren't you the same person that laughed at me about using salon.com to make a point?


I hand picked a liberally biased source for you; tried to be accommodating.


If you notice at the end of the article the author scurries, backtracks, and defends Obama. He realized he needed to stay with DNC talking points



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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 03:07 PM)
no no. THe point I was trying to make was that he had to fight this stereo type, so sometimes you have to go over the top with it.


When it comes to this new media director, it just seemed so totally random and completely pandering to the base. "Wait... ignore what our leader said... not Rush, that other guy... ummm... you know who he is... said about abortion... ignore that he's taking money from unions... look! This guy's a christian!"


They were both pandering to Christain voters. This is nothing new in politics. Even *gasp* Obama does it.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 03:18 PM)
Colin Powell actually asked that.


Good, he should have.


Obama played the Christain thing well. First he went out of his way to pander to Christian voters.


Then segments of his campaign would tell the secularists "don't worry, he's just doing it because the evil Republicans made him do it". and that was an acceptable answer for them.


win win for Obama.


Then Obama pandered again to Christain groups when he selected some big mega church guy to do his invocation. So he is just playing both sides of the fence, which really isn't that unusual.

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Ladies and gentlemen, the future of the Republican Party...


With Monday's massive volcano eruption in Alaska likely to leave Anchorage and Gov. Sarah Palin's hometown covered in ash, a Democratic strategist sends over the reminder that just a month and a half ago, another up-and-coming Republican star, Gov. Bobby Jindal, mocked the very notion of volcano monitoring.


Speaking in the non-State of the Union rebuttal, the Louisiana Republican said that instead of spending $140 million "for something called 'volcano monitoring,'" Congress "should be monitoring is the eruption of spending in Washington, D.C."


It was a comment not well received among geological experts and one that now seems to pit Jindal against Palin on a minor but important spending provision.


Then and now, the U.S. Geological Survey, which will receive the stimulus money for volcano monitoring, had been keeping track of several active volcanoes across the Pacific Northwest, Hawaii and, of course, Alaska.


And the agency's efforts seemed to pay off. As early as February 6, indeed, residents of cities near Mt. Redoubt were preparing for a volcano eruption because of information gleaned from early monitoring systems. As reported by USA Today, taxicab drivers were replacing air filters more frequently and local citizens began purchasing dust masks and preparing to be stuck inside their homes for lengthy periods of time.


Many Alaskans took issue with Jindal's comment, the Anchorage Daily News reported. "Of course Alaskans want to know if a volcano is going to blow," a Palin press aide told the paper.


A call to Governor Jindal's office for comment was not returned.





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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 03:44 PM)
Ladies and gentlemen, the future of the Republican Party...





He, and the Republicans generally, are attacking the pork/spending thing the wrong way. Their base point, that this tack-on spending is problematic and wasteful, is correct. But by picking certain individual spending items and mocking them, when many may in fact be important and useful, makes them look like buffoons.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 03:51 PM)
He, and the Republicans generally, are attacking the pork/spending thing the wrong way. Their base point, that this tack-on spending is problematic and wasteful, is correct. But by picking certain individual spending items and mocking them, when many may in fact be important and useful, makes them look like buffoons.

I think it's a lack of focus... or maybe better explained as a pandering to the lowest common denominator kind of thing. Let me try and explain this because I dont think either of those are the words / description I am looking for.


Basically, the idea is to cut wasteful spending. And both parties tend to favor that, but they define "waste" differently. Now, the GOP has taken the road of basically mocking any "pork" or "earmarks" as wasteful. When in fact, what they are probably trying to do is call the act of last second earmarks as being wrong (which I agree), but their collateral damage is that the way they attack these things is by calling all the projects themselves wasteful.


When i say they are "pandering to the lowest common denominator" what I mean is they are trying SO hard to demonize earmarks and last second inserts, that they are blasting them all as wasteful in an attempt to gain grassroots support to diminish the role of government. And by doing so, they actually hurt the legitimacy of important projects.


Does that make any sense? I hope so. I think it's really more of a bad tactics thing.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 04:38 PM)
I think it's a lack of focus... or maybe better explained as a pandering to the lowest common denominator kind of thing. Let me try and explain this because I dont think either of those are the words / description I am looking for.


Basically, the idea is to cut wasteful spending. And both parties tend to favor that, but they define "waste" differently. Now, the GOP has taken the road of basically mocking any "pork" or "earmarks" as wasteful. When in fact, what they are probably trying to do is call the act of last second earmarks as being wrong (which I agree), but their collateral damage is that the way they attack these things is by calling all the projects themselves wasteful.


When i say they are "pandering to the lowest common denominator" what I mean is they are trying SO hard to demonize earmarks and last second inserts, that they are blasting them all as wasteful in an attempt to gain grassroots support to diminish the role of government. And by doing so, they actually hurt the legitimacy of important projects.


Does that make any sense? I hope so. I think it's really more of a bad tactics thing.

Neither party favors cutting wasteful spending, and that is problem number 1. Part of that is the reality of their position as representatives of their districts and states, part of it is a problem that the framers didn't account for well, and part of it is the ability of Congress to rely on the lack of knowledge of the majority of the voting public.


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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 05:38 PM)
I think it's a lack of focus... or maybe better explained as a pandering to the lowest common denominator kind of thing. Let me try and explain this because I dont think either of those are the words / description I am looking for.


Basically, the idea is to cut wasteful spending. And both parties tend to favor that, but they define "waste" differently. Now, the GOP has taken the road of basically mocking any "pork" or "earmarks" as wasteful. When in fact, what they are probably trying to do is call the act of last second earmarks as being wrong (which I agree), but their collateral damage is that the way they attack these things is by calling all the projects themselves wasteful.


When i say they are "pandering to the lowest common denominator" what I mean is they are trying SO hard to demonize earmarks and last second inserts, that they are blasting them all as wasteful in an attempt to gain grassroots support to diminish the role of government. And by doing so, they actually hurt the legitimacy of important projects.


Does that make any sense? I hope so. I think it's really more of a bad tactics thing.

It's marketing. They just want to be able to re-position themselves as the party of fiscal responsibility and whatnot, but they're in a position where they don't have to worry about actually pushing any real legislation for a while. Mr. G actually said this not too long ago, but the dumbed-down bumper sticker type of thing works.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 04:38 PM)
I think it's a lack of focus... or maybe better explained as a pandering to the lowest common denominator kind of thing. Let me try and explain this because I dont think either of those are the words / description I am looking for.


Basically, the idea is to cut wasteful spending. And both parties tend to favor that, but they define "waste" differently. Now, the GOP has taken the road of basically mocking any "pork" or "earmarks" as wasteful. When in fact, what they are probably trying to do is call the act of last second earmarks as being wrong (which I agree), but their collateral damage is that the way they attack these things is by calling all the projects themselves wasteful.


When i say they are "pandering to the lowest common denominator" what I mean is they are trying SO hard to demonize earmarks and last second inserts, that they are blasting them all as wasteful in an attempt to gain grassroots support to diminish the role of government. And by doing so, they actually hurt the legitimacy of important projects.


Does that make any sense? I hope so. I think it's really more of a bad tactics thing.

This is a pretty good thought. The tactics of both parties is really bad on this.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 03:51 PM)
He, and the Republicans generally, are attacking the pork/spending thing the wrong way. Their base point, that this tack-on spending is problematic and wasteful, is correct. But by picking certain individual spending items and mocking them, when many may in fact be important and useful, makes them look like buffoons.


As far as I'm concerned, Jindal is a buffoon. This just adds another piece to the stack of evidence.

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